VENDOR.TXT 8-21-94 This file contains Bob's Software's commercial distribution policy. Shareware distributors and disk vendors are permitted to redistribute this software subject to the conditions found in the program's license agreement. It is requested that Shareware distributors and disk vendors send a copy of the first catalog, print or electronic, that this program is listed in to Bob's Software. It is also requested that Shareware distributors and disk vendors inform Bob's Software that they are distributing this program so that they can receive other products and program updates. Rackware vendors are required to get written permission to distribute this program. Shareware distributors and disk vendors should stress the Shareware concept. The VENDINFO.DIZ file, which should be contained in the original archive, is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. This policy may change at any time. Please contact Bob's Software if you have any questions. Bob Hayes Bob's Software 10104 Blue Tee Terrace Gaithersburg, MD 20879 CompuServe: 71224,3202 America Online: Bob Hayes1 Internet: