ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ READROOM ³ ³ Online Periodical Viewing Door ³ ³ (C) Exhibit A Communications, 1992-1993 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ About READROOM ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ READROOM is an online viewing door that provides a fully RIPped environment for all of your online publications while still maintaing the familiar ANSI and ASCII interface. READROOM will provide your users a choice between up to 99 different publications, each with up to 99 different articles. Version 3.x of the READROOM door takes advantage of advances to the READROOM.TOC format to support RIP file display as well as submenus. The format allows for display of ASCII, ANSI text or [ANSIART], and RIP files. RIP capable communications programs are automatically detected. Files displayed by the READROOM door will also translate @X color codes as well as a number of replaceable @ variables (see Appendix C). READROOM will work with any BBS that can produce a DOOR.SYS file, either directly, or using a conversion program. READROOM can also, optionally, allow the user to download the currently selected periodical using sysop defined transfer protocols. Advanced Features in this version include the ability to define a logfile to track who opens a given publication. Sysops can also set separate security levels for each publication if they so desire. READROOM is fully interupt driven and is DESQView aware. It also handles data transfer at rates up to 115,200 baud as well as handle communication ports other than Com1 or Com2. It contains it's own ANSI driver and also supports the 16550 UART chips through the FIFO buffers. Full communiations support includes the DigiBoard COM/Xi series of Intelligent Multi-Port boards. FOSSILs are also supported for those that need 'em. Sysops can chat with users with full wordwrapping, drop to DOS or twit the caller without the caller ever knowing the sysop is watching. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ About Shareware ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Shareware is a method of software distribution designed to benefit both the software developer and the end user. Shareware (SW) should not be confused with Public Domain (PD) programs. While PD programs are released to the public with no restrictions attached to their use, SW programs are the copyrighted work of their authors. The SW programs are released to the public for evaluation purposes under the assumption that if the end user likes the program and continues to use it after a reasonable period of time, that user is obligated to register the program. If you purchased this program from a SW distributor, you have not registered it. You must still pay the programmer to register it. The money you paid to the distributor was to cover the cost of duplicating/advertising/etc the files. Programmers get to distribute their wares without the expense of advertising, packaging & distribution. The users benefit from being able to try out the programs without having to pay for the privilege of evaluation. Shareware programmers (the good ones anyway) are generally more responsive to bug reports & user requests for additional features. Everyone benefits provided that the users remember to register and programmers continue to ... well, program. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Registration ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Please fill out the file ORDER.FRM, copy it to your printer and mail it along with a check for $15.00 to Exhibit A Communications at the address shown on the form. Or if you want to register painlessly, you can now register READROOM on CompuServe. Just GO SWREG at any prompt. Cost is the same to you and you don't have to mess with U. S(nail). Mail at all. By sending in your registration fee, you will be entitled to the following: 0) Enable use of IMPORT program. Does not work in unregistered ver. 1) Removal of the UNREGISTERED message when door closes 2) Use of the SINCE door on InfoMat BBS for one stop e-mag collecting 3) Continued use of this program on any single or multiuser BBS 4) Free upgrades to future versions 5) Enhanced support from programmer 6) The satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to make the shareware system alive 7) A jump to the next Karma level 8) The undying gratitude of my wife, sons and dog ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Requirements ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1) READROOM will only run on a BBS system that is capable of creating a DOOR.SYS file when a user opens a door. If your BBS will not create a DOOR.SYS file, there are conversion programs around to create a DOOR.SYS file from whatever your system creates. I strongly suggest that you ask your BBS software's author to support the DOOR.SYS standard! 2) READROOM also relies heavily on the READROOM.TOC file for simplifying the setup and maintenance of your publications (see below). If your favorite online publication isn't shipped with this file, encourage the publishers to support this standard. Otherwise, you'll have to do it yourself! 3) If you wish to allow users to download publications, you will need an external file transfer protocol program. The sample batch files are for DSZ, but any should do. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Installation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ To install READROOM, simply copy all the files included in the original distribution disk (or archive file) into a single directory. The only files absolutely necessary to the operation of READROOM are: READROOM.EXE a configuration file and a READROOM.TOC file in same directory as the articles To install the sample files, please create a subdirectory to hold the files in SAMPLE.ZIP. Copy SAMPLE.ZIP into the subdirectory and then unzip it and continue with installing the door as below. You will want to use a text editor to open READROOM.CNF or create a new .CNF file. The Configuration format is as follows: D:\GAP InfoMat BBS 0 0 STANDARD 0 0 0 00000.0000000000 Your Name Here D:\HOLDING WELCOME EXIT YELLOW WHITE GREEN WHITE Publications that support the READROOM.TOC format H:\READROOM\SAMPLE YES RESERVED Each line will be explained below: 1) This is the directory where READROOM will find the DOOR.SYS file created by your BBS software when a user opens a door. If you wish to use environmental variables in place of a fixed directory name, then use the following formats: %VARIABLE% or \%VAR1%\%VAR2% or \GAP\%GAPCNF% where VARIABLE is a valid environmental variable. 2) This is the name of your BBS. 3) This is the IRQ that should be used for the com port that you are using UNLESS you are using COM1 or COM2 in which case you will put a 0 here. A single environmental variable may be used here. (ex.: %wcnodeirq%) 4) This is the Base Port Address for the com port that you are using UNLESS you are using COM1 or COM2 in which case you will put a 0 here. A single environmental variable me be used here. (ex.: %wcnodeaddr%) Note, address will be a hexidecimal number. 5) This line is where you would indicate if you are running a STANDARD comm port or a DigiBoard. Your choices here are: STANDARD DIGIBOARD INT14/EBIOS FOSSIL The STANDARD interface is the one that will normally be used. If a sysop is using a DigiBoard, then either the DigiBoard or INT14/EBIOS interface may be selected. Most sysops will use the Int14/EBIOS interface. All input/output to the DigiBoard is performed via Interrupt 14 calls and a Device Driver (available from DigiBoard) handles the interface between the program and the board. The DIGIBOARD interface uses Direct Programming. READROOM talks to the board directly without the need for a Device Driver. In order to use this interface, a program called RESETDIG.EXE must be used in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to reset the DigiBoard once when the computer is first booted. If you do not have this program (it is a part of the GAP Communications BBS package) then the Int14/EBIOS interface must be used. The FOSSIL interface has been tested and confirmed to work with BNU and X00 fossil drivers. **IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT FOSSILS*** (taken from the GAPCDR docs) Note that due to the limitations of the Fossil's Interrupt 14 interface, the highest baud rate that can be set is 38400 bps. It is possible to configure the Fossil Driver to lock the baud rate (BNU supports up to 38400 bps and X00 supports up to 115200 bps). When the port is locked, the Fossil Drivers are supposed to ignore any requests for a change in port speed (we have not confirmed if they actually do this). However, the GAPCDR Communications routines will reject any baud rate higher than 38400 bps and will return an error if you attempt to initialize the port at a higher speed. The BBS software must be configured for a port speed no higher than 38400 bps. 6) This is the DigiBoard Memory Window, or the address the board uses as a communications area between itself and the Host Computer. This line is used only if the Interface is set to DIGIBOARD. It can be set to 0 if the Interface is STANDARD or INT14/EBIOS. Valid entries are: C000, C800, D000, and D800 7) This is the DigiBoard I/O Port Address. This line is used only if the Interface is set to DIGIBOARD and can be set to 0 otherwise. Valid entries are: 100, 110, 120, 200, 220, 300 and 320 8) This is the DigiBoard Channel Number. This line is required for the DIGIBOARD and INT14/EBIOS Interfaces. It is normally 1-8 for the DIGIBOARD Interface and 4-11 for the INT14/EBIOS Interface. The Channel Number is similar to a Port Number. It tells the program which of the DigiBoard Communications ports to use. 9) This is where you will place your registration number you receive from Exhibit A Communications upon registering READROOM. 10) This is where you will place your name, exactly as given to you when you register the program. Case is important! 11) This line is the full drive\path to the holding directory where IMPORT will look for new publications. If you don't plan on using the IMPORT utility, then just leave this line blank. (Please see IMPORT.DOC for information on this utility) 12) This is the name of the file (including path if not in same directory where READROOM.EXE is located) you wish to show users when they first enter this door. If you don't wish to utilize this feature, leave this line blank. The door expects the file to follow normal display file conventions. The normal, ASCII version of the welcome screen is identified in the configuration file(WELCOME). If you wished to have an ANSI text or [ANSIART] file available to show color callers, then it would be named WELCOMEG. If you wished to have a RIP file available for callers using a RIP capable term program, that file would be named WELCOMER. WELCOME must exist, however, before READROOM will look for either WELCOMEG or WELCOMER. 13) This is the name of the file (including path if not in same directory where READROOM.EXE is located) you wish to show users when they leave this door. If you don't wish to utilize this feature, leave this line blank. Uses the same naming conventions as outlined in 12 above. 14) This line is for sysop defined colors. Presently, there are four areas that you can define colors for: command prompts, menu numbers, titles and publication dates (as shown in the publications menu). To select a color scheme other than the default, just separate the colors by a space. First color is for the command prompts, the second is for menu numbers and the last one is for titles. Valid choices are: BLACK, BLUE, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN and WHITE Multi-Node operation: If you wish each node to have IDENTICAL publication configurations, line 15 should be as follows: @H:\READROOM\PUBS.DAT Where the first character on the line must be @ symbol followed immediately by the full path/filename of the publication configuration file. To create a publication configuration file, simply follow repeat the lines 15-18 described in Single Node Operation below. Single Node operation: Repeat each of the following lines for each publication you plan on offering. 15) This is the description you wish to show up on the publication menu. This line should be no longer than 60 characters. 16) The full drive and path to the directory that contains the READROOM.TOC file (below) for this publication as well as all of the articles to be viewed in this publication. 17) YES or NO, depending on whether you wish to allow users to download the file named in the READROOM.TOC file (below). If you run a multi- node system and since this flag is set in the configuration file, you may allow users on a private node to d/l the file while not allowing those on the public node to do so. The choice is up to you. If, in order to save HD space, you would rather have READROOM look in a directory other than the publication directory defined above, you may substitute the full drive\path for this directory in place of YES. For more information on setting up the system to allow downloads, please see Appendix C at the end of this document. 18) Advanced Features Line. If you don't wish to utilize the Advanced Features, please leave this line blank or use the RESERVED key word. The Advanced Features line, if enabled, must consist of at least 3 words. 1. NOLOG or the full drive\path\filename of the log file for this publication. This log will track those who open this publication. 2. Minimum security level neccessary to open this pub- lication. If you wish to disable this feature, enter a 0. 3. File template to be used by IMPORT utility. Please see IMPORT.DOC for more details. If you are not planning on using this feature, or wish to disable it on a pub by pub basis, just add NO as the third option. Please make sure it is uppercase. NOTE: As additional features are added to READROOM door, they will probably be defined by options specified on this line. Repeat lines 15 through 18 for each publication you wish to offer up to a maximum of 99 publications. If you enter more than 99, only the first 99 will be used. Next, you will need to create a directory that will hold the articles you wish to have displayed. You will need to have a seperate directory for each publication you intend to display with READROOM door. In this directory you will place: 1) Articles to be viewed 2) Archived version of the articles above (optional) 3) READROOM.TOC The READROOM.TOC acts as an index to the articles available that READROOM door needs to run. Having this file separate from the configuration file should make life easier for sysops running multi-node systems and whose publications change frequently. Any publication that supports the READROOM.TOC format will be all set to run under the READROOM door. All you will need to do is update the configuration(s) files as shown above, create the directory to hold the publication and then unarchive the publication into its directory. To transfer publications in other formats to the READROOM.TOC format, please see the file RDRMTOC.SPC for the format specifications. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Operation ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Setup ÄÄÄÄÄ To run READROOM door, you will need to create a batch file that will launch the door. For example: @echo off d: cd \readroom readroom readroom.cnf will work with GAP. Some other BBSes require that you call the BBS software at the end of a door batch file. Check with your BBS documentation. MULTI-NODE BBS NOTE: READROOM will run on multiple node setups, but you must either create a seperate configuration file for each node or use environmental variables (as described above) to define the directory where the READROOM door can find the DOOR.SYS file. If you have users logging in over the network and don't wish them to have access to the sysop keys (like Drop to Dos, Chat, Increase/decrease Time, etc) just add the command line switch /NoSysopKeys to the end of your command line. (ex: READROOM READROOM.CNF /NoSysopKeys) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Support ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ READROOM is fully supported by it's programmer Michael J. Gibbs through Exhibit A Communications. He can be reached in the following manners: 0) Internet: michael.gibbs@calypso.com 1) Intelec network conferences monitored: SYSOP PCRELAY BBS DOORS PROGRAMMING C PROGRAMMING INTELEC ADMIN 2) Pen & Brush Network node id:->1153 conferences monitored: ReadRoom Support 3) RaceNet network conferences monitored: EXHIBITA OFFROAD RACENET SYSOPS 4) RIME (tm) network node id:->1153 conferences monitored READROOM (channel 440) BBS Doors 5) InfoMat BBS (714) 492-8727 forum 7 is support for Exhibit A Programs 6) CI$ #72246,1653 7) ROCIENet conferences monitored: Chat or Admin forums 8) JOBNet conferences monitored: Common or Admin forums 8) FidoNet support offered through The Puffins Nest BBS (410) 437-3463 (1:261/1129) Latest version of the door Freq'able using "magic name" of READROOM. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Legal Disclaimer ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ (small print on) As with any program, every attempt is made by the programmer to kill all the bugs in the software before it is release to the public. Since this is all but impossible, it is recommended that new software should only be run (for the first time at least) when a current backup of your hard disk is available. When shareware is released for public evaluation, there is little that can be done on the programmer's end to prevent others from infecting the program with viruses or making unauthorized changes to the program. AS SUCH, user agrees to hold harmless MICHAEL J. GIBBS, INFOMAT BBS and EXHIBIT A COMMUNICATIONS in regards to any personal, physical, emotion, financial, sexual or other damage that may occur to hardware, software or the user that may arise from the use of this program. Use of this program is considered to be acceptance of these conditions. This program remains the copyrighted work of Exhibit A Communications. When you register the program, you are granted a license to use this program on one (1) BBS system, regardless of how many nodes are active. You may sell your registered number to another if the following conditions are met: 1) All copies of the software and any documentation are transferred to the new owner. 2) You must discontinue use of the program following the sale. 3) The new owner must contact Exhibit A Communications to update our user records. This program may not be sold in it's unregistered form. It is intended to be distributed freely. Pay BBS systems are exempt from this requirement provided they are not charging specifically for access to this one program. Shareware distributors/User Groups may charge a nominal copying/library fee not to exceed $7.00. (small print off) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Special Thanks ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Special thanks go out to: My wife Lori , my sons Bobby and Adam for tolerating my weird ways. Inez Harrison, editor of Poetry In Motion e-mag, for being the first publisher to jump on the READROOM train and one of the most ardent supporters of the format! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Appendix ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Appendix A ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ HISTORY: READROOM ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Version Date Fixes, Changes, etc. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3.2 08-04-94 Full RIP support added. Recompiled with updated door libraries, allowing access to port speeds up to and including 115200. Added FOSSIL support for those that need it. Fixed problem with GAPCDR library caused by WildCat 4.0's implimentation of the DOOR.SYS drop file. This problem evidenced itself by locking up the door (and BBS) if the user entered the READROOM door on their first visit. 3.1 05-13-94 Fixed problem that caused @ symbol to be stripped from text files (as in Internet mail address). Special thanks to Mike Gates for finding this bug. Revised MORE prompts so that color will be used when ASCII files are displayed. ANSI text files will still use the old non-colored prompt so as not to mess up the colors. Now supports multiple environmental parameters on the first line of configuration file. ReadRoom will accept environmental variables on lines 3 & 4 of the configuration file (irq and base address of non-std. com ports). Added publication date to publication menu. Added color option for date to color definition line. Now accepts command line switches for: 1) Stealth Mode (reg. users only) 2) Disable sysop keys for LAN logins 3) Disable date display 3.0 09/30/93 Public release of version 3.0. 3á3 09/29/93 Added command line switch to disable sysop keys for those systems with users logging in over a network rather than dialing in. Sysop- defined color in selected sections of door. 3á2 09/27/93 Fixed broken download module. RIP format added, minimal support. 3á1 09/22/93 Added support for submenus and other features of revision 3.0 of READROOM.TOC format (excluding RIP). Now supports DigiBoard. 2.1 06/14/93 Allowed publication information to be stored in a seperate list file, see docs for details. AutoRead will now prompt you for where to begin reading at. 2.0 04/12/93 Released version 2.0 to the public! No longer resets color to default following a More? prompt. Don't know how it got back in! Fixed bug that prevented prompt from appearing in publications with < 15 articles and downloading disabled. 1á8 04/08/93 Fixed display problems with M in More prompt not disappearing. Added file transfers to logging capabilities. 1á7 03/08/93 Added filter to prevent displaying files starting with an asterick (*). Added AutoRead support to door to match features in READER. 1á5 01/19/93 Added support for [ANSIART] files. If this phrase is included at the head of a file, then door will display file in NonStop mode. 1á4 12/29/92 Improved incorrect key handling. Prevents menu from being redrawn if user presses an invalid key. Should keep those 2400 baud users happy (suggested by Carey Shibata. 1á3 12/16/92 Added support for up to 99 different publications. Added additional checks to prevent non-existant publications from being displayed. 1.2 08/24/92 Fixed ASCII/ANSI file display problem that caused first (for remote users) and second (for local users) lines of each screen of text to scroll off top of screen. 1.1 08/03/92 Released v1.1. 1á8 07/29/92 Externalized transfer protocols. 1á7 07/15/92 Added advanced features: minimum security level to open pub optional logging of users in and out of a publication 1.0 06/05/92 First public release of door! 1á6 06/02/92 Added support for 15 different publications. Released for final Beta testing. 1á5 05/20/92 Improved appearance of the command line when download is enabled. 1á4 05/18/92 Added ability to d/l this issue from within the door. 1á3 05/13/92 Seperated configuration file from the table of contents to optimize for use on multi-node BBSes. 1á2 05/11/92 Fixed error that caused user to choose a number higher than the maximum number of documents. 1á1 04/08/92 First official beta test. Support for up to 99 files to be viewed. Appendix B ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Future Improvements If people come across stable publication formats (like USA Today's or others) please forward them to me and I will try and create some small (.COM) programs to automatically create the READROOM.TOC file. Next version to be released will likely be 4.0. Along with supporting any changes made to the READROOM.TOC format, revision 4.0, the READROOM door will also support some of the following: Searching for text strings. Paging through ASCII articles. Back issues retained online with no muss or fuss. Downloading of articles, as permitted by publishers. Any other suggestions folks? Appendix C ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Setting up READROOM for downloading publications If you decide to allow users to download publication, there are a few steps you must take first. 1) Make changes to the READROOM configuration so that the allow-download-line (see above) for each publication reads YES or the full drive\path to the file if it is not in the publication's directory. 2) If you intend to offer only the DSZ protocols then you can use the SEND.BAT file as it is. If you wish to add more transfer protocols, please do the following: 1) Add the letter you wish to have the user press to select the protocol to PROTO.DAT. This file should contain the letter (uppercase) or number used to call the protocol, one per line. See sample PROTO.DAT for examples. 2) Add the letter to the PROTO and PROTOG menu files. 3) Add a section to SEND.BAT to handle this new protocol. Please follow the comments in the file for direction. POINTS TO REMEMBER! 1) Make sure that the filename in READROOM.TOC does NOT include a drive or path. It should list the filename ONLY. READROOM will add the filename to the drive\path listed in the READROOM's configuration file for the given publication. 2) Make sure that the file DOES exist in the directory. Appendix D ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ANSICMD and Xcodes definitions Support is added for ANSICMD replacement characters as well as the use of PRODOOR style Xcodes. The ANSICMD and Xcode escape character must be the character '@'. The following is a list of available ANSCMD's: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ BAVAIL - Bytes Available BDOWN - Bytes Downloaded ³ ³ BIRTH - Birthdate BNAME - BBS Name ³ ³ BPHONE - Business Phone BUP - Bytes uploaded ³ ³ CITY - User's City/State CLS - Clear Screen ³ ³ DATE - Today's Date DOPEN - Doors Opened ³ ³ DOWN - Total Files Downloaded EVENT - Next event time ³ ³ FAVAIL - Files Available FNAME - First Name ³ ³ HPHONE - Home Phone LEVEL - User's Security level ³ ³ LNAME - Users Last name LNEW - Last new files scan ³ ³ MINLEFT - Minutes remaining MLEFT - Messages Left ³ ³ MORE - More Prompt NOMORE - Disable all Prompts ³ ³ NODE - Node in use PAUSE - Pause Prompt ³ ³ SDATE - Subscription Date SYSNAME - Sysops name ³ ³ TIME - Time of Day TON - Times On ³ ³ UBAUD - Caller's Baud rate UNAME - User Name ³ ³ UP - Total Uploads USEPAUSE - Use Pause instead of More ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Background Foreground ³ ³ Color Normal Blink Normal Bold ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Black ³ 0 8 ³ 0 8 ³ ³ Blue ³ 1 9 ³ 1 9 ³ ³ Green ³ 2 A ³ 2 A ³ ³ Cyan ³ 3 B ³ 3 B ³ ³ Red ³ 4 C ³ 4 C ³ ³ Magenta ³ 5 D ³ 5 D ³ ³ Yellow ³ 6 E ³ 6 E ³ ³ White ³ 7 F ³ 7 F ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The 1st digit of the Color Code is the Background and the second digit is the Foreground. So for Bold Yellow on a Blue background, you would use @1F.