********************************************** June, 1994 ---------------------------------------------- A message from your friends at Total System Solutions Software (TSS Software) ********************************************** FREE UPGRADES? That's right! You are entitled to major version upgrades for FREE. Our current product releases are: DocuPower Pro 3.x and Fileware 3.x. Registered users are eligible for FREE upgrades to versions 4 and 5 as each are released. This product development cycle should continue over the next 18 months, yielding many new and exciting features. We're constantly working to improve our software products. And that means big savings for you. We won't "nickel & dime" you. We want you to enjoy our software now, as well as keep benefiting from future enhancements. So stay tuned -- there is much on the horizon. You can keep in touch with us in a variety of ways. We regularly upload our program updates and announcements to CompuServe, the Internet and BBS's around the world. We also run our own product support BBS (718-375-6261). We appreciate your business and want you to spread the word about our high quality Word for Windows enhancement software. Tell your friends! Happy computing...