HHS Directive Obstructs Law Enforcement p.32 by Sgt. Ruben Rodriguez, copyright 1994 THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION has taken what is, in effect, a step toward decriminalizing rape and incest. On December 28, 1993, Sally K. Richardson, Director of the Medicaid Bureau of the Department of Health and Human Services, sent a letter to all state Medicaid directors stating that "reporting requirements must be waived" for Medicaid funding of rape or incest abortions, based solely on the "treating physician's" opinion, regardless of any state laws requiring such reporting. With all due respect, the average doctor knows as much about investigating crime as detectives know about interpreting MRI brain scans. But we're not just talking about average doctors. Consider the mercenary character of abortionists (a relatively small group that is disowned by most self-respecting physicians); dangle some federal funds in front of them, and the results must be increased crime and fraud with our tax money. Abortionists will jump at the chance to get that money. Why does the administration want to waive reporting requirements for rape and incest? It might really be a step towards decriminalizing rape and incest. The directive allows the destruction of vital evidence (the child's genes), which could help identify and imprison criminals, thereby preventing future rapes and incest. Rape, and especially incest, are of a repetitive nature. Women's organizations and police unions should scream bloody murder when a woman or child is raped by someone whose evidence of a previous crime was destroyed by an abortionist. More likely (but more incriminating), the administration might be covertly advocating Medicaid fraud by undercutting state laws intended to detect and prosecute such fraud. Ironically, in an age of rising insurance rates caused by increasing insurance fraud and lawsuits, this throws the doors wide open so that a mother who was not a victim of rape or incest can get her abortion paid for by Medicaid. She only has to find an abortionist willing to attest that the supposed crime should not be reported to the police because it would adversely affect her for "physical or psychological reasons." Sound familiar? These loopholes are as big as those in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton,* but worse. As one might expect, there is no mention of trimester limits or of anesthesia for preborn infants at any stage. William Casey, governor of Pennsylvania, was the first of several governors to challenge this directive. Clinton, in a reply to Casey dated February 2, 1994, made no mention of crime or fraud. He stated that because of the supremacy clause in the Constitution, federal statutes must prevail when they conflict with state laws or constitutions. Clinton told Casey that only a thousand abortions nationally would be affected. Only a thousand? He must have forgotten, or chosen to ignore, something called "statutory rape," which is unlawful sexual intercourse with a female who is under the age of consent (16, 17 or 18, depending on the state), regardless of whether she actually consents. This is common, compared to forcible rape, and Clinton wants Medicaid to pay for abortions for these girls. Is Clinton the "law enforcement" president? This officer says, "No way." What's next? A "don't ask, don't tell" policy for convicted rapists and child molesters who want to enlist in the United States armed forces and American police departments? Don't laugh - it's not funny anymore. If it were absolutely impossible, it might be funny. However, under this present administration, nothing is too perverse. *Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, pretended to restrict abortion by requiring that an abortion in the third trimester be justified by the mother's "health." However, a companion decision, Doe v. Bolton, expanded the definition of "health" to include even the mother's age and emotional state. Sgt. Ruben Rodriguez is President of the National Federation of [police] Officers for Life. -----------------------------------------------------------------------