Hi! Welcome to SRCOMM v3.2! Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to write documentation yet. I hope the example is good enough for now... There is a demo game in SRCOMM3\DEMO, with a .PRJ file. All you have to do is change to the SRCOMM3\DEMO directory, load up the .PRJ file, and edit the Directories to make sure your include and lib directories are to where your BC is (instead of where MY BC is). - Amit P.S. I use a tab size of 4 in almost all the source/header files. If you're looking through the source, it may help to use a tab size of 4. P.P.S. New things over SRCOMM v2: - it uses a string library. - 'filters' enable you to do colors like Renegade (with |xx) and flavors like SRE, but neither of these features is included; it's just that the interface is now flexible enough to allow these. - a dynamic (resizing) array class (dynarray.h) - file and directory classes (recfile.h for binary record files, finout.h for text files, and director.h for directories and filename parsing) - a way to read ANSI and store it in a buffer instead of on the screen - console I/O classes (coninout.h) - news file & error log routines (news.h) - a menu unit (from SRE), with support for multiple columns, invisible entries, and those other things from SRE's menus :-) (srmenu.h) - a new resource.dat reader that lets you have multiple values associated with a resource name (srparam.h) - a DoorGame kit that does all the initialization for you, so that you don't have to mess with it (doorgame.h) The GAME.CPP in the demo directory shows how to use the new template record file, the menu system, the colors, and basic I/O.