Overview Somar DumpAcl (TM) is a Windows NT program that will dump the permissions (ACLs) for the file system and registry in a consise, readable listbox format, so that "holes" in system security are readily apparent. Somar DumpAcl is a must-have product for Windows NT and NTAS systems administrators. Windows NT contains the mechanisms for providing strong system security, using permissions (ACLs) to control access to files and registry keys. However, it can be very difficult to determine if all permissions have been set correctly, since there are so many files and registry keys on the typical system. The situation is analogous to having a building with unbreakable locks on each of 10,000 doors. The problem is not with the locks themselves, but rather with one person walking around and checking that none of the 10,000 doors is unlocked. Somar DumpAcl provides a solution to the problem of too many files and registry keys to check on a regular basis, by producing a consise and readable report of file system or registry permissions. By reviewing this report, you can determine if users have more access to the file system or registry than you want to allow. You can then use file manager or the registry editor to set permissions differently. Copyright/License/Registration Somar DumpAcl (TM) is Copyright © 1994 Somar Software. Send problem reports and comments to 72202.2574@compuserve.com. Somar DumpAcl is Shareware. You may try it for a period of 21 days. After this trial period, you must pay a either register and pay for the software, or delete it from your computer. See the Somar DumpAcl online help for complete license and registration details. Installation Place DUMPACL.EXE and DUMPACL.HLP together in any directory. The first time DUMPACL.EXE is run, it will create some registry entries. These registry changes are described in DUMPACL.HLP. Somar DumpAcl does not make any other changes to your system. Complete uninstallation instructions are contained in DUMPACL.HLP. Changes in V1.1 Fix bug in where grouping by file extensions incorrect in case where some but not all files in directory with same extension have same permissions as directory.