This game is similar to "Scrabble" (TM) and "Words Across" (TM) games. OBJECT: The Object of this game is to place your tiles into "Legal" words onto the playing board in turn with the other players achieving the highest score possible. Unlike "Scrabble", a player may change existing words as needed. This difference will allow you to score high points, fast! A player may change "QUICK" to "QUACK" with only one tile. STARTING A NEW GAME: A new game may be created by any user, who will designate what the minimum and maximum players will be (2-4). The creator of the new game will then vote to "Begin the game now, or wait for more players to join" The game begins when either the maximum number of people have joined a game, or the minimum number of people have voted to be begin the game now. PLAYING THE GAME: Playing sequence is on a first come, first play basis, and each player may make one play per day. Once a play has been made, that players next turn may be played from midnight the next day. Each player is given 7 tiles out of 98 tiles available. Each Tile has a value (shown in the bottom left corner of each tile). A player will place any number of tiles onto the board vertically or horizontally into a legal word as determined by the games dictionary. The first play must cross the center of the board at location H,8. All other plays must touch or cross another word. PLAY WORD: This option will prompt the user to enter a word. After the word is entered, the program will check the word against the dictionary to see if the word is legal. If the word is legal, location across, location down and direction (across/down) will be requested. Placement of the word is checked to ensure the word fits on the board, crosses location H,8 or touches another word. After placement of the word, all other affected words will be checked against the games dictionary, and the player has the correct tiles to play the word. When no play errors are detected, the player is prompted to ensure that the play is correctly placed as requested. RE-ARRANGE TILES: This option allows the player to see his/her tiles in any order to better visualize a word before play. No penalty is given for use, and re-arranging tiles may be done as often as neccessary. EXCHANGE TILES: This option allows the player to return any number of tiles back to the pot. A player may exchange from 0-7 tiles. The penalty for exchanging tiles is the loss of that days turn. QUIT: A player may quit his turn before making a play. No penalty is given for using this option. This option allows the player return at a later time to make a play. SCORING: You're score is based on the tiles value times the board placement value plus total points of any word you connect to. The placement value is seen on the playing board, and may only be used once for any play. For example, if a word crosses a double word value the score of the played word is doubled and any other word that crosses that location will receive the basic tile value only. If a word crosses two double or triple word places, the word played will be doubled/tripled and then doubled/tripled again. A Player that plays all 7 tiles in one turn will receive a bonus score of 50 points for that play. When the game ends, a players score will be reduced by the sum of any unused tiles the player has not used. If a player uses all letters, the total sum of all unplayed letters will be added to that players score. Currently this game is in the Testing/Development stage and any game you begin/play is subject to deletion as necessary. Thank You for Understanding!