Breast-Feeding: GOD'S FAMILY PLANNING p.20 by Marilyn Medvidik Greene, copyright 1994 WHEN MY HUSBAND AND I were first married, we were contracepting Catholics. Because of health problems with contraceptives, however, we later switched to natural family planning (NFP), but I still felt that there was nothing wrong with artificial contraception. I had a mental block that went like this: women will naturally have babies about once a year. But, having a baby once a year can damage a woman's health, even shorten her life. Therefore, contraception is necessary because God goofed in making women so fertile. Three children and a great deal more research and experience later, I can state that God did not goof. He has marvelously designed the woman's body to space children naturally, giving each child more of the mother's individual attention, and giving her body time to regain health between pregnancies. He did this through breast-feeding. How breast-feeding prevents pregnancy Once a child is born, the breasts begin to make colostrum; later, they produce regular breast milk. If this milk is not needed - for example, if the mother bottle-feeds, or the baby is stillborn - how would the body know? The answer is: there would be no baby sucking at the breast. The sucking not only tells the body to produce milk; the quantity of milk produced is governed by how much the baby sucks. The baby's sucking sends messages to the pituitary gland, which controls the functioning of the ovaries. When the baby sucks frequently, the pituitary gland keeps the ovaries in a state of rest. As the baby grows older and nurses less frequency, the ovaries begin cranking up to ovulate again. Eventually, depending on the woman's physical makeup and the amount her baby still nurses, the cycle of ovulation and menstruation will begin again. Not all breast-feeding suppresses ovulation The reason breast-feeding is not well recognized as a means of spacing babies is because of how we breast-feed in Western cultures. Let me explain by giving some recent history. Breast-feeding almost disappeared in the Western world. In fact, even before the advent of bottle-feeding, women who breast-fed did so more briefly than their forebears. With the Industrial Revolution, some women were working outside the home and thus weaning early. New child-care philosophies advocated early potty-training and weaning, and central heating permitted babies to sleep in their own rooms, previously impossible in cold climates. So when breast-feeding was reborn, women who breast-fed followed the pattern of bottle-feeding: feedings on schedule, discouraging the baby from night feeding, and early weaning. Such breast-feeding may briefly delay the return to fertility. Breast-feeding that suppresses ovulation, however, also known as "ecological breast-feeding," requires feeding on demand, nursing at night, no bottles on the side or early introduction of solids, and allowing the baby to wean more at his or her own pace. Such breast-feeding not only is good for the baby and the mother-baby relationship, it also provides the frequent suckling that inhibits ovulation. At a conference in Bellagio, Italy, researchers reviewed 13 studies from eight countries, and reported in 1989 that when a mother fully or nearly fully breast-feeds and has amenorrhea (no return of menstrual cycles), breast-feeding provides more than 98% protection from pregnancy in the first six months postpartum. The Couple to Couple League has found that a woman in the U.S. or Canada who breast-feeds frequently and without early supplements will experience 12 to 16 months of amenorrhea. Breast-feeding affects women differently As in all matters of fertility, women differ. Some women find they are infertile, and other women have such severe difficulties with breast-feeding that they cannot do it. For those who can, 12 to 16 months of infertility while breast-feeding is the average for many women. Some women find it impossible to become pregnant even when their child is nursing only once a day. At the other end of the scale, some women find that ecological breast-feeding does little to suppress ovulation. However, these are both rare cases. In some instances where breast-feeding has had no effect on ovulation, nutritional counseling has effected a cure. This demonstrates that an early return to fertility is actually a malfunctioning of the body, rather than the way God intended our bodies to work. Breast-feeding's place in NFP Breast-feeding can provide parents with a natural, divinely designed way to space their children. But what if a couple has a serious reason to delay the birth of the next child, or to prevent pregnancy altogether? This is where breast-feeding fits into NFP. For those unfamiliar with NFP, here is a brief description. Each woman's body follows a cycle as it prepares for ovulation (the ripening and then expulsion of an egg from an ovary), then awaits a signal that an egg has been fertilized and, if it receives no signal, begins menstruation. These signals - the most useful of which are body temperature and cervical mucus - can be observed and noted on a chart. While such signs vary from woman to woman and even month to month, by charting these facts each day, a husband and wife can recognize a pattern that helps them avoid or seek pregnancy. While NFP is natural in that no drugs or devices interfere with the body's normal functioning, it doesn't come naturally, but has to be learned. While the way NFP works is very scientific (my engineer husband was deeply impressed during our first classes), and its effectiveness has been proven in many studies, actually using NFP is considered an art. Since each woman's cycle is different, it can take several months of using NFP before a couple becomes used to her cycles, and for them to know what guidelines work best for them. NFP during breast-feeding tends to exemplify the art: as fertility returns, a woman's signs of fertility will first be random, then increase until her first postpartum menstrual period occurs. Pregnancy before that first period is uncommon but can occur; thus a couple wishing to avoid pregnancy must observe the woman's fertility signs, and follow NFP guidelines. A couple using only breast-feeding to space children can simply skip charting, and let nature take its course. The theology of breast-feeding While several Popes have spoken on the goodness of breast-feeding both by itself and in connection with NFP, to my knowledge no denomination has a theological statement on breast-feeding. Every woman's family situation is different, and there are many factors that go into a decision on whether and how long to breast-feed. Two conclusions can be drawn, however. First, bottle-feeding parents, or breast-feeding parents who follow bottle-feeding patterns, need not assume that it is God's will for them to have a baby every year. God does work through nature to accomplish His will, and if we circumvent nature's breast-feeding by bottle-feeding we have stepped outside natural patterns. God can certainly work through our circumstances, natural or not; but when He has provided a natural means of delaying pregnancy and we do not use it, how can we positively assume that He desires another immediate pregnancy? A bottle-feeding mother and father particularly need to prayerfully consider God's will concerning their family's size. Second, the fact that ecological breast-feeding naturally spaces babies is, to my mind, another strong argument for its use. Breast-feeding has been celebrated over the past two decades for many things, such as increased immunity against disease, easier mother-baby bonding, superior nutrition, and improved dental health. As its role in NFP, now better understood thanks to research over the past few years, becomes common knowledge, the value of both breast-feeding and natural family planning is increased. This is more good news about God's provision for our needs - news that the world needs to hear. For more information contact: The Couple to Couple League P.O. Box 111184 Cincinnati, OH 45211-1184 (513) 661-7612 Also check under "Couple to Couple League" in your phone book to find local teachers. -----------------------------------------------------------------------