Dear SysOp: Thank you for your interest concerning American Banking Systems Corporation and the services that we provide. We are happy to announce our new merchant accounts for online and BBS services. We hope the following information of CHECKS ONLINE will be helpful to you. Following, will be some information concerning the features of our programs, along with the benefits that we have to offer your company.. ABS is very interested in conducting business with your company. ABS feels that it has very definite, cost-effective programs that we can place at your disposal, designed to both facilitate ease of ordering for your customers, and reduce your firms operating costs. The way our programs work is very simple. Your company allows customers to pay for their purchase with checking or savings account over the phone or fax. You then send those dollar transactions to ABS via fax, our custom designed software, or in standard file format over a modem. ABS immediately processes those transactions, and generates either an Authorized Paper Draft (Checks Direct), or an Electronic Funds Transfer (Dollars Direct). At this point, the money is deposited into your account within 24 to 48 hours. ABS does not act as a factoring company. Your customers' money is deposited into your account 100% of the time. ABS also offers a variety of value added services to our clients such stringent fraud algorithms and controls, including a bad check writer search. We also offer as an optional service Check Guarantee, whereby your company has the security of knowing that you will receive full payment on your item(s). Please see the following pages for additional information. Finally, I am sure at this point you are thinking to yourself “This sounds like a great service, but I imagine it is expensive. This could not be further from the truth. In every instance, we come in below the costs of Credit Card Processing, and shipping C.O.D.. We provide extraordinary services at cost effective prices. Sincerely, Darrin Humay David Goldfarb Marketing Directors for SysOp Program BENEFITS OF OUR PROGRAMS l TELEPHONE ORDER CONVENIENCE Offer telephone order convenience to checking or savings account holders by allowing purchases to be charged to their account!. For any service, product, reservation, collection or donation, your telephone customers can purchase by depository account just like they would with a credit card. Your customers will enjoy this added convenience that your company offers. IMMEDIATELY EXPAND MARKET POTENTIAL According to Financial Services Report ( July 1992 ) 48% of consumers prefer to pay by check, with cash following at 32%, and credit cards a mere 18%. How many sales do you miss because someone will not get out a checkbook, write the check, fill out an order form, address and stuff the envelope, find a stamp, and actually mail in the check with the purchase? AVOID THE CREDIT CARD CRUNCH Seventy million buying consumers do not have a credit card, or they prefer not to purchase with their credit card due to the high interest rates and penalties for late payments imposed on them. Other card holders have maxed out their credit cards and cannot use them. It is conservatively estimated that $258 billion a year is spent by people who have no credit cards! ELIMINATE THE HIGH COST OF C.O.D.S AND CHECKS IN THE MAIL With our programs, your company can significantly eliminate the hassles of C.O.D.'s being returned for any number of reasons including the lost impulse of your buyer, or your customer not being home. No more waiting for payments that often do not come ( or come after great delay ) through the mail. Now, when your customer gets their order, it is already paid for. IMPROVE IMMEDIATE CASH FLOW Not only do our programs give your customers the satisfaction of immediate purchasing power without your company needing to extend credit or bill monthly ( and wait for payments to arrive ), but you will stop wondering when your payments are going to arrive. All funds from transactions processed by American Banking Systems will be available in your account for your use in 48 hours or less in most instances! REDUCE RETURNED ITEM CHARGES FROM YOUR BANK Automatic check verification insures you that your customer is not a bad check writer. We have so much confidence in our bad check writer database, that we make the following guarantee to all clients: If an item does turn out to be bad, we will collect that item for free, and then remit 100% of the collection directly to you! GUARANTEED MONEY If your company chooses to sign up for our optional check guaranty service, you can actually have every item you process through American Banking Systems guaranteed! If for some reason, an item is returned by your bank, we will pay you 100% of the item in a timely fashion. The collection of the item becomes our responsibility, you get paid for your product or service! PERFECT FOR ONE TIME OR RECURRING TRANSACTIONS Whether your customer base tends to be the one time sale type or consists of repeat customers ABS programs are designed to facilitate ease of payment for your customer. On any kind of repeat business, or even monthly billing of your customers, ABS can arrange for you to have your customers' accounts charged automatically, without obtaining information each month. Common clients for our programs are Bulletin Board Systems, Charities, Direct Response Organizations, Mail Order / Phone Order Companies, Cable Companies, Satellite Programming Companies, etc. The applications are limitless. ENHANCE THE RETURN OF YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLAR Only 1 out of every 4 checking account consumers hold credit cards with available lines of credit! No matter how effective your current marketing campaign may be, your immediate or impulse market is being severely reduced. Expand your market base and maximize your advertising dollars by offering the ABS programs. EXPEDITE DELIVERY Orders can be shipped immediately. Your customers account information is captured over the phone, thus reducing the time it would have taken to mail a payment. The customer no longer needs to wait for the payment to be received by you before the order is shipped. OBTAIN THE ORDER FROM YOUR CUSTOMER As always, the most important aspect of your relationship with the customer is to obtain the order. Once the order is obtained, you are now ready to... LET YOUR CUSTOMER PAY BY CHECK To make our programs work, you need to offer them to your customers. Explain to your customer that they can conveniently pay over the phone by check or savings account. You will find that most people are already familiar with this type of transaction, and appreciate the convenience and benefits. OBTAIN YOUR CUSTOMERS INFORMATION At this point, you will have already obtained from your customer the vital elements to the sale, name, address, etc. The customer has agreed to pay by check or savings account, and is ready to give you their account information. Obtaining this information from your customer is just about as easy as obtaining a credit card number. The primary difference is that your customer will read the series of numbers at the bottom of their check or savings account deposit slip. ABS provides materials designed to enable you to train your sales staff to obtain this information from your customers. Additionally, ABS can arrange to provide custom training for your sales staff, to enable them to better obtain this information over the phone, and overcome any objections that they may have. SEND YOUR DATA TO AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEMS Now that you have obtained your daily orders, you are ready to send them to ABS to be processed. ABS offers a wide variety of methods to quickly and efficiently transmit your data. First, we provide you with a Fax Log, which you can choose to use at any time, merely by filling in the transaction information, and faxing it to the 24 hour ABS Fax Line. Next, you can also use our custom designed software, which will automatically accept your data input, and call the ABS Bulletin Board System to send your information. A DOS or Windows PC and a Modem are required. Finally, you can use your existing computer software. Simply export the necessary information to a standard DBF format file, and upload to ABS. We will supply you with our standard field layout. Any way you transmit your data, American Banking Systems will insure that it is the easiest, timeliest, and most cost effective method for your company. YOUR SALES ARE IMMEDIATELY PROCESSED Once we receive your company transactions, ABS will automatically process them through our bad check writers database. Depending on the program you choose, funds will be deposited into your account within 24 to 48 hours of receipt. ABOUT ABS / ACTIVATING YOUR ACCOUNT ABOUT AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEMS CORPORATION ABS and our affiliated companies have been involved in electronic transaction processing and check drafting for over four years. Our client base encompasses the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. ABS does not operate as a factoring company. The money due you from your customers does not come from us, but rather, your customers money is deposited directly into your account. There is no type of security or holding account needed by your company with ABS. Any fees charged by ABS to you are deducted from your account, not your customers’ account, after our services have been provided. You will obtain full and complete accounting and documentation from ABS on both the daily transactions that you submit to us, along with the associated ABS charge(s). Checks Direct represents the Paper Draft Processing aspect of our service, while Dollars Direct represents the Electronic Funds Transfer ( paperless ) aspect of our service. ACTIVATING YOUR ACCOUNT WITH AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEMS Here at American Banking Systems, our primary concern is you, our client. Activating your account with us is an easy process. Simply fill out the included Business Information Form, Service Agreement, and Credit and Debit Authorization ( with a check for your one-time set-up fee ), and fax them to us during regular business hours. We can have your account established for you immediately, and you can begin processing your transactions with us the very same day! It is very important that you send us the original copies of all documents in the mail, so that we can complete your account activation. We will quickly return to you executed copies. If you are going to apply for our check guarantee service, please be sure to include the Welcome America Special Programs Form. Welcome to the wave of the future...Checks Direct and Dollars Direct from American Banking Systems Corporation. SAMPLE ONLINE DOOR FOR ABS CHECKS ONLINE Call 310-204-3249 or 310-204-4205 Login name: JOE USER password: ABS Press D for demo door at Main Menu and then press 9. AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEMS CORPORATION 497 20TH STREET NICEVILLE, FL 32578-3264 PH 904.729-3006 or 800.496-4605 FX 904.729.2188