ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ IMPORT V3.2 ³ ³ Import Utility for READROOM Door ³ ³ (C) Exhibit A Communications, 1992-1993 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ About IMPORT ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ IMPORT is a little utility designed to ease the burden on sysops running the READROOM door. This utility will scan the configuration file for READROOM door and will try and locate new versions of the publications in the door. If any are found, they will be opened up into the appropriate directory. Supports publications archive in ZIP, ARJ, LZH and ARC formats. IMPORT will now also automatically convert USAToday's electronic edition into the READROOM.TOC format. IMPORT is command line driven to allow sysops to add this utility to any batch file or event that they wish to automate the posting of a new publication. IMPORT will work hand in hand with the next version of LSTRELAY to produce accurate reports to sysop as well as posting news files about the status of the most recent session. (Please see Appendix B for more information about LSTRELAY) Please note: this utility will only work with registered versions of the READROOM door! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ About Shareware ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Shareware is a method of software distribution designed to benefit both the software developer and the end user. Shareware (SW) should not be confused with Public Domain (PD) programs. While PD programs are released to the public with no restrictions attached to their use, SW programs are the copyrighted work of their authors. The SW programs are released to the public for evaluation purposes under the assumption that if the end user likes the program and continues to use it after a reasonable period of time, that user is obligated to register the program. If you purchased this program from a SW distributor, you have not registered it. You must still pay the programmer to register it. The money you paid to the distributor was to cover the cost of duplicating/advertising/etc the files. Programmers get to distribute their wares without the expense of advertising, packaging & distribution. The users benefit from being able to try out the programs without having to pay for the privilege of evaluation. Shareware programmers (the good ones anyway) are generally more responsive to bug reports & user requests for additional features. Everyone benefits provided that the users remember to register and programmers continue to ... well, program. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Registration ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ REMEBER, this utility will only work with a registered copy of the READROOM DOOR. To register the READROOM door, please fill out the file ORDER.FRM, copy it to your printer and mail it along with a check for $15.00 to Exhibit A Communications at the address shown on the form. Or if you want to register painlessly, you can now register READROOM on CompuServe. Just GO SWREG at any prompt. Cost is the same to you and you don't have to mess with U. S(nail). Mail at all. By sending in your registration fee, you will be entitled to the following: 0) Enable use of IMPORT program. Does not work in unregistered ver. 1) Removal of the UNREGISTERED message when door closes 2) Use of the SINCE door on InfoMat BBS for one stop e-mag collecting 3) Continued use of this program on any single or multiuser BBS 4) Free upgrades to future versions 5) Enhanced support from programmer 6) The satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to make the shareware system alive 7) A jump to the next Karma level 8) The undying gratitude of my wife, sons and dog ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Requirements ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1) READROOM door MUST be registered for this utility to work. 2) Copies of the following programs must exist in a directory that lies on your computer's path. a) PKUNZIP.EXE required to open .ZIP b) ARJ.EXE required to open .ARJ c) LHA.EXE required to open .LZH d) PKXARC.EXE required to open .ARC files 3) Properly configured READROOM door. 4) DOS 3.0 or higher. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Installation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Installing IMPORT can be as simple as ensuring that IMPORT.EXE is located either on the path or in the same directory as you have called it from. Please note that the files IMPORT.ERR and IMPORT.LOG will both be written to in the same directory where IMPORT.EXE is. For this reason I suggest you put it in the same directory as the READOOM door. Line 11 in the READROOM configuration file must contain the full drive/path to the directory you want IMPORT to scan for new publications. The Advanced Features line (number 4 for each publication) is where you will define what template IMPORT will use to find a new issue. This option must be defined for each publication you wish IMPORT to look for. If you do NOT wish IMPORT to update a publication, just use NO for the template. Templates use DOS wildcards to define the publication names. To look for the latest PIMxxxx.ZIP file, you would use PIM* as a template. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Operation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ To use the IMPORT utility, you must first have a registered copy of the READROOM door. Your file must be properly configured to enable the proper operation of IMPORT. In particular, please see the advanced features line for each magazine, as defined in READROOM.DOC. Operation of the IMPORT utility is as simple as adding the following command line to any batch file: IMPORT {switch} I would suggest that you put it in one of your daily events, but that is not necessary for operation of the program. is the name of your READROOM door configuration file and is required for the operation of this utility. {switches} can be the following switch: /A IMPORT will not copy the archive from the holding directory where it found the new archive, only extract the necessary files for viewing. This feature was requested by some of our European users who are REALLY low on hard drive space! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Support ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ READROOM is fully supported by it's programmer Michael J. Gibbs through Exhibit A Communications. He can be reached in the following manners: 0) Internet: michael.gibbs@calypso.com 1) Intelec network conferences monitored: SYSOP PCRELAY BBS DOORS PROGRAMMING C PROGRAMMING INTELEC ADMIN 2) Pen & Brush Network node id:->1153 conferences monitored: ReadRoom Support 3) RaceNet network conferences monitored: EXHIBITA OFFROAD RACENET SYSOPS 4) RIME (tm) network node id:->1153 conferences monitored READROOM (channel 440) BBS Doors 5) InfoMat BBS (714) 492-8727 forum 7 is support for Exhibit A Programs 6) CI$ #72246,1653 7) ROCIENet conferences monitored: Chat or Admin forums 8) JOBNet conferences monitored: Common or Admin forums 8) FidoNet support offered through The Puffins Nest BBS (410) 437-3463 (1:261/1129) Latest version of the door Freq'able using "magic name" of READROOM. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Legal Disclaimer ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (small print on) As with any program, every attempt is made by the programmer to kill all the bugs in the software before it is release to the public. Since this is all but impossible, it is recommended that new software should only be run (for the first time at least) when a current backup of your hard disk is available. When shareware is released for public evaluation, there is little that can be done on the programmer's end to prevent others from infecting the program with viruses or making unauthorized changes to the program. AS SUCH, user agrees to hold harmless MICHAEL J. GIBBS, INFOMAT BBS and EXHIBIT A COMMUNICATIONS in regards to any personal, physical, emotion, financial, sexual or other damage that may occur to hardware, software or the user that may arise from the use of this program. Use of this program is considered to be acceptance of these conditions. This program remains the copyrighted work of Exhibit A Communications. When you register the program, you are granted a license to use this program on one (1) BBS system, regardless of how many nodes are active. You may sell your registered number to another if the following conditions are met: 1) All copies of the software and any documentation are transferred to the new owner. 2) You must discontinue use of the program following the sale. 3) The new owner must contact Exhibit A Communications to update our user records. This program may not be sold in it's unregistered form. It is intended to be distributed freely. Pay BBS systems are exempt from this requirement provided they are not charging specifically for access to this one program. Shareware distributors/User Groups may charge a nominal copying/library fee not to exceed $7.00. (small print off) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Special Thanks ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Special thanks go out to: My wife Lori and son Bobby for tolerating my weird ways. Brett Martin for suggesting this utility and for writing the batch file that IMPORT will replace ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Appendix ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Appendix A ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ HISTORY: IMPORT ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Version Date Fixes, Changes, etc. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3.2 08/04/94 Fixed problem caused by corrupted or incomplete copies of USAToday. Fixed problem with ARJ extratctions. IMPORT will now import a publication into an empty directory. 3.1 05/13/94 Added USAToday conversion routines. 3.O 09/30/93 Updated to work with version 3.0 of the READROOM door. Also added two command line switches. One deletes READER.COM if found and the other deletes the archive from the publication directory. 2.1 04/29/93 Version number changed to keep current with READROOM releases. Supports the new multi-node configuration offered in READROOM v2.1 (see READROOM.DOC for details).Program now checks the date of READROOM.TOC file in an archive rather than date of archive to determine if it is newer than existing copy of publication. While this slows down the process, it keeps you from re-importing the same publication over and over again in some instances. 1.0 04/15/93 First public release of the program. Timed to coincide with the release of READROOM v2.0. Appendix B ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Look for version 3.4 or later of LSTRELAY (due end of April 1993) to create a news screen everytime a publication is updated to enable your users to know when something new has come in! File name is LR34.ZIP. LSTRELAY is a utility that enables sysops to automate the generation of news files announcing time and date of last network mail transfer. LSTRELAY currently supports PCRelay, PostLink, GAPNet, Rnet and TNET network software. The LSTRELAY utility allows the sysop to select either one screen design, or let the program select a different one each day. LSTRELAY will also import a private message to the sysop in the main forum message base of the BBS. This message will provide information regarding the status of the last mail run. Sysop will be informed of the number of messages imported, number of messages exported, name of files requested/sent and other information collected from the network software's log file.