Galactic Tracker, version 2.00 Copyright (C) 1994 Karl Eric Beisel Important Information (1) Documentation: Complete documentation for Galactic Tracker is in GALTRAK.HLP. You can open this help file by clicking on Galactic Tracker's Help/Contents menu. (2) Upgrading from Galactic Tracker/Galactic Spy 1.x: All registered users of Galactic Tracker/Galactic Spy 1.x may use the same registration codes to register Galactic Tracker 2.0. Galactic Tracker 2.0 will automatically upgrade your 1.30 ship database to the new format. It will not upgrade Galactic Spy databases. Galactic Tracker 2.0 uses Windows to access its initialization file (GALTRAK.INI), which is much faster than the 1.x method of writing to the file itself. For this reason, your 1.x settings will not be used, and you will have to reconfigure the program. Please note that version 2.0 keeps a separate database for each race in a game. Instead of one GALTRAK.DAT, there is a file for each race that uses the naming convention: GTAKn.DAT where n is the player number, between 1 and 11. (3) Bug fixes: The following bugs were fixed (I hope) version 2.0: * All files are now opened in a fasion that prevents interferance by other programs that write data files with naming conventions similar to those of VGA Planets. Programs that previously caused problems included AUTO and Planets Map II. Galactic Tracker should now work fine along side both of those programs. * Location in the Ship List is now displayed properly when planet names are displayed in a column other than the last. * Galactic Tracker no longer crashes if no ships are in the Ship List. * GALTRAK.INI is now written where it is supposed to be written, either in Galactic Tracker's directory or the Windows directory. * Resizing the Galactic Tracker windows to very small windows no longer causes the program to end in an error. * Galactic Tracker now works on non-hard disks. This was caused by the way Galactic Tracker checked for the existance of directories. It should now work on floppy drives and RAM drives. * Game Setup entries are now saved in a way that keeps each game's settings separated when one is removed from Galactic Tracker's menu. (4) Reporting Problems: If you experience any difficulties, please read the troubleshooting section of GALTRAK.HLP or contact me via: Internet: Compuserve: 73223,612 BBS: (703) 491-2272 (5) Legal Information: There are no warranties, explicit or implied. The only thing I do gaurantee is your money back, no questions asked. This utility costs $5. Expect a $5 utility. Use at your own risk, and all that and all that... Galactic Tracker (C) 1994 Karl Eric Beisel VGA Planets is a Trade Mark of Tim Wisseman (6) The End