================================ NEW WAVE =============================== Thanks for choosing New Wave Ansi! This is an English ANSI language for Tribbs 5.02. It is not the usual English. It has been customized and enhancements have been made. I decided to do this after I saw a lack of "enthusiam" in the other languages. This adds color and spice in one. It is the only one of its kind. In my opinion this is even better than the Blizzard Language, (not to put them down, just my opinion) for those of you who have seen it. All I can say is Judge for yourself. If you like this, I encourage everyone to let me know. I have spent alot of time working on this and other languages which I will tell you about later. You may send any and all comments to the address below. If you like this, I ask all of you to help out a starving college student and send me $5 to show how much you appreciate this. In return I will send you one of the following languages I have finished: French ANSI Adult ANSI Tiny Toon ANSI ICE ANSI I will also include a set of ANSI menus. If you want additional languages, add $1 per language. Please send any and all to: Scott Raley Box 76 Curley Rd Ridge MD 20680-0076