BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 1994 B&D Software Grass Roots (205)352-3113 FIDONet 1:3607/25 BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS is as easy to set up as are all B&D Software door's! You should, however, be familiar with your BBS software and how it runs external programs or "doors". Also, you should be familiar with simple DOS commands like how to create a directory and how to write a simple batch file. A sample batch file is included in this package which should work with most BBS software with very little modification. The following files should have been in this ZIP package when you received it: DESC.SDI One line description of file DOOR.BAT Sample batch file for running door BUGRPORT.FRM Handy form for reporting bugs in program BETADIST.BBS A list of all B&D Software Beta/Distribution Sites FILE_ID.DIZ Complete description using BBS standard BIO_HELP.ANS X Instructions for using BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS REGISTER.FRM A handy form for registering BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS BIOINTRO.ANS X Main Screen for BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS SYSOP.DOC These documents for installing BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS BIORHYTH.EXE X BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS main executable BIO_DAYS.ANS X Screen for Daily Analyzation BIOMONTH.ANS X Screen for Monthly Analyzation BIO_WEEK.ANS X Screen for Weekly Analyzation BIO_MENU.ANS X ANSI for Main Menu Those files followed by an "X" should NOT be deleted from the directory. Any others may be at your own discretion. Installing BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS on your system: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a Sub-directory under your DOORS directory (or where ever you have your external programs). Call this sub-directory BIORHYTH (or any other name of your choice). Place all the files that were in this ZIP package in that sub-directory. Edit BIORHYTH.CFG to reflect the following information: Line 1 > BBS Name Line 2 > SYSOP Name Line 3 > Door Donor's Name (if registered) Line 4 > Registration number Using the information for my BBS the BIORHYTH.CFG would look like this: Grass Roots Bill Hicks B&D Software 1234567890 OR! You can delete the file BIORHYTH.CFG and run BIORHYTH.EXE locally and you will be prompted for all pertinent data. When you register the door just delete the old BIORHYTH.CFG and re-run BIORHYTH.EXE! Next you will need to edit the DOOR.BAT provided. Here is how it works quite simply put: Line 1 > Turn the echo off Line 2 > Change to the drive on which the door is located Line 3 > Change to the door directory Line 4 > Execute BIORHYTH with the drive:\path\filename of the dropfile in the command line. If the dropfile is copied to the directory where BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS is executed then all you will need is its name. Line 5 > Change back to the drive the BBS is on Line 6 > Change to the BBS directory Line 7 > Exit the batch file Here is the one I use on Grass Roots (provided as the sample DOOR.BAT): ECHO OFF C: CD \MAX\DOORS\BIORHYTH BIORHYTH.EXE C:\MAX\DOOR.SYS C: CD \MAX EXIT NOTICE: Some BBS software revolts at using the "EXIT" at the end of the batch file. Create it as your BBS documents direct. For a DORINFOn.DEF, CALLINFO.BBS, or other drop file simple change the command line following BIORHYTH.EXE to reflect the drive:\path\filename of the appropriate drop file. BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS may be ran locally by simple typing BIORHYTH.EXE without a Command line added. I hope that you and your callers enjoy BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS, and that you find it worthy of your support. Please read the file REGISTER.FRM for information on how to register your copy of BIORHYTHMIC ANALYSIS! Bill Hicks Debra Hicks B&D Software