Instructions for Mininfo: To change time and date format, use the International section of Control Panel. If you want to toggle it from always on top to always on bottom, Alt-t takes it to the top, and Alt-b for bottom. The whole window acts like a title bar so you can move it just by clicking and dragging. It will not remember where you put it (perhaps a future feature). The left column is self-explanitory; the number at the top right is the lesser of GDI or User resources. If this number drops below 35%, think about shutting down something. Below 30%, you will be fairly unstable and a crash is almost guarranteed below 25%. Sometimes you must work with low resources, so save often. Some programs will 'leak' resources (i.e. use them and not return them). Excel is bad about this. If you must work with low resources, shut down Windows and start clean. If you get low resources (50-60%) with nothing running, restart Windows. The next number is your total memory available, including the swapfile. The bottom right number is total contiguous memory. If your swapfile is bigger than your RAM it will be misleading and will report the size of your swapfile. I tend to use small swapfiles as Windows is not very useful when the swapfile is working - I'd suggest 4 MB for 4 MB RAM and 2 MB for 8 MB RAM. Some programs will fragment the contiguous memory and can behave poorly if there is not enough. Compilers are a notable example of this, although I've seen Excel do it under extreme conditions. To shut down the program, click on it and use Alt-F4. It will also shut down if Task Manager tells it to. The Mininfot version defaults to top right of screen, just to the left of the max-min buttons on a full-screen application. It also defaults to stay on top. The 'b' version defaults to lower right and will default to stay on bottom. It purposely has few features since I wanted it to be as small as possible. It runs in 12k, and consumes about 0.06% system resources. I have seen monitors which eat as much as 5%. If you like it, send me a copy of your favorite shareware or do something unexpectedly nice for someone. If you want minor changes now, I might do it for free, but if it's a hassle, I'll charge you a small amount. If you just would like to see features, but don't care when, let me know and I'll think about providing them - there will be a 32 bit version for NT and Chicago. This program is considered freeware, so install it where ever you like. If you can, please distribute this file with it. I can be reached at: David C. LeBlanc 2788 Homeland Dr. Doraville, GA, USA (404) 263-0493 internet: