* * * K N I G H T ' S M O V E * * * History This is the History file for Knight's Move to indicate what changes, corrections and additions I have done. 07/17/94 - ver 1.6 - Cleaned up a few minor nits 09/20/93 - ver 1.5 - Added environmental support for multi-node operation. Only 1 *.cfg file is used for multi-node operation. - Added RIP detection - Setup program now internal. - Better fossil detection 05/02/93 - Ver 1.4 - Minor tweeking and documentation upgrade 04/15/93 - Ver 1.3 - Corrected problem in KNIGHTS.SLB file that only showed up when a registered key was used. Updated pricing information. 03/20/93 - Ver 1.2 - Corrected problem of KM_SETUP.COM would not run when KNGHTSMV.EXE was run from DOS prompt. 02/27/93 - Ver 1.1 - Fixed a bug in the Re-Draw Screen funtion. It would take away games when you selected Re-Draw. - Added display to show that a bonus had been won and how much.