Letters p.6 Memorial every day As a World War II veteran I fly my American flag during the summer months. Last year at an American Legion meeting I was asked why my flag is always at half mast. My answer: I will fly my flag at half mast as long as abortion is legal in the USA. Walter Gladbach La Plata, MO Another off the Pill In the March-April issue I read a letter that disturbed me, titled "Off the Pill." I've been involved in pro-life since high school and I had never heard of the Pill causing abortions. I'm 34 now and have been on and off the Pill since I was 19. All month I'd been trying to decide whether to go off the Pill. I had not yet refilled my prescription. Our daughter is 18 months old and my husband and I want another child soon. When I went off the Pill to have my daughter I waited three months before trying to get pregnant. Then for half a year I couldn't get pregnant. I went on fertility drugs; it took two more months to get pregnant. I'm sure the Pill had a lot to do with this difficulty. I am now off the Pill for good. I believe the timing is a blessing from God. Faith Cade Houston, TX Help with NFP In response to Ann Burke's letter in the March-April issue: while the Catholic Church endorses natural family planning (NFP), Catholics are not encouraged to use the rhythm method of the 1930's. It works for very few women. Modern NFP - the Billings ovulation method and the sympto-thermal method - is highly effective. World Health Organization studies have proven the Billings method 98 to 99% effective when couples are taught by a certified NFP instructor and the method is correctly followed. Women can use modern NFP whether they are coming off the Pill, breastfeeding, premenopausal or trying to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Couples desiring more information may contact us: NFP Office, 316 N. 7th Ave., St. Cloud, MN 56303; 800-864-6225. Kay Ek Director, Office of NFP St. Cloud, MN Women of the 90's In "The Women of the 90's" (May-June 1994 Celebrate Life) Molly Kelly really hit the nail on the head. Women such as Janet Reno, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joycelyn Elders who fight for "rights" that only further our degradation just turn my stomach. With their lack of morality, their "ideals," their superior attitude and their just plain vulgar behavior, they cause others to resent instead of respect women. I cannot understand how they think we have done so much or come so far when women are so selfish, materialistic and sexually self-gratifying that they have no concern for another's life. They not only push their immoral attitudes on other adults; they invade our schools, churches and even our homes with their perverse ideas of women's rights, equality, freedom of choice, homosexuality and promiscuity. Are we really proud of how far we have come? I know I am not. Yvonne Spence Toledo, OH Something self-evident Our Declaration of Independence says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Would you look up in the dictionary (I did) the words "endowed," "certain" and "unalienable"? Then please call or write your Senators and Congressman and let them know that you do not want abortion included in any health care plan. Abortion is not health care. This too is self-evident. Mary Rita Crowe Rochester, NY Choose hospitals carefully My doctor wrote a prescription for me to have physical therapy for my very painful lower back. I made an appointment at a local hospital. After my first appointment, I saw people on the sidewalk carrying signs that read, "This hospital supports abortion, pray for our unborn." I couldn't believe I had just paid a large fee for physical therapy to a hospital that kills unborn babies. I immediately went back in and cancelled my future appointments. When I arrived home, I phoned another hospital and, after being assured that they did not do abortions, made an appointment. It happened to be a Catholic hospital. Many private hospitals don't do abortions, and I hope that no Christian hospital of any de-nomination would do abortions. Before using a hospital, please check first to see whether they do abortions. Clara Dorsey-Parker Oakland, CA Copyright 1994 American Life League -----------------------------------------------------------------------