23/Jan/94 ABOUT TIME! © Ver 1.1 ****************************** * © Peter Crain. * * 20 Enford Street * * HILLCREST QLD 4118 * * AUSTRALIA Ph(07)8006283 * * Compuserve 100237,2735 * ****************************** Notes for SysOp. Minor upgrade, Version 1.1 ABOUTIME.LZH (or .ZIP) contains six files:- ABOUTIME.EXE - Executable ABOUTIME.INI - Initialisation file GRID.VBX - Custom control THREED.VBX - Custom control _READ_ME.TXT - This text file _SYS_OP1.TXT - Note for the BBS SysOp ABOUT TIME also requires VBRUN300.DLL, which is not included in ABOUTIME.ZIP (or .LZH). End of file.