///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File Manager StepUp // for Microsoft(R) Windows(tm) 3.1 or // Windows for Workgroups(tm) 3.11 // // Version 2.0 // Shareware Edition // Copyright (c) 1994, ChaoSoft. // All rights reserved. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This file provides information for Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute the FM StepUp software. The following paragraph is an extract from the license agreement regarding the distribution of FM StepUp: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Making and Distributing Unregistered Copies of the Program. You may make as many copies of the Program as you wish, give them to others, upload them to any BBS or FTP site worldwide, include them in software collections such as CD-ROM disks, distribute them through Disk-of-the-Month (or Subscription) Distribution, and distribute them in any other possible way, as long as you: -- do not share your Registration Number with anyone else and do not make copies of any printed materials from your Registration Package, if the copy you use is a Registered Copy; -- include all of the unmodified files, as listed in the PACKING.LST file included with your copy. If any of the files or the PACKING.LST file itself is missing, you should contact us, or the dealer you obtained the Program from, to receive the complete set of files; -- agree not to sell the Unregistered Copies of the Program or distribute them to others for any kind of compensation or fee (small shipping and handling fees are OK), unless you have received written permission from us; and your permission to distribute the Program has not been revoked by us; -- agree to inform the user(s) that the Unregistered Copy is to be used for a time limited evaluation period, and that it must be registered to continue to use the Program once the evaluation period has ended; -- do not bundle the Program with any other software without our written permission. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The FM StepUp package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging offer, without a written agreement from ChaoSoft. You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs, or other literature which describes our products as "FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free. ChaoSoft prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the FM StepUp package, without written permission from ChaoSoft. If the version you have is over three (3) months old, please contact us to ensure that you have the most current version. This version was released in June 1994. ///////////////////////////////////// // Please Help Us Serve You Better: We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding FM StepUp. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print or distribute regarding the FM StepUp package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing concept. /////////////////// // International If you are a publisher interested in translating and supporting our products in another language, please contact us to discuss an exclusive agreement for your language and country. If you are interested in providing registration and support services outside of North America in English, we are interested in working with you on a non-exclusive basis. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Suggested One Line Program Description: File Manager StepUp ver. 2.0 for Windows 3.1, 3.11 or higher ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Suggested Compressed File Name: FMSTEP20.ZIP ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Suggested Keywords: File Manager StepUp Extender Windows Shareware ChaoSoft /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Suggested Short Description: File Manager StepUp v.2.0 for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - just makes File Manager work better. Provides the standard File Manager's dialog boxes with additional useful elements ('history' lists, 'verify' checkboxes, etc.); shows the dialogs with 3D effects; brings customizeble Quick Menu and Execute Menu with ready-to-do commands; allows to easily view, edit, or print arbitrary files; contains a set of useful utilities (calculating the size of directories including their subdirs, etc.), detailed context-sensitive Help, animated logo... FM StepUp makes the File Manager an actually user friendly application. Try it - and you won't believe you worked without FM StepUp before. The way software should be! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Suggested Long Description: How many times you wanted to run a program with specific parameters through Run command of the File Manager and were forced to type all the command line options again and again? Ever wished the File Manager to have the ability to remember the previously entered command lines? How many times you copied files on a floppy and regretted not being able to quickly turn the VERIFY mode ON to be sure that the information has been correctly stored on the disk? How many times you wanted to quickly view a file with a non-standard extension (like README.NOW), and were forced to activate the Program Manager, open the Accessories group, double-click on the Notepad icon, click on File, then click again on Open... So many clicks and so many seconds spent just to take a look at a file! Why did the guys from Microsoft not make their software a little bit more convenient? Maybe Windows 4.0 will be finally a user friendly system? You don't need to wait so long. Just install the File Manager StepUp and your wishes come true! Here is the list of the features the File Manager gets with the FM StepUp: <> Enhanced File Managers dialog boxes, including history lists, browse buttons, verify check boxes, etc. <> Commands to easily create, view, edit or print arbitrary files, not necessarily associated with an application. <> Customizable Execute Menu provides an easy way to access frequently used applications and perform pre-programmed operations on currently selected files. <> Customizable Quick Menu, instantaneously accessible with the right mouse button, contains the most frequently used commands and keeps track of the execution history of other commands. <> A number of special commands are provided to make you more productive: Total Size, allowing to figure out the size of a directory including all subdirectories; Change Date / Time, allowing to change date or time attributes for a file; Run Screen Saver; Return To DOS; Restart Windows; Reboot System. <> FM StepUp allows you to restrict certain features of the File Manager in the same manner as you do it for Program Manager. This is particularly valuable for use by corporate system administrators. <> Complete context-sensitive help is available from all dialogs. The help file provides a complete user's guide for FM StepUp. <> FM StepUp is highly customizable. User can control virtually every aspect of the FM StepUp, from choosing its menu name to specifying which dialog boxes to enhance. Try it - and you won't believe you worked without FM StepUp before. The way software should be! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other Information Requirements: Windows 3.1, 3.11, or Windows for Workgroups 3.11, 300 kB of free disk space, latest video drivers. Registration: up to $19.95 per copy plus shipping and handling to receive disk with the latest version of the software and be eligible for 50% discount when upgrading to next versions. Major credit card accepted. Please see on-line Help for order forms, discount and site license information. Technical Support: 90 days after registration. Author: Andrei Belogortseff, ChaoSoft, P.O.Box 43, Old Town, ME 04468-0043 E-mail: andreib@delphi.com Thank you for distributing File Manager StepUp!