NIH Proposes to Fund Human Embryo Experiments With Tax Dollars p.31 by Kate Fitzgerald Copyright 1994 American Life League THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH) is considering using your tax dollars to fund a broad array of human embryo experiments. Under the direction of Dr. Harold Varmus, the NIH has formed a stacked Human Embryo Research Panel that is reviewing the "ethics" of these proposed experiments, which blatantly disregard the dignity of all human life. The experiments they have proposed include: 1) Using eggs from aborted female babies for in vitro fertilization. 2) Inducing pregnancy by stimulating a female embryo's egg - also known as "virgin birth." 3) Producing human embryos for experimentation through in vitro fertilization, as well as using "discarded" embryos unwanted by women and couples undergoing IVF to have a child. 4) Cloning or twinning human embryos - that is, making exact copies of individual human beings, which could be used for backup for organ donation for a born child; or used for a couple who might lose the "original" through death; or even patented as a "model" child. 5) Producing hybridized life forms containing both animal and human elements. 6) Keeping only parts of embryos alive in cell culture to provide organs for transplantation. With the panel's approval, these experiments would be conducted under the guise of aiding infertile couples with "extended" in vitro fertilization research. However, these experiments clearly go far beyond that. The result of legitimizing federal funding for these experiments would be to open the door to a frontier of actual Brave New World proportions at taxpayer expense. If the NIH panel approves these experiments, preborn babies will be the victims of a new series of assaults, and will be subject to the scientists' probe as if they were merely mice. It is also likely that the approval of such human embryo experimentation would foreclose any hope of overturning abortion in the United States. On behalf of these babies, please act now to express your outrage to the chairman of the Human Embryo Research Panel. The panel will hold its final meeting at the end of June and then will make recommendations to the director of the NIH. Please do not delay in writing your letter of protest. In addition, please inform your Senators and Representative of the NIH's proposal to grossly misuse Congressionally appropriated funds, and ask that they block these proposed experiments. Write to: Steven Muller, Ph.D., Chair NIH Human Embryo Research Panel c/o National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike, Building #1, Room 218 Bethesda, MD 20892 For more information or to participate in our postcard campaign, please contact the Government Affairs Office at American Life League. ned by the gross inaccuracies regarding human development that appeared in his ar -----------------------------------------------------------------------