119 files found in Library "BBS - PCBoard PPEs"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
662_PPE.ZIP No 1797 09-16-94
662.PPE by Alif Ambler will change the
default answer at the PCBoard mail waiting
prompt #662 (Read your personal mail now)
from NO to YES. For PCBOARD version 15.0 and
later. Source code included. Freeware.
ACEPRMT2.ZIP Yes 9860 08-12-94 Configurable Prompts PPE v2.0
ADDCNF11.ZIP Yes 23769 08-23-94
ADDCONFS 1.01 - easily add conferences for
PCBoard 15.2. Handles long conference names.
ADPRMT12.ZIP Yes 3651 08-28-94
ADPROMPT.PPE * v1.2 PPE for showing
advertisments at your PCBoard menu prompts.
AMARQ10H.ZIP Yes 22965 07-16-94 AMARQUEE PPE Initial PCBoard display
ANSR.ZIP Yes 10233 07-02-94 PCBoard: user disclaimer/answer ppe
AREAS018.ZIP Yes 15238 08-18-94 The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.18B
ATOPCK13.ZIP Yes 42494 08-19-94 AutoPack v1.13 -PCBoard Command Line Packer
AUSURE20.ZIP Yes 7164 09-16-94
AREUSURE [PPE] Version 2.00 Prompts user if
he/she is sure that he/she wants to post the
message in the conference he/she is currently
in. Very good for boards with beginner users
BCBK120.ZIP Yes 12391 07-22-94 FREEWARE] PCB 15.1 TimeBank PPE v1.20.
BCEN21.ZIP Yes 16923 07-13-94
PCB 15.1 Enter PPE v2.1 Press Enter
replacement that allows YOU to add your own
moving Enter prompts. Comes with 19 prompts.
BCFAL12.ZIP Yes 41739 08-18-94 PCB 15.1+ File Area Lister PPE v1.2
BOTH_203.ZIP Yes 12841 09-17-94 All Caller Bulletin Generator [PPE] PPLCv2-
CALLB_28.ZIP Yes 25421 09-17-94
CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.8 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID info
to Lock-Out abusive users.
CBOX30.ZIP Yes 149826 08-05-94
ChatBox 3.0, The original PCB "SPLIT SCREEN"
chat. Sysop may start chat - caller may page.
Horizontal / vertical split screen. SEAMLESS.
CDAVAIL4.ZIP Yes 5242 08-07-94 CD-Rom Availability Inquiry PPE for PCBoard
CDSEL_50.ZIP Yes 17617 10-19-94
CdSelect V5.0 PPE for PCboard V15.2
UPGRADED! Now includes options to download
both On and Offline Cdrom file list with
hard-coded Help screens for all routines..A
Search Routine for File Names or Text strings
for each conference you configure...User
friendly and totally sysop configurable to
allow up to 26 cd's both on and off-line to
be selected from one menu. Language, Security
and Graphic specific. The BEST just got
BETTER Galaxy BBS Software by: Al Massari
CLONG10.ZIP Yes 30789 08-20-94
CLONG v1.0 PCBoard 15.2/PCBUUCP 2.0 utility
that will convert Usenet Newsgroup names from
PCBuucp v2.0 to 60 character field in 15.2
CM_100.ZIP Yes 30870 08-17-94
Super Simple Conference Menu Creator v1.00
For PCBoard 15.2 and up. Freeware. $30 code.
CORK10B1.ZIP Yes 11754 08-05-94 CORKBOARD v1.0 - An Online Advertisement PPE.
CPPRT.ZIP Yes 8200 09-05-94
The CPRT.PPE picks up whare pcb left off
when it comes to conference proection. .
Forces user to enter a pasword and cheks
to see if there name is on the list each
time he/she/it joins the conference !!!!
*************** PHANTOM BBS ************
************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
CRED110.ZIP Yes 9254 08-27-94
CREDITS.PPE v1.10 Credits.ppe is a
small ppe designed to take a users order via
credit card for account credits or currency
on PCBoard 15.2 using the accounting PSA
feature in PCBoard 15.2.
CW_AP_36.ZIP Yes 12595 10-26-94
AutoPost v3.6 PCB v15.2 PPE to send BBS Ads,
ForSale Ads etc. Weekly or monthly. Automated
CW_BD_13.ZIP Yes 10464 08-28-94
Birthday v1.3 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
it will display birthday greeting. PCBoard
CW_CM_54.ZIP Yes 41845 10-26-94
ConfMenu v5.4 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.2.
CW_DM_17.ZIP Yes 18243 10-26-94
DoorMenu 1.7 PCB v15.2 PPE (v3.0) to replace
the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
to your door menu! Now with instant Online
Credit Card Registrations!
CW_FM_16.ZIP Yes 11025 10-03-94
FileMenu v1.6 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
for PCB v15.2.
CW_FV_12.ZIP Yes 39688 10-26-94
Fone-Ver v1.2! Callback Verification for PCB
v15.2! Fully configurable and feature rich!
CW_HH_36.ZIP Yes 14922 10-26-94
HowHeard v3.6 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
15.2! Upgrade sec levels and conference regs
based on caller's response!
CW_IN_45.ZIP Yes 57424 10-03-94
IntelApp! V4.5 Intelec Network "Database and
Application" PPE.
CW_MM_38.ZIP Yes 23844 10-03-94
MainMenu v3.8 A PCBoard 15.2 PPE v3.0. Great
PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.
Shows available/unavailable commands as well
as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM
again!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instant
registrations!! Support is available via the
Intelec Network in PPL or CW_Support forums!
CW_MQ_35.ZIP Yes 12099 10-26-94
MsgQuest v3.5 PCB 15.2 Shareware PPE! Script
to Message Base utility, send questionnaires
to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install
and unlimited questionnaires!
CW_RM_15.ZIP Yes 21439 10-26-94
RemindMe v1.5 PCB 15.2 Users enter their own
personal reminders! Can notify at logon!
CW_SL_36.ZIP Yes 14667 10-26-94
SpeedLim v3.6! Limit callers access based on
connection speed! Block total access or just
access to specific command! Exclude by time
or by an exclusion usernames list!
CW_SP_36.ZIP Yes 14797 07-19-94 SubscriP 3.6 So you don't take credit cards?
CW_TZ_35.ZIP Yes 16089 10-26-94 TimeZone! V3.5! "Time slot" assignments PPE!
CW_UN_35.ZIP Yes 15967 10-03-94
UserNews v3.5 Let users enter their own news
CW_WM_33.ZIP Yes 6919 07-09-94
WelcoMat 3.3 If you know who's going to call
your BBS, you can have PCB upgrade them when
they do! Small, fast and convenient!
DBM16.ZIP Yes 21021 07-27-94 Deluxe Bulletin Menu v1.6. PCBoard PPE
DCM35.ZIP Yes 37632 08-17-94
Deluxe Conference Menu v3.5. PCBoard. For
the new 60 character long conference names
DJBLT100.ZIP Yes 3125 07-10-94
DJBLT 1.00 ] - Tired of making bulletin menus
everytime you want to add a new bulletin?
Then this utility is for you! Makes a sharp
looking bulletin menu on the fly!
DLOGON30.ZIP Yes 6459 08-10-94
DLogon.PPE by Mauricio Pineda v3.0 Allow your
users to download files before fully logging
onto your board. For PCBoard
DN_BLIST.ZIP Yes 7376 07-19-94
ANSi's.One Entry Per User.LightBar/Extended
Viewer.Display Boards On Logoff.Search For
Boards By AC!.Download Latest BBS list.
DOD_LD20.ZIP Yes 2843 08-30-94
- LOADER v2.0 - This program is designed to
load dif- ferent PPE�or ANSi &�PCB�files
while user logins to your board.
DOD_LS10.ZIP Yes 8128 08-09-94
ANSI / RiP�Login System v1.0 Beta Pretty
login matrix features ANSI�and RiP gfx.
DOD_Q20B.ZIP Yes 4479 08-09-94
QUESTION�v2.0 Beta Version Pretty external
questionaire with customized
colors/bars/menus and questions.
DOD_RD11.ZIP Yes 3352 07-11-94 Resume Download v1.1 PPE.
FLIST.ZIP Yes 9139 07-15-94 PCBoard CD-Rom util: sort flist before copy
FULOGN13.ZIP Yes 7045 07-23-94
LOGON.PPE V1.3 for PCBoard 15.1 - ask for
users name & password anywhere on the screen
GL_TOP01.ZIP Yes 9996 08-18-94 TOP 10 Ul/Dlers PPE, fully configurable PCB
GL_WHO01.ZIP Yes 3279 08-16-94 WHO is OnLine PPE, fully configurable! PCB
GNS_JOIN.ZIP Yes 6572 07-19-94 GNS-JOIN v1.O (PPE)] Best JOIN Replacement
HOTCH31B.ZIP Yes 18653 07-08-94 PCBoard: Hotchat ppe v3.1b
JM_GM_16.ZIP Yes 18634 08-19-94 Fine graphics mode changer for PCBoard
JM_XM_15.ZIP Yes 18308 08-19-94 eXpert Mode Changer v1.4 PPE for PCBoard
LABEL10.ZIP Yes 11104 09-17-94
LABEL10.PPE for PCBoarad will allow an
address label to be printed on standard "1
up" stock labels on a dot matrix printer.
You must have the PCB Address PSA installed
LISTR210.ZIP Yes 7725 07-13-94 PCBoard: BBS Lister v2.10 [ppe]
LITEPAK1.ZIP Yes 8777 07-02-94 PCBoard: QWK, X-pert, Broadcast PPE's
LNZ.ZIP Yes 4438 07-15-94 PCBoard: L, N, Z searches across all confs
MAIN.ZIP Yes 17023 07-14-94
PCBoard: main menu prompt replacement;allows
random RIP advertisements
MAVOTE11.ZIP Yes 6064 07-11-94 Moon Angel Voting PPE v1.1 Its FreeWare. PCB
MFLAG20H.ZIP Yes 86977 10-22-94
Multiflagsystem v2.0 for PCBoard 15.x
Tag files by cursormovement(LIGHTBAR)
* Autodetect for ansi or monochrome
* Support for PCB @X variables MUCH MORE
MONI12.ZIP Yes 25648 10-02-94
UltraMoni - v1.2 - PCBMONI .PPE replacement
for the busy PCBoard Sysop.
MSHBLT02.ZIP Yes 3641 07-30-94
Bulletin v.02 by Balrog Great lightbars
replacement for your bulletin menu! PCBoard
MTNTACRO.ZIP Yes 43059 07-26-94 Hackers Acronym Lister v1.0. PCBoard PPE
NDREAD51.ZIP Yes 13457 09-17-94 NICE DAY EASY R READER V5.1 [PPE] PCBoard
NEWE.ZIP Yes 2945 09-19-94 PPE replacement for the [E] Command.
NUFILZ26.ZIP Yes 8597 07-14-94 NewFileScan PPE v2.6.
OCCPS34.ZIP Yes 17388 08-20-94
OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
registration processing via credit cards or
optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file
for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG
file with all the information needed to
verify and process credit card transactions.
Also writes program usage information to the
CALLER log for tracking purposes. PCBoard
OLRPVW10.ZIP Yes 7466 08-14-94
ProView v1.0 by Lord of Road [OLR] One of the
best 'V' command you have ever seen!
PCBCLM10.ZIP Yes 32526 08-17-94
PCB-CLM v1.00� [PPE]: The VERY FIRST PCBoard
v15.2 and PPLC v3.0 PPE program! PCB-CLM will
create conference listings by reading a
configuration file... Save lots of time
PCBCNU10.ZIP Yes 13932 08-17-94
PCB-CNU v1.00� [PPE] Will update your CNAMES
files with names up to 60 characters long
PETC12.ZIP Yes 3844 07-25-94
Press Enter To Continue V1.02 Totally
Configurable PPE! for PCBoard
PHCD2.ZIP Yes 10234 09-03-94
The Phantom CD Finder, V2.0 Will check..
the Cd rom to see which cd is in. Will su
pport up 20 cd's! Sysop can configure it.
to allow auto join and user choice's also
suports a cd rotation list..............
*************** PHANTOM BBS ************
************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
PHCHAT.ZIP Yes 15430 09-05-94
AND MORE !! VER. 1.0 ------------------
*************** PHANTOM BBS ************
************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
POBBULL2.ZIP Yes 8539 09-16-94 POBBULL.PPE3 for PCB 15.2 v0.02�
POBMOR14.ZIP Yes 8963 09-16-94 POBMORE.PPE3 for PCB 15.2 v0.14�
POBSPY1R.ZIP Yes 22684 09-03-94 POB spy [ppe3]pcb 15.2 1.0r [1/1] PCBoard
POWPP195.ZIP Yes 204585 09-16-94
PowerPPL� 1.95� PCBoard programming language
IDE customizable colorized code, PPL help
PPEMNU1D.ZIP Yes 4477 07-15-94
PPE MENU Version 1.0d This PPE will allow you
to conveniently group all of your PPE's and
DOORs into a single menu for PCBoard users
PRELOG10.ZIP Yes 5119 07-23-94
Prelog V1.0 PPE that allows users to upload a
file or download from a selected list without
actually logging on to the PCBoard BBS
PTAPROT.ZIP Yes 2737 08-06-94 PRoToCoL PPe v2.o Replace the T Commd PCBoard
PULLD2_2.ZIP Yes 46496 07-03-94 PULL DOWN menu v2.2 PPE for PCBOard 15.1+ bbs
PWACS11.ZIP Yes 21578 08-20-94 DEF Comment to Sysop v1.1 by Drew PCBoard
PWACSCAN.ZIP Yes 7889 07-02-94
PWA CatScan v1.0 [ By Catasaan ] This is a
replacement the normal dull scanning message
prompt with a graphical colored box. Simple
PWAEF10.ZIP Yes 50575 08-04-94 Enhanced Flag v1.0 by Drew [PWA] PCBoard
PWAFV25R.ZIP Yes 32502 07-19-94
PWA File Viewer v2.5 [ By Defcon 4 ] Zip File
Viewer that improves the good old PCBFV with
unheard of configurabilty.
PWANFS10.ZIP Yes 22806 08-30-94 PWA DEF New File Scan v1.0 by Drew
PWASS02.ZIP Yes 16070 08-30-94 DEF System Statistics v0.2 by Drew [PWA]
PWATL11.ZIP Yes 5156 08-10-94
Turbo Logon v1.1 by Drew [PWA] PCBoard
A completely flexible Turbo Logon PPE.
Specify anything you want to skip in the
logon sequence. Very easy to use
PWATP11.ZIP Yes 15931 08-12-94 Transfer Protocol v1.1 by Drew [PWA] PCBoard
PWAUS11.ZIP Yes 10633 06-18-94
PWA User Lister v1.1 [ By Drew ] Get rid of
that boring user listing! This is the most
configurable user lister available. PCBoard
PWAVR10.ZIP Yes 8828 08-07-94
VROTATE v1.0 by Drew [PWA] PCBoard
For users of PROMPTS by Vigilante, this
allows you to have random logon screens.
READYDL_.ZIP Yes 9757 07-31-94
ReadyD/L v1.0 [ By: V s onary ] PPE With
Lightbars for downloading files after you
have flagged them! for pcboard
RESET120.ZIP Yes 6806 07-03-94
Reset.PPE version 1.20 -Reset subscribers
that have expired Reset security level,
expired security level, expiration date. Also
allows resetting the users download bytes and
download files. All done automatically.
RH_WHO1.ZIP Yes 5662 07-19-94 The WhooZ Online Replacement v1.0 [PPE].
SCROL11E.ZIP Yes 4006 07-11-94 PCBoard: scroll ppe: scrolling text
SCUMQT10.ZIP Yes 5212 08-16-94 Message Quoter PPE v1.0 for PCBoard
SCUM_LN2.ZIP Yes 4704 07-14-94
SCuM-Lines v2.0 Full-Featured OneLiner now
gets even better, with more options. PCBoard
SECFAIL.ZIP Yes 59302 07-20-94
SECURITY FAIL PPE v1.0 This PPE is for "High
Security" BBSs where an extra measure of
Security is needed to protect "sensitive"
files from being down- loaded by callers
without the proper Security Level.
SHAKER11.ZIP Yes 92229 09-28-94
Jim Coleman's SHAKER! Most popular NASA MLP
game. Simulates rescues in Earthquake! Fun!
Online game for PCBoard -- SHAKER.PPE v1.1
SOMANY20.ZIP Yes 14529 07-29-94
PPE] SO MANY CDs! Version 2.0 More CD-ROMs
than drives? Let users request files from
offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of
requests; if local, sysop loads requested
CD's and file is posted as attachment to
message to user with automatic pack-out after
sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95).
STARDIR3.ZIP Yes 3552 08-20-94
STARDIR from Riyadh - Easy change Directories
PPE for PCboard
SUGGEST1.ZIP Yes 20581 09-28-94 The Suggestion Box! PPE for PCBoard 15..2
SWHO11.ZIP Yes 3925 06-11-94
SuperWho [PPE] - v1.1 - A fun replacement for
your PCBoard WHO command that will show fake
users on your system.
SYSTOOL.ZIP Yes 7645 09-03-94
*************** PHANTOM BBS ************
************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
THTJN13.ZIP Yes 3762 07-19-94
THT-Join PPE Replaces the J command w/more
control over which Conference User can access
See, The user will only be able to see the
Conference that they are Registered in.
THTNK1B4.ZIP Yes 19750 07-23-94
THT-Nuke Will nuke Files update user's BYTES
Also can give Credit for File's sent. PCBoard
THTTP2B3.ZIP Yes 24023 07-28-94
THT-Top v2.00�3 - Top UploadDownload PPE will
send a Message to all user's at the end of
the Week with the top 10 Up/Downloaders
Also has a Monthly, and all-time list.
TOPUP10.ZIP Yes 3864 07-19-94
TOPUP is a Top Ten Uploaders PPE for use with
PCB v15.1. Configurable colors & very easy
UGRADE10.ZIP Yes 4559 07-24-94
Upgrade 1.0 for PCB 15.1 Users - Simple PPE
that allows rapid updating of access levels
for paying customers.
ULP_PPE.ZIP Yes 4491 08-17-94
Ulp ppe V1.0 Beta - Enable Your Users to Find
Out Exactly Why Their Upload Failed, Right
After They Upload A File.
VERIF230.ZIP Yes 81811 10-19-94
VERIFY 2.30 [PPE] Callback verification PPE
for PCboard 15.2. Local mode execution so you
can get a feel for the way it works and
looks. Config program w/online help. Reads
users file to gather existing phone numbers.
LD & International calling days/times. Many
more options! Compilied 08-26-94
VPI_DISC.ZIP Yes 3800 06-05-94 Disclaimer Viewer and System Password for PCB
VT_RAT1.ZIP Yes 5052 07-26-94 Day at the Races! gamble PPE game for PCBoard
XNAME100.ZIP Yes 4691 09-25-94 Little User Name utility for PCBoard 15.1+