Entertainment Companion of Flash Gordon? *** ****** Dr. Zarkov -------------------- Entertainment Name of snickering dog owned by Dick Dastardly? ******* Muttley -------------------- Sports Heavyweight Boxing Champion in 1907? ***** ***** Tommy Burns -------------------- Sports Heavyweight Boxing Champion in 1950? ****** ******* Ezzard Charles -------------------- History State that seceded from the Union on May 7, 1861? ******** Arkansas -------------------- Sports Nickname of Heavyweight boxer Jack Dempsey? ******* ****** Manassa Mauler -------------------- Pot Luck PBX stands for what? ******* ****** ******** Private Branch Exchange -------------------- Science Planet 8th closest to the sun? ******* Neptune -------------------- Science Closest planet to the Sun? ******* Mercury -------------------- Entertainment Name of family robot on "The Jetsons"? ***** Rosey -------------------- Sports Who played in 2,130 consecutive baseball games? *** ****** Lou Gehrig -------------------- History What man was head of his church and had 27 wives? ******* ***** Brigham Young -------------------- Sports Willie Mays wore what uniform number? ## 24 -------------------- Entertainment Who lives at 1313 Mockingbird Lane? *** ******** The Munsters -------------------- Entertainment Age of Rick Blaine in Casablanca? ## 37 -------------------- History What year did the Titanic sink? #### 1912 -------------------- Pot Luck Woodrow Wilson is on what denonimation of US Savings Bond? ### 500 -------------------- History What year was V-E Day? #### 1945 -------------------- History Wife of William Shakespeare? **** ******** Anne Hatheway -------------------- Entertainment Name of only movie made by the Monkees? **** Head -------------------- Sports Rocky Marciano won the Heavyweight Boxing title in what year? #### 1952 -------------------- Entertainment Original Name of Mickey Mouse? ******** Mortimer -------------------- Pot Luck In pocket pool, what color is the 7 ball? **** plum -------------------- Pot Luck In poker, what beats a Straight Flush? ***** ***** Royal Flush -------------------- Science What polygon has 9 sides? ******* nonagon -------------------- Entertainment In what land do hobbits live in "The Hobbit"? *** ***** The Shire --------------------