PAROLE Software BBS Name : ________________________________________ (Maximum of 40 characters) SysOp Name : ______________________________________ Be sure to PRINT or TYPE the above information EXACTLY as you will enter it in the CFG file. The case is not important when I create the serial numbers but, the spelling is. BBS Telephone # (___) ___-____ MaxBaud Rate________________ Modem Type(s) ____________________________________________________ BBS Software ___________________________________ (This will assist me if you have any problems.) FIDO Address:_________________ Do you accept "Crash Mail"? Y__ N__ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State____ Zip _________ Home Telephone (___) ___-____ FAX (___) ___-____ [ ] Check [ ] Money Order [ ]Credit Card If Credit Card please specify type: [ ] Master Card [ ] Visa [ ] AMEX [ ] JCB [ ] Optima Name on Card:________________________________________________ Account Number:_____________________________ Exp Date:___/___ Signature:_____________________________ Date:________________ Your Billing statement will show that the purchase was made from "DRAGON BBS". If you wish to use a CC, all the purchaser information must be filled in above including typing in your name on the signature line. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Register PURITY 500 $ 15 ___ PURITY 1000 $ 15 ___ SUPER RASSLE $ 15 ___ SEX TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ADOPT-A-DOOR $ 15 ___ BABY DERBY $ 15 ___ FILE WISHING WELL $ 15 ___ ONLINE TEXT READER $ 15 ___ ? ONLINE TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? NCAA SPORTS TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? DIAMOND TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? ENT. AWARDS TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? MOVIETIME TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? CELEBRITY TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? STAR TREK TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? HISTORY TRIVIA $ 15 ___ ? QUOTES & QUIPS $ 15 ___ POSTTIME $ 15 ___ TIME TRIALS $ 15 ___ CLASSIFIED ADS $ 15 ___ CURRENT EVENTS $ 15 ___ BBS HERALD $ 15 ___ ON LINE REVIEWS $ 15 ___ ON LINE GRAFFITI $ 15 ___ ON LINE PROFILES $ N/A <- Coming Soon! DISK SET $ 3 ___ 2nd Priority Mail $ 5 ___ ESP! FREE! # TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES FREE! # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- All Twenty-Four (24) $200 ___ * Any Five (5)/no CatList $ 55 ___ * Any Three(3)/no CatList $ 35 ___ * Catlist $ 25 ___ * All 24 + CatList $215 ___ * Any 5 + Catlist $ 70 ___ * Any 3 + CatList $ 50 ___ * ? Trivia Series(9) $ 77 ___ * ? Trv. Series(9)/CatList $ 92 ___ * ? Trv. Series(9)/SexTrv $ 85 ___ * ? TrvSer(9)/SexTrv/CList $100 ___ * Total Amount: $___________ SEX TRIVIA is NOT included in the "Trivia Series". However; I will include it in the package for an additional $8. * Includes Disk Set with all PAROLE Software Doors and Utilities. DO NOT add an extra $3 to these packages. The Disk Set is included in this price. # Unless you order a disk set or your package includes a disk set, you must download the FREE programs if you wish to obtain them. I DO NOT upload them to your BBS. NC residents please add 6% sales tax. Payable to "Dennis Maidon" The Parole Board BBS PAROLE Software 9411 Buffalo Rd Clayton, NC 27520 Voice (919) 965-3600 (Before 9:30pm EST) BBS (919) 965-4696 USR Dual Standard V.32bis/V.42bis/HST BBS (919) 965-9885 Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC FIDO 1:151/185 -> US Robotics 1:151/183 -> Hayes Be sure to check out the Doors menu for other PAROLE Software Doors. You may also call the BBS and use the logon name of "PAROLE SOFTWARE" and the password of "NOW!" to Download any of the PAROLE Software programs and doors. When the BBS prompts you for a first name, enter " PAROLE SOFTWARE NOW! ". If you would like Visiting SysOp status, you MUST logon using your real name. Due to the costs involved, I cannot make telephone calls to non-registered users. In the past I have done this and the cost has FAR outweighed the income. I will be glad to help you if you make all necessary calls either voice or BBS. All updates will be posted on The Parole Board BBS and some others as I do my regular calling around. If you have any ideas or suggestions please get them to me and if possible I will incorporate them into a future door releases. I will provide support for my doors and utilities as long as you make the calls. PrePaid with Check or MO: If you will pre-register me on your BBS I will call you the same day I get your registration and leave a msg to you with you REG#. If you do not pre-register me or order the disk set, you MUST call me using the name you have specified above to pick up your registration number(s). I have had several that forgot to pre-register me. I DO NOT attempt to call again. You must call my BBS and pick up your number(s). ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º º º I will not make calls outside the US or Canada. I will mail your º º register numbers back to you or you may call the BBS and pick them up. º º º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ Thanks for supporting SHAREWARE. -Dennis Maidon Registration Info. Name: Dennis Maidon Address: 9411 Buffalo Rd, Clayton, NC 27520 Password:_______________________ <- You create one DoB: 10/18/51 Telephone: (919) 965-3600 (voice) Editor : Full Screen Color : NO HotKeys: YES Security Level : At least high enough to leave you a [C]omment. If you'd prefer to have a copy on disk please enclose an extra $3.00 to cover postage and handling. The programs will be mailed on (4) three HD disks. Individual Doors DO NOT include Disk Sets. All Package sets and CatList do. Please make checks and MOs payable to "Dennis Maidon". This version of REGISTER.TXT supersedes ALL previous releases. rev. 7/6/94