PRESIDENT'S PAGE p.5 Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of when he comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and the Holy Angels - Luke 9:26 IT OCCURRED TO ME as I read the daily newspaper recently that there is something more dramatically wrong with our nation right now than the fact that murdering a baby in the womb is legal. Now, you might ask, what could that possibly be, Judie? Well, to my mind the deeper problem is that many in the media, in academia, in medicine, in scientific research and in elected positions share a common flaw. They are men and women who have lost their ability to recognize right and wrong, good and evil, the authority of Jesus Christ and the reality of Satan. These are people who believe that abortion is just another surgical procedure. Oh, yes, they know that a "human life" will end during an abortion, but whether there is anything good or bad about that is a personal matter! These are men and women who do not accept the existence of a moral order, but rather people who have rejected the Truth - the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. These are people who cannot apply the universal demands of the moral law to their particular moral situations because they no longer know the moral law! These are ultimately men and women who have aborted their consciences, and because the level of morality of society depends on the human conscience, it is easy to see why America murders one baby every twenty seconds of every day. The result is that people like you and me are left with the challenge of recultivating what is rotting away in the hearts of those who are so committed to the ethic of death. We need not scream at them, for they will not heed our voices, but we can pray for them; the Lord will hear. You and I must see what is wrong, understand why it became so wrong, and then pray that the Lord will use us to make it right. For example, you know that abortion murders a baby, created in the image and likeness of God. Say so. But show that you care - show it with your actions, with your willingness to forgive and with your desire to help others find the Author of Life in their own lives too. And then, please God, one day soon "fetuses" will be called babies, "pregnant women" will be called mothers and "abortion" will be called murder. But most important, America's laws will reflect acknowledgment of God as the architect of the moral order. Sincerely yours in the Lord of Life, (Mrs.) Judie Brown, President 1994 American Life League, P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA22555 -----------------------------------------------------------------------