i Contents ASP Catalog Updates for BBS users (Windows & OS/2 edition) 1 Chapter 1: How to read this catalog 2 1.1 Minimum requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Registration benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Sample product description . . . . . . . . . 5 Part 1: Shareware Products Chapter 2: Utilities 8 2.1 Hardware utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.1 Sound card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2 System utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.1 Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 Desktop utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3.1 Calculators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4 Menu systems & file managers . . . . . . . . 9 2.4.1 File managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter 3: Writing applications 10 3.1 Word processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2 Desktop publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 Writing utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.4 Software tools & macros . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.4.1 For WordPerfect . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter 4: Data 15 4.1 Zip codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Area codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.3 Engineering data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.3.1 For other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chapter 5: Business 16 5.1 Organization charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.2 Forms generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.3 Work-at-home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.4 Training & support aids . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.4.1 Lecturing programs . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.5 Business utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.5.1 Weights & measurements . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 6: Engineering 19 6.1 Surveying & cartography . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6.2 Engineering utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ii Chapter 7: Mathematics 20 7.1 Mathematical utilities . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chapter 8: Computer programming 21 8.1 Database engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 8.2 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 8.2.1 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chapter 9: Education 23 9.1 High school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 9.2 College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 9.3 Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 9.4 Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 9.5 Science & ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chapter 10: Graphics 25 10.1 Viewing programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 10.2 Drawing/editor programs . . . . . . . . . . 25 10.3 Business applications . . . . . . . . . . . 26 10.3.1 Mapping/cartography . . . . . . . . . . 26 10.4 Ready-made graphic images . . . . . . . . . 27 10.4.1 WPG images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 10.5 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 10.5.1 Cataloging tools . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Chapter 11: Home & hobby 28 11.1 Gambling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 11.2 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 11.3 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 11.3.1 Betting pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 11.3.2 Handicapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 For other . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 11.3.3 Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 11.3.4 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chapter 12: Games 30 12.1 Board games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 12.1.1 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 12.2 Strategy/simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 12.3 Word games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Part 2: Appendixes Appendix A: Author addresses 32 Appendix B: Vendor addresses 34 Appendix C: Bulletin Boards 37 Appendix D: Retired shareware 39 Appendix E: Sorted list of all programs 43 iii Appendix F: Supporting Members 44 Index 45 ASP Catalog Updates for BBS users (Windows & OS/2 edition) th th Updates to the 4 volume, 7 edition Published August 1, 1994 Copyright 1994 by the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), a non-profit organization; all rights reserved. Any specific hardware/software names used in this catalog are the (registered) trademarks of specific companies. Individuals, bulletin board systems, national information systems, non-profit organizations, and government agencies may freely distribute this document in electronic form. For-profit disk vendor companies may distribute this document in electronic form if they have an ASP associate membership and if they charge only their normal distribution fees. All others must obtain prior written per- mission from the Association of Shareware Professionals. Write to the ASP at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442. The programs & services described in this catalog come from members of the Association of Shareware Professionals. This catalog may not list every ASP-member product and it may not be current. Send all comments about the catalog to the above address, or to CompuServe userID 70007,4004, or as a message in the CompuServe SHAREWARE forum. ASP strives to produce accurate catalogs BUT this publication may contain any number of typographical, graphical, printing, or interpretation errors. "These programs are produced by members of the Associa- tion of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compuserve message via Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombuds- man 70007,3536". The Ombudsman may be contacted by FAX by sending to the ASP FAX number: (616) 788-2765. In communication with the Ombudsman please include a tele- phone number and/or FAX if available. Please write to the ASP at the above address if you have any comments or questions about this catalog. ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Windows & OS/2 edition) 2 Chapter 1 How to read this catalog ASP members have supplied product descriptions for each shareware application they offer. The catalog groups them by subject matter and lists them alphabetically. If you want to know the name/address/phone for the author of a particular program, turn to the index and look for the program by name. You'll usually see two page references: one describes the page where you read about the program, the other mentions the page where you can find information about the author (in Appendix A). Just turn to the appropriate page and scan for the name of the program. The Association of Shareware Professionals does NOT rate members' software for functionality or usefulness, nor can it attest to the validity of any product description in this catalog. That is for you - the user - to decide. Shareware, especially those products authorized to carry the ASP logo, can be tested on a "try before you buy" basis. If the software doesn't meet your needs, you won't have to worry about getting a refund. (That's the beauty of the shareware marketing concept.) 1.1 Minimum requirements Every program description lists its computer and operating system requirements (e.g. "IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better"). Unless noted otherwise, each program assumes you have a standard keyboard, monitor, printer, and either two floppy drives or a hard disk. And unless noted otherwise, programs written for the IBM PC assume you have at least 512k of total installed RAM. Many pro- grams may also need specific hardware or software such as: CD-ROM drive A device capable of reading CD-ROMs. A CD-ROM looks just like a regular compact disk with music on it, but it has information on it only a computer's CD-ROM drive can read. CGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying CGA graphics. This includes most "laptop CGA" computers, plus higher resolution monitors such as the EGA or VGA. Some (but not all) of the described programs may operate correctly with a Hercules monitor if you use a "CGA simulator" program; consult your video monitor manual for details. Dual 720k disk drives At least two floppy drives capable of writing at least 720k of data per disk, or, preferably, a hard disk (see below). ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Windows & OS/2 edition) 3 EGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying EGA graphics. This almost always includes VGA and other higher-resolution monitors. CGA and Hercules monitors won't suffice. EMS memory Memory accessible via the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification. Not to be confused with expanded memory, extended memory, or XMS memory (see below). Windows, OS/2, and newer versions of DOS come with software designed to implement EMS memory on computers with enough installed memory. Epson printer A printer capable of recognizing the Epson print command set (an industry standard). Some printers, including some laser printers, have options to behave like an Epson printer. Some programs may require a specific model such as the Epson MX-80 or FX-100. Hard disk A fixed-, removable-, or network-drive device capable of storing multiple megabytes of data. Some programs also assume you have at least one floppy drive in addition to the hard disk. Hercules monitor A video monitor capable of displaying Hercules graphics. CGA, EGA, VGA, & SVGA monitors won't suffice. HP DeskJet A Hewlett-Packard DeskJet or compatible printer. Some programs may require a DeskJet starting with a specific model such as the DeskJet Plus or having a specific feature like a RAM cartridge. HP LaserJet A Hewlett-Packard LaserJet or compatible printer. (HP DeskJet printers recognize most, but not all, of the HP LaserJet command set.) Some programs may require a specific model such as the LaserJet II or with a specific feature like the LaserJet IIIDSi. Math coprocessor An IBM PC or compatible computer with an installed math coprocessor unit. Commonly referred to as an "80x87 chip," these include the 8087, 80287, and 80387 coprocessors. (80486- and Pentium-based computers have math coprocessors by default.) Most 8086-, 80286-, and 80386-based IBM PCs & compatibles have no installed math coprocessor by default. (80286- and 80386-based computers can accept a math coprocessor if you purchase one.) Modem A modem. Almost all programs work with a "Hayes compatible" modem, specifically one able to recognize the Hayes command set (an industry standard). A few programs claim to work with non- Hayes modems too. Some programs may require the modem to operate at a specific rate of speed (e.g. "1200 baud"). Mouse A Logitec- or Microsoft-compatible mouse. ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Windows & OS/2 edition) 4 Network A computer hooked up a local area network (LAN). Program descriptions will normally specify the different types of LAN systems under which they can operate. Plotter A plotter output device. Many of the described programs need a plotter able to recognize the HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language) command set. PostScript printer A printer able to interpret the PostScriptr command set. Many printers (including the HP LaserJet series) offer PostScript compatibility via plug-in cartridges. Software also exists to emulate PostScript on hundreds of popular printers. SVGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying SVGA graphics. This almost always includes higher- resolution monitors. CGA, EGA, VGA, and Hercules monitors won't suffice. Streaming tape device A device capable of reading streaming tapes. Also referred to as a "tape backup device." Streaming tapes look something like a standard music cassette or videocassette, but it holds information only a computer can read. Common streaming tapes include DC600, DC2000, DC2120; tape storage formats include QIC-40 and QIC-80. VGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying VGA graphics. This almost always includes higher- resolution monitors. CGA, EGA, and Hercules monitors won't suffice. XMS memory Memory accessible via the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft eXtended Memory Specification. Not to be confused with expanded memory, extended memory, or EMS memory (see above). Windows, OS/2, and newer versions of DOS come with software designed to implement XMS memory on computers with enough installed memory. 1.2 Registration benefits All ASP member shareware products come with certain minimum benefits when you register. The author must acknowledge your registration (you don't just get a canceled check) and must provide a minimum amount of technical support for at least three months. Many authors provide other registration benefits such as a printed manual, a master disk, a year of unlimited phone support, source code, etc. The product description will mention them when appropriate. ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Windows & OS/2 edition) 5 In addition, every ASP member can offer the following benefits to registered customers: CompuServe IntroPak obtain an introductory membership to the Compu- Serve network with a $15 usage credit when you register an ASP member's shareware product. Many authors include this information when they acknowledge registrations. Contact the author if you need assistance. Some authors add "registration reminder screens" to the shareware version of a program as a way to gently remind people to register. (The ASP sets ethical standards regarding it.) Almost all authors will either send a copy of the program without reminder screens, or will disclose a method to disable the reminders, once you register the product. 1.3 Sample product description This sample description will help you understand what each field means: Product: Shareware Program Name [***] A "[***]" across from the product name indicates a new or updated description since the last catalog. Author: name & phone number of the person or company offering this product. See Appendix A for detailed information about the person or company. Version: version number (release date) Needs: computer type [IBM PC, IBM 80386, Macintosh, etc.], operating system, and version number. May also describe other needed or recommended hardware & software. See above for more details. Registration fee: The cost of a single user license, expressed in U.S. currency unless otherwise noted. Many authors provide "multi-tier" registrations, and you may pay a little more or less than the amount stated here depending on your situation. (You can often save money by "reading the fine print.") Some authors include shipping & handling fees in the prices while others don't. Most authors offer network, site, and corporate licenses for a higher fee; please contact the author in question for details and price quotes. SWREG#: applies only to CompuServe users. You can register this product on CompuServe and have the cost added to your service bill. This method of payment proves especially useful for (1) overseas users who don't have a credit card accepted by the author; and (2) business customers who find it easier to register shareware by tacking the fee onto a corporate- ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Windows & OS/2 edition) 6 sponsored CompuServe account. CompuServe users should GO CIS:SWREG for more details. PsL#: you can register this product via the Public (software) Library, and you can pay for it with your MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Optima, or Discover card. Call (800) 242-4775, have your credit card handy, and have the product's PsL registration number handy. (Overseas customers should call U.S. 713-524-6394.) Or if you want to fax your shareware purchase order to PsL, fax it to (713) 524-6398. Registration benefits: Describes the benefits you get for regis- tering the software. All ASP shareware programs come with cer- tain minimum benefits (see above for details). Look for: FILENAME.EXT on BBSs (call xxx-xxx-xxxx to download it at no charge); FNAME.EXT in GATE:FORUM forum LIB 9 on Compu- Serve (or contact userID 78901,2345 for assistance); FILE- NAME.EXT in ROUNDTABLE RTC LIB 9 on GEnie (or contact userID J.QAUTHOR for assistance). Download size: the size of the file(s) to download, in kilobytes. A 2400 baud modem can download about 14 kilobytes per minute under normal conditions. Special instructions: tells if the author limits product distribution to the United States. In some cases the author or company may have signed a contract forbidding worldwide share- ware distribution. In other cases the product may only appeal to an American audience (income tax software for example). In rare cases, U.S. federal laws may actually prohibit the author or company from distributing the product in other countries. Editor's note: the catalog editor may append text of his own if something needs further explanation. Description: a paragraph or two of text which describes the shareware product in detail. This information comes direct from the author or company behind the program. Chapter 1, "Shareware Products" 7 PART 1 Shareware Products Chapter 2, "Utilities" 8 Chapter 2 Utilities 2.1 Hardware utilities 2.1.1 Sound card Product: Music Sculptor for Windows [***] MIDI sequencer with music keyboard window. See full description on page 28. 2.2 System utilities 2.2.1 Fonts Product: Fonter [***] Author: OsoSoft, 805-528-1759 Version: 6.2 (04-15-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2000k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse; VBRUN300.DLL. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: Full program functionality; printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: FONTER.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-528-3753 to download it at no charge); FONTER.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 71571,222 for assistance). Download size: 170k (about 13 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This award-winning program views and prints TT and ATM fonts in many ways. See font samples, ANSI charts, keyboard display. Print lists with samples, type specimens, ANSI charts, keyboard layouts. View font metric details. Preview and install TrueType fonts too. Save any character as 72 pt. BMP file. This was the first font viewer for Windows and is still one of the best. 2.3 Desktop utilities 2.3.1 Calculators See also: Mathematics (page 19); Business, Business utilities, Weights & measurements (page 17). Product: Convert It!(tm) SE [***] Versatile unit of measure converter. See full description on page 17. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 9 2.4 Menu systems & file managers 2.4.1 File managers Product: Keyed File System (OS/2) [***] Subroutines for keyed file support in OS/2. See full description on page 21. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 10 Chapter 3 Writing applications 3.1 Word processors Product: The Letterhead Kit/Win [***] Retrieves custom letterheads, graphics, bills. See full description on page 14. 3.2 Desktop publishing Product: AdMaker [***] Author: OsoSoft, 805-528-1759 Version: 3.5 (05-06-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2000k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse; VBRUN300.DLL. Registration fee: $30.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus graphics; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: ADMAKER.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-528-3753 to download it at no charge); ADMAKE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 71571,222 for assistance). Download size: 190k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Lets you design display ads up to 7.5" X 9.5" in Windows. Use TT/ATM fonts; BMP/PCX clip art; line drawing tools. Print 100% or 200% size layouts. Rotate text; click to position text; insert special characters; filled boxes; text can overwrite graphics; WYSIWYG display; right-click help; much, much more. Use to create ads for your business or for others. Fast, easy, and accurate! Use for any simple display ad. Much faster than using Corel. Product: Bookbild/Win Pamphlet Publisher [***] Builds single-fold brochures in WPWIN 5.2. See full description on page 13. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 11 Product: Crossword Clipper for Windows [***] Author: PC HELP-LINE, 909-797-3091 Version: 2.00 (04-15-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. Crossword Creator for puzzle design. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support. 3-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: CLIP20.ZIP on BBSs; CWCLIP.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID 72357,3523 for assistance). Download size: 370k (about 28 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This crossword layout tool works with the Windows Clipboard, enabling you to paste your puzzles into any Windows application. WYSIWYG display lets you resize the puzzle grid, select fonts, etc. Also creates Windows bitmap (.BMP) graphic files. Cannot be used for puzzle design, but will accept crossword data files (.XWP format only) from other programs. Product: Graphcat/Win Clip Art Cataloger [***] Graphcat clip art cataloger for WPWin60/52. See full description on page 13. Product: The Letterhead Kit/Win [***] Retrieves custom letterheads, graphics, bills. See full description on page 14. Product: MultiLabel [***] Author: OsoSoft, 805-528-1759 Version: 3.5 (04-01-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2000k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse; XMS memory; VBRUN300.DLL. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: Full program functionality; printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus graphics; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: MLTLBL.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-528-3753 to download it at no charge); MLTLBL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 71571,222 for assistance). Download size: 160k (about twelve minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This popular Windows label designer creates and prints labels on all Avery laser label stock or create custom sizes. Name tags, postcards, and more, too. Use all Windows fonts, BMP/PCX clip art and line drawing tools. Serial numbers, address book, and more. Supports all Windows printers, including color. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 12 Rotate text. Print sheets of same labels or merge labels from address book. Best of its class. Product: Rockford! [***] Author: OsoSoft, 805-528-1759 Version: 3.5 (05-01-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2000k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse; VBRUN300.DLL. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: Full program functionality; printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus graphics; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: ROCKFORD.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-528-3753 to download it at no charge); RCKFRD.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 71571,222 for assistance). Download size: 190k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Designs business cards in Windows. Use TT/ATM fonts; BMP/PCX clip art; line drawing tools. Print on pre-scored stock from Paper Direct and others or print 200% or 4-up camera-ready layouts. Rotate text; insert foreign characters; right-click help; overlay text on graphics; vertical or horizontal card formats; color printer support; much, much more. Design professional business cards for yourself or to earn money. Create sheets of cards in minutes! Product: Top Draw [***] Powerful object-oriented drawing program. See full description on page 25. 3.3 Writing utilities Product: Bookbild/Win Pamphlet Publisher [***] Builds single-fold brochures in WPWIN 5.2. See full description on page 13. Product: The Letterhead Kit/Win [***] Retrieves custom letterheads, graphics, bills. See full description on page 14. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 13 3.4 Software tools & macros 3.4.1 For WordPerfect Product: Bookbild/Win Pamphlet Publisher [***] Author: Science Translations Software Services, 410-661-2224 Version: 1.01 (02-01-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.0 or better. WordPerfect 5.2/Windows. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $2.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, GEnie, newsletter, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: BOOKWN1A.ZIP on BBSs (call 410-285-4032 to download it at no charge); BOOKWN.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 12 (or contact userID 72144,1241 for assistance); BOOKWN1A.ZIP on GEnie in WP forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID J.STERN10 for assistance). Download size: 76k (about six minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Builds pamphlets for formatted documents in WordPerfect 5.2. Any two-across format can be used, in either portrait or landscape mode. Pages are rearranged into the order needed to create camera-ready copy for bulk printing. Full instructions make booklet preparation easy. Product: Graphcat/Win Clip Art Cataloger [***] Author: Science Translations Software Services, 410-661-2224 Version: 3.1 (04-20-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.0 or better. WordPerfect/ Windows version 5.2 or 6.0. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $2.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: 31/2" master disk(s); 12 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, GEnie, newsletter, mail support; bonus graphics; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware; discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. Look for: GCATWN31.ZIP on BBSs (call 410-285-4032 to download it at no charge); GCATWN.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 72144,1241 for assistance); GCATWN31.ZIP on GEnie in WP forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID J.STERN10 for assistance). Download size: 107k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A macro package for WordPerfect 6.0, 6.0a, & 5.2/Windows that creates pictorial catalogs of clip art. All graphics formats readable by WP/Win can be read by Graphcat, and set up in columns as a pictorial catalog. Also can create mergable listings of file names, and includes a database template to aid in creating a full database of clip art files. Supports Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 14 WPWin6.0, directory searches, CD-ROM support, partial catalog building, caption autosizing. Product: The Letterhead Kit/Win [***] Author: Science Translations Software Services, 410-661-2224 Version: 2.1 (12-12-92) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.0 or better. WordPerfect 5.2 or 5.1 Windows editions, 4/30/92 release or newer. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $2.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: quick-reference card. 12 months of support. Look for: LTRWIN21.ZIP on BBSs (call 410-285-4032 to download it at no charge); LTRWIN.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 72144,1241 for assistance); LTRWIN21.ZIP on GEnie in WP forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID J.STERN10 for assistance). Download size: 143k (about eleven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A set of macros, forms, graphics and sample files for using in WordPerfect 5.2 and 5.1/Windows to retrieve letterheads, fax cover sheets, invoices, scanned signature, and 30 message graphics, including "Rush!" and "Thank you for your payment!" Support for WPWIN 5.2, scalable signatures, easier installation. Chapter 4, "Data" 15 Chapter 4 Data 4.1 Zip codes Product: Zippidy Do Da(tm) [***] Author: SMI Corporation, 918-241-2301 Version: 1.01 (12-05-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. 3072k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $3.50 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.50 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $7.50 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: ZP100*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 918-747-2542 to download it at no charge); ZP100*.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 10 (multiple files) (or contact userID 72644,2335 for assistance). Download size: 1760k (about 131 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This program can search by zip code, state, area code, city or the sound of the city name. Very visual user interface with context sensitive help. Supports reporting and custom reports via SQL queries. Even shows the time at the selected city vs. your local time. Very useful! 4.2 Area codes Product: Zippidy Do Da(tm) [***] Zipcode/areacode lookup tool with time info. See full description on page 15. 4.3 Engineering data See also: Engineering (page 18). 4.3.1 For other Product: Periodic Table [***] Electronic table of elements with decay data. See full description on page 24. Chapter 5, "Business" 16 Chapter 5 Business See also: Data (page 14); Graphics, Business applications (page 26). 5.1 Organization charts See also: Graphics, Drawing/editor programs (page 25). Product: Top Draw [***] Powerful object-oriented drawing program. See full description on page 25. 5.2 Forms generators Product: The Letterhead Kit/Win [***] Retrieves custom letterheads, graphics, bills. See full description on page 14. 5.3 Work-at-home See also: Home & hobby (page 27). Product: Rockford! [***] Design business cards in Windows. See full description on page 12. 5.4 Training & support aids Product: Crossword Clipper for Windows [***] Crossword puzzle layout/publishing tool. See full description on page 10. Chapter 5, "Business" 17 5.4.1 Lecturing programs Product: Prompter - Speaker's Utility [***] Author: OsoSoft, 805-528-1759 Version: 1.2 (06-11-93) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2000k RAM; VGA monitor; Mouse; VBRUN300.DLL. Registration fee: $25.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited tollfree 800# phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: PROMPTER.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-528-3753 to download it at no charge); PRMPTR.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 71571,222 for assistance). Download size: 57k (about four minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A complete speech editor and prompter for Windows. Create, rehearse and deliver speeches and lectures just like the professionals do. Any key pauses and restarts scrolling. Adjust scroll rate while you speak. Elapsed time and estimated time displays. Print speeches, too. Any font, any size, any scroll rate. 5.5 Business utilities 5.5.1 Weights & measurements See also: Utilities, Desktop utilities, Calculators (page 8). Product: Convert It!(tm) SE [***] Author: SMI Corporation, 918-241-2301 Version: 3.0 (07-08-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. 2048k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor; Mouse. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. Look for: CV300.ZIP on BBSs (call 918-747-2542 to download it at no charge); CONVIT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 72644,2335 for assistance). Download size: 321k (about 24 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Ultimate unit of measure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15 groups of conversions with one more for custom conversions. You can edit the conversion factors, add or delete units. Customize it for the way YOU work. Turn conversion groups off/on. You can even turn off/on individual conversion factors! Conversions Chapter 5, "Business" 18 include: temperature, velocity, density, money, power, force, distance, and more. On-line context sensitive help. In use by many Fortune 500, FedGov, NASA and many others. Chapter 6, "Engineering" 19 Chapter 6 Engineering See also: Data, Engineering data (page 15). 6.1 Surveying & cartography See also: Graphics, Business applications, Mapping/cartography (page 26). Product: Landscape Explorer [***] 3D landscape visualization tool. See full description on page 26. 6.2 Engineering utilities Product: Convert It!(tm) SE [***] Versatile unit of measure converter. See full description on page 17. Chapter 7, "Mathematics" 20 Chapter 7 Mathematics See also: Utilities, Desktop utilities, Calculators (page 8). 7.1 Mathematical utilities Product: Convert It!(tm) SE [***] Versatile unit of measure converter. See full description on page 17. Chapter 8, "Computer programming" 21 Chapter 8 Computer programming 8.1 Database engines Product: Keyed File System (OS/2) [***] Author: APT Computer Solutions, Inc., 606-873-0589 Version: 2.11 (04-11-94) Needs: IBM 80386, OS/2 2.0 or better. 20k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $50.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of unlimited CompuServe, mail support; royalty-free runtime license; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: KFSOS220.ZIP on BBSs (call 606-233-0154 to download it at no charge); KFSOS2.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:SHAREWARE forum LIBrary 3 (or contact userID 73023,3037 for assistance). Download size: 50k (about four minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A set of powerful, easy to use, subroutines that allow the OS/2 programmer to create and use files having alphabetic or numeric keyes. These routines are language independent and allow you to write applications that create and use keyed files. Records in these files may be read by full or partial key, read sequentially, updated, and deleted. 8.2 Languages 8.2.1 C Product: Personal Comm Lib for Windows [***] Author: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc., 205-881-4630 Version: 1.0 (02-01-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. Microsoft C 7.0 or Borland C 3.1 or 4.0. Strongly recommended: Hard disk; Hayes-compatible modem. Registration fee: $95.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, newsletter, mail support; royalty-free source code; bonus Chapter 8, "Computer programming" 22 utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware. Look for: PCL4W10.ZIP on BBSs (call 205-880-9748 to download it at no charge); PCLW10.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMPRO forum LIBrary 3; PCL4W10.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 4. PsL#: 11171 Download size: 78k (about six minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An asynchronous comm library for Windows developers. Supports COM1 to COM4 from 300 to 115200 baud, 4 ports concurrently, all memory models, DigiBoard PC/4 & PC/8, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control. Includes simple windows terminal program. Chapter 9, "Education" 23 Chapter 9 Education 9.1 High school Product: Periodic Table [***] Electronic table of elements with decay data. See full description on page 24. 9.2 College Product: Periodic Table [***] Electronic table of elements with decay data. See full description on page 24. 9.3 Teachers Product: Crossword Clipper for Windows [***] Crossword puzzle layout/publishing tool. See full description on page 10. 9.4 Geography See also: Graphics (page 24). Product: Landscape Explorer [***] 3D landscape visualization tool. See full description on page 26. Chapter 9, "Education" 24 9.5 Science & ecology Product: Periodic Table [***] Author: SMI Corporation, 918-241-2301 Version: 2.03 (05-19-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. 3072k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor; Mouse. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $2.50 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $2.50 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $7.50 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: PT203*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 918-747-2542 to download it at no charge); PERTAB.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 72644,2335 for assistance). Download size: 479k (about 36 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: The ultimate periodic table. It shows all 110 chemical elements. Gives over 30 data items for each one. View element details on multiple elements via its MDI interface. It has data on over 800 isotopes and can display radioactive decay trees for over 500. Has a quiz mode to test your knowlege of the elements. View bond properties. Allows printing of the Table, data and decay trees. Now has x-ray data. Supports the Windows clipboard and DDE. Great for students, researchers or professionals. Chapter 10, "Graphics" 25 Chapter 10 Graphics 10.1 Viewing programs Product: WinClip [***] Author: OsoSoft, 805-528-1759 Version: 3.5 (04-15-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2000k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; VBRUN300.DLL. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus graphics; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: WINCLIP.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-528-1759 to download it at no charge); WNCLIP.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:DTPFORUM forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 71571,222 for assistance). Download size: 180k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An ideal way to view, print, and manage BMP, PCX, and GIF files. AutoZoom shows images same size. Zoom from 10% to 500%. Scroll. Prints individual images or thumbnail catalogs, with file names and directories. Move, copy, or delete files. Load any image into graphics editor of choice. Fast and easy to use. 10.2 Drawing/editor programs See also: Business, Organization charts (page 16). Product: Top Draw [***] Author: Top Software, 303-838-0384 Version: 2.0 (06-30-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 2048k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $59.95 (add $4.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, newsletter, mail support; bonus data; bonus graphics; bonus Chapter 10, "Graphics" 26 templates; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Look for: TOPDR20A.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files); TOPD20.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:DTPFORUM forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72643,436 for assistance). SWREG#: 1811 Download size: 820k (about 61 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: 1994 SIA Award Winner for Best Graphics Program! Powerful yet easy to use object-oriented drawing program. For: DTP, charts, illustrations, logos, brochures, newsletters, more. Rotating text, text on a line, convert text to curves, text wraps to fit shapes, gradient fills, textures, calligraphic pens, unlimited named layers, complete Bezier curve support, context-sensitive help, status line, excellent shape palette, comprehensive multi-level undo. Import/export WMF, BMP and PCX. Much more! 10.3 Business applications See also: Business (page 15). 10.3.1 Mapping/cartography See also: Engineering, Surveying & cartography (page 19). Product: Landscape Explorer [***] Author: WoolleySoft, 0786-825406 Version: 2.2 (01-06-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. 4k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $65.00 Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; bonus data; bonus templates; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; LAND*.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 100332,2104 for assistance). SWREG#: 2099 PsL#: 11239 Download size: 200k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A landscape visualization tool that allows realistic 3D images to be created using scanned images from maps or by importing data files (including ASCII, USGS DEM and British OS NTF formats). The 3D model, which can be viewed from any angle, is highly configurable. A large number of drawing schemes are available - see the landscape in high summer, or with snow on the mountain tops in winter. Alternatively use a wire frame, or perhaps superimpose GIS data such as soil types onto the surface. Chapter 10, "Graphics" 27 10.4 Ready-made graphic images 10.4.1 WPG images Product: Graphcat/Win Clip Art Cataloger [***] Graphcat clip art cataloger for WPWin60/52. See full description on page 13. 10.5 Utilities 10.5.1 Cataloging tools Product: Graphcat/Win Clip Art Cataloger [***] Graphcat clip art cataloger for WPWin60/52. See full description on page 13. Chapter 11, "Home & hobby" 28 Chapter 11 Home & hobby See also: Business, Work-at-home (page 16). 11.1 Gambling See also: Home & hobby, Sports, Handicapping (page 29); Home & hobby, Sports, Betting pools (page 28). Product: NFL Forecaster for Windows [***] Predicts winners & spreads of NFL Games. See full description on page 29. 11.2 Music Product: Music Sculptor for Windows [***] Author: Aleph Omega Software, 403-257-2115 Version: 1.4 (03-07-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. 200k RAM; CGA monitor; Mouse; sound card. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $24.95 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; bonus data; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: MUSIC14.ZIP on BBSs; MUS14.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINFUN forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72613,3574 for assistance). PsL#: 11251 Download size: 230k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A very easy to use MIDI sequencer with music keyboard window. Record, edit, and play music. Works with any Windows- compatible sound card or MIDI interface. Use with either external MIDI keyboard or music keyboard window which can be played using mouse or computer keyboard. Attractive and fully functional. MIDI files included. 11.3 Sports 11.3.1 Betting pools See also: Home & hobby, Gambling (page 28). Chapter 11, "Home & hobby" 29 Product: NFL Forecaster for Windows [***] Predicts winners & spreads of NFL Games. See full description on page 29. 11.3.2 Handicapping See also: Home & hobby, Gambling (page 28). For other Product: NFL Forecaster for Windows [***] Predicts winners & spreads of NFL Games. See full description on page 29. 11.3.3 Football Product: NFL Forecaster for Windows [***] Author: 100% Cotton Software, 717-289-4019 Version: 3.0w (06-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, Windows 3.0 or better. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, mail support; bonus data; discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. Look for: FCAST30W.ZIP on BBSs. PsL#: 11343 Download size: 304k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Using only scores, it ranks each team & predicts winners & spreads of NFL games. The user is guided step-by-step through the process of entering scores, forecasting spreads, saving data, viewing rankings & printing reports. Requires only 10 minutes per week. Prints 5 reports & the schedule; 6 view windows; sorts 8 ways. Handles playoff & non-scheduled games. Highly configurable. Saves each week's rankings, scores & spreads. Function for creating new season's schedule. Accurate. 11.3.4 Other Product: Landscape Explorer [***] 3D landscape visualization tool. See full description on page 26. Chapter 12, "Games" 30 Chapter 12 Games 12.1 Board games 12.1.1 Other Product: Econ's Arena [***] Author: Digital Magic, Inc. Version: 1.01 (07-31-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. Hard disk; Mouse. Strongly recommended: XMS memory; sound card. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; ECONAR.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:GAMERS forum LIBrary 13 (or contact userID 70602,3257 for assistance). Download size: 542k (about 40 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Special instructions: Product distribution restricted to the United States. Description: The elements have declared war on one another and only the being called Econ can prevent them from destroying their world. Play as Earth, Air, Fire, or Water on the changing terrain of Econ's Arena. Control Ogres, Griffons, Dragons, Tritons, and other mythological pieces. Cast spells imprisoning your foes or protecting your troops. Play against three friends or the computer's eight personalities. Collect your elemental tokens and attack Econ himself...if you dare! 12.2 Strategy/simulation Product: Econ's Arena [***] Fantasy chess-like strategy game. See full description on page 30. 12.3 Word games Product: Crossword Clipper for Windows [***] Crossword puzzle layout/publishing tool. See full description on page 10. Chapter 12, "Appendixes" 31 PART 2 Appendixes Appendix A, "Author addresses" 32 Appendix A Author addresses This appendix cross-references each author to his or her pro- duct(s). If you want to know where to write or call about a particular product, look for it in the index and write down the page number where the product name appears in this appendix. Then turn to the appropriate page in this appendix and look up the author. ------------------------------------------------------ Please note! Many authors specify a shareware regis- tration service's phone number in the "orders only" phone field. These registration services can only take product orders. They cannot offer any product support; they cannot tell you anything about a pro- duct; they cannot send you any brochures; and they cannot forward any messages to the author. You must call the "queries" or "fax" numbers listed for an author in order to obtain support or to speak with the author. ------------------------------------------------------ Product: Crossword Clipper for Windows Author: PC HELP-LINE Address: 35250 Silver Leaf Circle, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Orders & queries: 909-797-3091 Fax: 909-797-3091 Products: Bookbild/Win Pamphlet Publisher, Graphcat/Win Clip Art Cataloger, The Letterhead Kit/Win Author: Science Translations Software Services [Jerry Stern] Address: PO Box 20234, Baltimore, MD 21284-0234 Orders & queries: 410-661-2224 Accepts: American Express, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 410-661-2224 Product: NFL Forecaster for Windows Author: 100% Cotton Software Address: RR 1 Box 1622, Hop Bottom, PA 18824 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 717-289-4019 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 33 Products: Convert It!(tm) SE, Periodic Table, Zippidy Do Da(tm) Author: SMI Corporation Address: P.O. Box 582221, Tulsa, OK 74158 Orders & queries: 918-241-2301 Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Product: Top Draw Author: Top Software Address: P.O. Box 1141, Conifer, CO 80433 Orders & queries: 303-838-0384 Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Fax: 303-838-0384 Product: Econ's Arena Author: Digital Magic, Inc. [Glen DeBiasa] Address: R.R. 1 Box 410, Apt 1M, Hamburg, NJ 07419 Product: Music Sculptor for Windows Author: Aleph Omega Software Address: Box 61085 Kensington Postal Outlet, Calgary, Alberta T2Z 1W8 CANADA Orders: 800-2424-PSL (orders only, please) Queries: 403-257-2115 Product: Keyed File System (OS/2) Author: APT Computer Solutions, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 47, Versailles, KY 40383-0047 Orders & queries: 606-873-0589 Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Products: AdMaker, Fonter, MultiLabel, Prompter - Speaker's Utility, Rockford!, WinClip Author: OsoSoft [George Campbell] Address: 1472 Sixth Street, Los Osos, CA 93402 Orders & queries: 805-528-1759 Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 805-528-3074 Product: Personal Comm Lib for Windows Author: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. Address: PO Box 4543, Huntsville, AL 35815 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 713-524-6398 Queries: 205-881-4630 Product: Landscape Explorer Author: WoolleySoft Address: Humblesknowe Cottage, Ramoyle, Dunblane, Perthshire FK15 0BA SCOTLAND Orders & queries: 0786-825406 Appendix B, "Vendor addresses" 34 Appendix B Vendor addresses This appendix lists each ASP-approved disk vendor. These vendors have agreed to abide by ethical standards when offering shareware. A Business Company Inc Address: PO Box 1055, New York NY 10185 Phone: 718-434-1930 A to Z-Ware Address: 475 College Blvd #6215, Oceanside CA 92057 Phone: 619-941-3189 Altez Address: 3737 Patchett Rd, Baldwinsville NY 13027 Phone: 315-638-4160 Amazing Products Enterprise Address: Yishun PO Box 0054, Singapore 9176 SINGAPORE Phone: 65 257 0591 American Databankers Corporation Address: 6506 South Lewis Ste 250, TULSA OK 74136 Phone: 918-742-2022 Aringna SDN BHD Address: PO Box 78 Lutong, Miri SARAWAK 98107 MALAYSIA Basic Bits & Bytes Address: 1654 Beaupre, Madison Hgts MI 48071-2685 Phone: 810-528-9944 Border Country Computers Address: 15 Wickham Court, Baranduda VICTORIA 3691 AUSTRALIA Phone: 060 208655 Component Business Inc Address: 41348 Christy St, Fremont CA 94538 Phone: 510-651-6256 Compusoft International Address: 24A Millicent St, Athol Park SA 5012 AUSTRALIA Phone: 08 47-7405 Computer Central Address: 23336 Mobile St, West Hills CA 91307 Phone: 818-888-8538 Appendix B, "Vendor addresses" 35 Diemme Editori Srl Address: Via PO 7, RENDE COSENZA 87030 ITALY Phone: 039-984-466800 DTP Studio spol. sr.o. Address: Nademlejnska 7, Prague 9 19000 CZECH REP Phone: 42-2-862931 Easy Life Inc Address: 4604 Deerfield Circle, Sioux Falls SD 57105 Phone: 605-339-2430 First Computer Centre Address: Unit 3 Armley Park Court, Stanningley Rd, Leeds YORKSHIRE LS12 2AE U.K. Phone: 44-532-311536 Friendware SL Address: Miguel Angel 6, 2-5, Madrid 28010 SPAIN Phone: 308-3446 Jim - Tech Enterprises Address: PO Box 659, Fraser Lake BC VOJ 1SO CANADA Phone: 604-699-8650 K & M Address: Postbus 2970, Amsterdam 1013 GM NETHERLANDS Phone: 31-20-6385509 MediaLand, Inc. Address: 164 C Craig Henry Drive, Nepean ON K2G 4M7 CANADA Phone: 613-723-6824 Protronic Enterprises Corp Address: 7F-2 No.234, Nanking E Rd Sec 5, Taipei TAIWAN Phone: 886-2-7468626 Radical Concepts th Address: 516 36 St, Newport Beach CA 92663 Phone: 714-723-4351 Shareware To Go Address: P.O. Box 31303, RALEIGH NC 27622-1303 Phone: 800-277-DISK Skyline Software Address: 120-22 N York Road Ste 205, Elmhurst IL 60126 Phone: 708-834-2210 SofTec Address: PO Box 183, Western Shore NS BOJ 3MO CANADA Phone: 902-627-2870 Appendix B, "Vendor addresses" 36 Solvit Chosun Media Inc Address: 748-16 Namchang B/O, Yeoksam-Dong Kangnam-Gu, Seoul KOREA Phone: 82-2-561-0361 Spotlight Software Inc Address: 1042 South Oliver, Wichita KS 67218 Phone: 316-683-4949 StreetSmart Software Address: 1001 Mason Drive, Hartselle AL 35640 Phone: 205-773-4024 Swarland Computer Graphics Address: 2 Coast View, Swarland, Morpeth NORTHUMBERLAND NE65 9JG U.K. Phone: 44-670-787912 Varja Software Library Address: 624 SE 12th CT # 6, Cape Coral FL 33990 Phone: 813-458-2697 Ziffer Ware SA de CV Address: Escuela 21 Col EX-HDA SJ Dios, Mexico 14387 MEXICO Phone: 525-511-1579 Appendix C, "Bulletin Boards" 37 Appendix C Bulletin Boards This appendix lists each ASP-approved computer bulletin board system (BBS). These BBSs have agreed to abide by ethical stan- dards when offering shareware. Set your communications software to "8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit" before calling any of these BBSs. /\ssisT-ON-Line Address: c/o DaS Procuction, Via Giusti 15 a/b, Firenze 50121 ITALY BBS Phone: 39-55-2340486 BBS 2000 Address: C.so Vitt. Emanuele 15, Milano 20122 ITALY BBS Phone: 39 2 781147 Cappuccano Cafe Address: 1125 W Boone Ave, Nampa ID 83651 BBS Phone: 208-467-4110 Chesapeake Online Address: 1381 Westwood Drive, North Tonawanda NY 14120 BBS Phone: 410-964-6400 Cliffside Park BBs Address: 300 Winston Drive 1202, Cliffside Park NJ 07010 BBS Phone: 201-886-1658 CompuBasix Address: PO Box 8169, Corpus Christi TX 78468-8169 BBS Phone: 512-994-8300 Crystal Mountain BBS Address: 402 CHESTNUT HILL AVE, ATHOL MA 01331 BBS Phone: 508-249-2156 Event Horizons Address: 311 Ave B Ste 209, Lake Oswego OR 97034 BBS Phone: 503-697-5100 Flix Pages & Tunes Address: 4 Briar Lane, Weston MA 02193-1465 BBS Phone: 617-235-0789 Hottips BBS Glendale Address: PO Box 764, La Canada CA 91012 BBS Phone: 818-248-3088 Appendix C, "Bulletin Boards" 38 Knight Light PCB BBS Address: Hugoverrieststraat 34, Pl Tilburg 5044 NETHERLANDS BBS Phone: 31-13-678227 Node Dakota BBS Address: 1911 San Diego Dr, Bismarck ND 58504-7222 BBS Phone: 701-224-1431 Pistonhead Address: 2115 Lennox Rd, Richmond VA 23228-6038 BBS Phone: 804-262-4036 Sunset Ridge BBS th Address: 9320 S 54 Court, Oak Lawn IL 60453 BBS Phone: 708-636-0971 The Firebox Express Address: 2120 Keystone, Sterling Heights MI 48310 BBS Phone: 810-826-9411 The INDEX System Address: 6030 E Alabama Ste 114, Woodstock GA 30188 BBS Phone: 404-924-8472 The Northern Exchange BBS st Address: 2872 E. 51 Street #F, TULSA OK 74105 BBS Phone: 918-747-4452 The Wishing Well BBS Address: 11472 Fisher, Warren MI 48089-3075 BBS Phone: 810-759-2128 TTPBBS Address: Church Croft, Bramshall, Uttoxeter STAFFS ST14 5DE ENGLAND BBS Phone: 44-889-568625 Virginia Data Exchange Address: 11 EVELYN DRIVE, NEWPORT NEWS VA 23602 BBS Phone: 804-877-3562 Wesley's Window Address: 220 ORANGE CHURCH ROAD, CANTON GA 30114 BBS Phone: 404-522-9042 Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 39 Appendix D Retired shareware This appendix lists shareware products now "retired" by the author. Retired products no longer receive the minimum levels of support, and the authors have agreed to return any registra- tion fees sent in for the software. An author may retire a shareware product for any number of reasons. Some applications have outlived their usefulness; others may have grown too costly to continue supporting due to competition from other authors. Product: Astro-World for Windows Author: Marcus Fabian Astrology Program incl. printed evaluations. Product: Astro-World fuer Windows Author: Marcus Fabian Astrologieprogramm (deutsch) fu"r Windows. Product: Book of Changes Author: R.K. West Consulting I CHING fortunes and philosophy. Product: ClipBook Author: Software Co-op Windows graphics image cataloger w/clipart. Product: DayCare Author: Software Co-op Complete daycare recordkeeping system. Product: Dinger Author: Pinecliffe International - ASG Superceded by WOPR 2.0, for WinWord 2.0. Product: Enveloper Author: Pinecliffe International - ASG Superceded by WOPR 2.0, for WinWord 2.x. Product: FOURU Author: GTX Software Four handy utilities. Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 40 Product: General Purpose System Analyzer Author: COBOL Maintenance Technologies COBOL system analysis and documentation. Product: Home Money Manager II (and I) Author: HomeCraft Software Home checkbook and budgeting. Product: I.Q. Challenge Author: R.K. West Consulting Test knowledge in 5 categories, earn diploma. Product: Maillist / M-Label Author: R.K. West Consulting Easy mailing list system for home or business. Product: MYMIQ Author: Gateway Software Managing Your Money import stock quotes. Product: ORGANIZE! Your Legal Case Notes Author: HomeCraft Software Cataloging system for statutes and case notes. Product: An Ounce Of Prevention Author: Pete Maclean Disaster prevention/data protection system. Product: PACK TRACKER Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting Cub Scout pack automated records system. Product: PARTY TRACKER Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting Political organization membership system. Product: PC Bartender Author: HomeCraft Software Recipes for drinks, featuring no-alchol drink. Product: Penname Author: R.K. West Consulting Helps writers come up with names. Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 41 Product: PixFolio Image Catalog System Author: ACK Software Windows Image Cataloging System. Product: PrinterBUDDY Author: Lenard Dean A setup utility for all printers. Product: PRO$TOCK Author: Gateway Software Downloads stock quotes & news from Prodigy. Product: Programmer's SUPER-MAINT Author: EmmaSoft Software Company, Inc. Professional Make utility. Product: PROMASTER Author: Gateway Software Adds power to Prodigy software. Product: Pulsar for DOS Author: Tesserax Information Systems LaserJet printer utility for DOS. Product: QMU Author: Gateway Software Prodigy/Quicken link. Product: SCBABOTL Author: Raymond A.J. Pesek Fire dept. SCBA bottle & PASS management. Product: Soothsayer aka Oracle Author: R.K. West Consulting Tarot and I Ching. Product: Stardial Author: GTX Software Autodialer For Galaxy/Starlink service. Product: Your Financial Advisor Author: HomeCraft Software Loan and finacial calculations. Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 42 Product: Your Menu Author: HomeCraft Software Hard disk menu and DOS shell. Appendix E, "Sorted list of all programs" 43 Appendix E Sorted list of all programs This appendix notes the author of each program listed in this catalog. It comes in extremely handy when you want to see if a given program comes from an ASP member, or when you want to know the current version number/release date for a program. Hint: look in the index for the program (by name) if you want to see a full description for the program or learn the author's address & phone number. You'll find page references for all the information you need. AdMaker 3.5 (05-06-94) OsoSoft Bookbild/Win Pamphlet Publisher 1.01 (02-01-94) Science Translations Software Services Convert It!(tm) SE 3.0 (07-08-94) SMI Corporation Crossword Clipper for Windows 2.00 (04-15-94) PC HELP-LINE Econ's Arena 1.01 (07-31-94) Digital Magic, Inc. Fonter 6.2 (04-15-94) OsoSoft Graphcat/Win Clip Art Cataloger 3.1 (04-20-94) Science Translations Software Services Keyed File System (OS/2) 2.11 (04-11-94) APT Computer Solutions, Inc. Landscape Explorer 2.2 (01-06-94) WoolleySoft The Letterhead Kit/Win 2.1 (12-12-92) Science Translations Software Services MultiLabel 3.5 (04-01-94) OsoSoft Music Sculptor for Windows 1.4 (03-07-94) Aleph Omega Software NFL Forecaster for Windows 3.0w (06-01-94) 100% Cotton Software Periodic Table 2.03 (05-19-94) SMI Corporation Personal Comm Lib for Windows 1.0 (02-01-94) MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. Prompter - Speaker's Utility 1.2 (06-11-93) OsoSoft Rockford! 3.5 (05-01-94) OsoSoft Top Draw 2.0 (06-30-94) Top Software WinClip 3.5 (04-15-94) OsoSoft Zippidy Do Da(tm) 1.01 (12-05-93) SMI Corporation Appendix F, "Supporting Members" 44 Appendix F Supporting Members The Association of Shareware Professionals expresses a special thanks to the following supporting members: Authors: David Berdan - ExpressWare Corporation Richard Cherry Jr. - Cherry Tree Software Phil Katz - PKWARE, Inc. Sammy Mitchell - SemWare Vendors: Die Deutsche Software Bibliothek George Margelis - Bugetware Gregory N. Wilson - Big Byte Software Mohiyel-Din Hussein - Husco Michael C. Comish - Software Excitement! Arthur Tendler - The $5 Computer Software Store BBSs: Don W. Watkins - CompuServe (IBMNET) Tess Heder, Brian Miller - Channel 1 Jon H. Larimore - GLIB Bruce Jackson - The Break Dave Harrison - Metro Online Neil Fleming - Canada Remote Systems Index 45 Index 80286 utilities See: E Utilities, Hardware Econ's Arena 30, 33 utilities, EmmaSoft Software Company 286/386/486-specific Inc. 41 80386 utilities See: Enveloper 39 Utilities, Hardware utilities, F 286/386/486-specific Fonter 8, 33 80486 utilities See: FOURU 39 Utilities, Hardware utilities, G 286/386/486-specific Gateway Software 40, 41 100% Cotton Software 29, General Purpose System 32 Analyzer 40 Graphcat/Win Clip Art A Cataloger 13, 32 ACK Software 41 GTX Software 39, 41 AdMaker 10, 33 Aleph Omega Software 28, H 33 Handicapped See: An Ounce Of Prevention 40 Utilities, Special needs APT Computer Solutions Home Money Manager II (and Inc. 21, 33 I) 40 Astro-World for Windows 39 HomeCraft Software 40, 41, Astro-World fuer Windows 42 39 I B I.Q. Challenge 40 Book of Changes 39 Bookbild/Win Pamphlet K Publisher 13, 32 Keyed File System (OS/2) 21, 33 C ClipBook 39 L COBOL Maintenance Landscape Explorer 26, 33 Technologies 40 Lenard Dean 41 Convert It!(tm) SE 17, 33 Crossword Clipper for M Windows 10, 32 Maillist / M-Label 40 Crossword Creator 11 Marcus Fabian 39 MarshallSoft Computing D Inc. 21, 33 DayCare 39 MCGA utilities See: Digital Magic Utilities, Hardware Inc. 30, 33 utilities, Screen, EGA/ Dinger 39 VGA specific Index 46 Memory utilities See: Q Utilities, Hardware QMU 41 utilities, CPU & memory MultiLabel 11, 33 R Music Sculptor for Windows R.K. West Consulting 39, 28, 33 40, 41 MYMIQ 40 RAM utilities See: Utilities, Hardware N utilities, CPU & memory NDOS See: Utilities, Raymond A.J. Pesek 41 Software tools & add- Restore See: Utilities, ins, For JP Software File utilities, Backup/ NFL Forecaster for Windows restore 29, 32 Robert Barrentine Norton's NDOS See: Consulting 40 Utilities, Software Rockford! 12, 33 tools & add-ins, For JP Software S SCBABOTL 41 O Science Translations Optical character Software Services 13, recognition See: 14, 32 Graphics, Business SMI Corporation 15, 17, applications, OCR 24, 33 applications Soft fonts See: Utilities, ORGANIZE! Your Legal Case Printer utilities Notes 40 Software Co-op 39 OsoSoft 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, Soothsayer aka Oracle 41 25, 33 Stardial 41 P T PACK TRACKER 40 Tesserax Information PARTY TRACKER 40 Systems 41 PC Bartender 40 The Letterhead Kit/Win 14, PC HELP-LINE 10, 32 32 Penname 40 Top Draw 25, 33 Periodic Table 24, 33 Top Software 25, 33 Personal Comm Lib for Trojan horse See: Windows 21, 33 Utilities, Security Pete Maclean 40 programs Pinecliffe International - ASG 39 V PixFolio Image Catalog VGA utilities See: System 41 Utilities, Hardware PrinterBUDDY 41 utilities, Screen, EGA/ PRO$TOCK 41 VGA specific Programmer's SUPER-MAINT 41 W PROMASTER 41 WinClip 25, 33 Prompter - Speaker's WoolleySoft 26, 33 Utility 17, 33 Pulsar for DOS 41 Y Your Financial Advisor 41 Your Menu 42 Index 47 Z Zippidy Do Da(tm) 15, 33