182 files found in Library "BBS - Pgm & Util"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
175B917A.ZIP No 293975 09-17-94
RBBS-PC 17.5�-Wide Area BETA Release.
Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4 This
file contains RBBS-PC.EXE optimized for
AT-Class machines (80286 and better)
175B917C.ZIP Yes 170011 09-17-94
RBBS-PC 17.5�-Wide Area BETA Release.
Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4 This
file contains the new CONFIG.EXE Includes an
editable on-line help file. Officially
Authorized by Ken Goosens.
175B917M.ZIP Yes 291888 09-17-94
RBBS-PC 17.5�-Wide Area BETA Release.
Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4 This
file contains RBBS-PC.EXE optimized for 80386
or better machines, math coprocesser
required. Officially Authorized
175B917S.ZIP Yes 328078 09-17-94
RBBS-PC 17.5�-Wide Area BETA Release.
Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE to RBBS-PC 17.4 This
file contains the source code, batch files
andASM files needed to compile using PDS
7.X or VB for DOS.
1STDEAL.ZIP Yes 932119 09-02-94
Sysops - become a dealer with Sparkware
software and make $$$
30FTD50.ZIP Yes 26874 07-17-94
30 new fonts for TheDraw! All ready and set
to go!
ABBSA008.ZIP Yes 93583 08-16-94
Application for free, BBS Membership in the
the American BBS Association. Advocacy.
ADDTY1B5.ZIP Yes 31939 10-03-94
ADDTODAY v1.00�5 - bbs file list assistant!
Add new file descriptions to your bbs daily.
HAL SoftWare designed for the busy sysop!
ADDTY1B6.ZIP Yes 32664 10-06-94
ADDTODAY v1.00�6 - adds new BBS files daily!
Add new file descriptions to your PCBoard or
other BBS each day. Select random based on
today's "day of month", minimum, maximum, or
fixed number. Added file description dates
are changed to the current date. Optionally
execute a batch file on each added file name
such as moving it to a different directory.
A file list management utility designed for
busy sysops! From HAL SoftWare (10-06-94).
AFILE11.ZIP Yes 12473 01-28-94 All Files Lister for Renegade BBS v1.1
AMD202B.ZIP Yes 159807 08-04-94
Alexi/Mail Tosser/Scanner for DOS The best on
the market! Enables any BBS using one of
these message bases: *.MSG Hudson TAG
multi-Hudson Spitfire Synchronet v1 to access
FidoNet-technology message networks.
APOST30.ZIP Yes 23429 08-18-94
AutoPost v3.0. An awesome new autopost door.
Will work with most bbs's.
APOSTV14.ZIP Yes 127378 09-29-94
Autopost V.1.4 By: Avatar /94 BBS adjunct
to leave messages to others at first log-on.
AUTORBS.ZIP Yes 3363 09-15-94
How to automatically run the TRIRBS TriBBS
board list utility by Randy Rasa
BABYTALK.ZIP Yes 26117 09-24-94 Babytalk string for WWIV v4.23 .
BAM12.ZIP Yes 69177 10-17-94
Animated menu, msg, files, now w/non-Ansi
BBS2DIR.ZIP Yes 27268 08-04-94 FILES.BBS to FILES.DIR w/extd comments. TBBS
BBSAMT41.ZIP Yes 50142 09-28-94
BBS Ansi Music Tutorial 4.1 Comprehensive
step-by-step tutorial shows how to add music
to your BBS and messages, includes sample
music files for each step.
BBSMONEY.ZIP Yes 3308 08-29-94
This file is a brief review of the book "How
to Run a BBS for Profit"
BGFAX136.ZIP Yes 150991 09-25-94
BGFAX 1.35 [25-Sep-94] - A non-TSR S/R fax
program for people with Class 1, 2, 2.0, &
ZyXEL fax modems.
B_DAY02.ZIP Yes 4824 08-21-94
PEX gives user(s) 30 more mins of on-line
time on their birthday and displays nice
screen/.ANS file to user.
B_DAY100.ZIP Yes 5046 10-03-94
Birthday.pex v1.00 Allows SysOp to give their
users a gift on their BirthDay of extra Time
CALCAT54.ZIP Yes 81539 08-09-94
CalCat! v5.4 ultimate full featured holiday
calendar. Knows 242+ holidays!
CEL202R.ZIP Yes 1427487 09-18-94
Celerity BBS v2.02 Final Release
Celerity BBS is a full-featured
electronic bulletin board system supporting
multiple nodes, FidoNet QWK connectivity, LAN
and multitasker support, QWK offline packet
generation, the ability to add multiple
CelerityText ASCII/ANSI/RIP/NAPLPS motif
designs with 75+ command directives, single,
batch, and bidirectional file transfers, a
sophisticated hierarchal conferencing system,
local console scrollback, DesqView/Windows/
OS/2 multitasking, advanced 50+ verb scriptin
language, and much much more! $60 reg. fee.
FULLY SUPPORTS 19.2/21.6k V.32Ter AND
19.2/21.6/24.0/26.4/28.8k V.FC/V.34 MODEMS!
CHALK10.ZIP Yes 22034 10-23-94
Chalk Board is a simple FreeWare program that
allows BBS users to leave quotes.
CHAT22.ZIP Yes 19016 08-02-94 CHAT.EXE Remote Access bbs Dos Chat Program
CHATER.ZIP Yes 9075 09-21-94
Chatter v2.01 for SBBS asks user reason for
sysop chat For SynchroNet v2.x. Gives back
timeslices to DesqView, OS/2, and Windows.
CHATJK11.ZIP Yes 11500 07-11-94 Chat Joke V1.1 Add Jokes to Uchat.
CHK4D1B6.ZIP Yes 29928 10-06-94
CHK4DES v1.00�6 - insures file descriptions!
Checks your PCBoard or other BBS file lists
for descriptions. Removes all "Description
not found" or blank description file names
from file lists created by DIZ extractors.
Optionally executes a batch file with each
file name that has a description, such as
moving the parent file to another directory.
A file list management utility designed for
busy sysops! From HAL SoftWare (10-06-94).
CHKPC092.ZIP Yes 61757 10-11-94
Check PC v 0.92 - Dupe Checker/Mover/Deleter
for Planet Connect Sites.
CI210B.ZIP Yes 1154107 08-10-94
Frontier Enterprises - CI2 v1.0 CopyIt/2 for
PC-DOS and OS/2: Premier server control
software for BBS Operators. Open architecture
CMOSTIM1.ZIP Yes 14080 07-30-94
Resets PC time from Hardware Real Time Clock
CMOSTIME v1.0 - If you run DESQview on a
multi node BBS with high speed modems, then
you have noticed that your BIOS clock will
lose time. CMOSTIME reads the time from the
hardware RTC and writes it to the BIOS clock.
CM_104.ZIP Yes 31026 09-28-94
Super Simple Conference Menu Creator v1.04
Create a really nice CNFN file for PCBoard
CONEHD10.ZIP Yes 7150 09-12-94
The Coneheads language file for TriBBS.
Includes some menus. RIPs to be released in
next version. Brought to you by: FLASH
Security & Communications
CRED330.ZIP Yes 51684 10-10-94
DMSoft Credits.ppe v3.30 - users can purchase
online credits using a credit card.
CTB_120.ZIP Yes 39553 09-23-94
Credit Transfer Bank V1.20 for Synchronet.
CTB will allow your users to transfer credits
amongst themselves. Users enter CTB and can
either D)eposit or W)ithdraw money.
CTNEWS40.ZIP Yes 59013 08-07-94
CATNEWS! V4 COOL WC4/WC3 Newsletter maker in
RIP/ANSI INFO Has Built-in Editor; Wildcat!
DIZ2P124.ZIP Yes 40167 07-18-94 DIZ2PCB v1.24 File_id.diz processor
DIZDIR19.ZIP Yes 34296 07-20-94
BBS Sysop utility to create DIR file listings
from DIZ in archives. For PCBoard & Wildcat.
DIZED49N.ZIP Yes 84652 07-14-94
DIZEdit v4.9N = Fast, easy DIZ file editor
for ZIP ARJ LZH formats. F ffffeeeaaatttt
DIZPRO10.ZIP Yes 103736 07-24-94
DizIt PRO v1.0 - FILE_ID.DIZ Importer PCBoard
Pro snoops through files quickly for either
FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports those
descriptions. Also scan for virus, dupe IDX
DIZZY12.ZIP Yes 55502 07-19-94
DIZZY removes graphics characters from FILE
ID.DIZ. If an archive file is named on the
command line, DIZZY will extract the file,
rebuild it, and replace it in the archive.
DJBLT110.ZIP Yes 3452 09-12-94
DJBLT 1.10 Tired of making bulletin
menus everytime you want to add a new one?
it's fast! Not crippled in any way!
DLINE22.ZIP Yes 67797 10-12-94
Dateline 2.2 Calendar Bulletin Maker For Any
BBS. Generates Rip, ANSI And ASCII Bulletins
DLX70BBS.ZIP Yes 490910 03-06-94
DLX BBS Software. Chat, Matchmaking.
DOD_AF20.ZIP Yes 17808 08-09-94
- ADD�FOFT�v2.0 - This program will help you
to save HDD�space by adding your BBS ad to
to your files only at download. BBS.
DOD_UP20.ZIP Yes 9556 07-28-94
Lars Upload Processor 2.0 Small and fast.
Able to test ZIP integrity, extract FILE
ID.DIZ, check file date, replace ZIP
comments, add BBS ADs, delete unwanted ...
DROM11.ZIP Yes 59115 08-04-94
DLG-ROM [version 1.1] The lastest CD-ROM
utility for DLG Pro BBS. DLG-ROM read all
it's information directly off the CD-ROM.
DUT111D.ZIP Yes 30386 10-06-94
Domain Upload Tester v1.11d (UNREGISTERED) A
file upload tester and virus scanner written
especially for Synchronet BBS systems.
DUTCH_4.ZIP Yes 6783 07-31-94
This is the new Dutch languagefile
which belongs to TriBBS 5.1 .
EBULL104.ZIP Yes 20239 06-24-94
EagleBull 1.04 Creates a display of your
newest supporting members! Used with the
Eagle Enterprise Charge Door Creates RIP,
ANS, ASCII & Wildcat displays
EZDIZIT3.ZIP Yes 52210 09-16-94
EZDIZIT v3.0 by Pegasus Software - Easy way
to create and add a FILE_ID.DIZ to any ZIP
EZSTAT20.ZIP Yes 39767 10-02-94
EZSTAT v2.0 For any EZrom or SFrom user.
Allows you to easily view or change your
ezrom.mas or sfrom.mas file.
FBOXSF15.ZIP Yes 108862 01-09-94
File Box v1.5 For SpitFire 3.x Great Private
File Utility! RIP and ANSI Graphics!
FDC_460.ZIP Yes 88490 09-28-94 File Download Counter v4.6 for PCboard
FDFIXW4W.ZIP Yes 2389 09-23-94 Fix bbs FrontDoor ring probs with WFWG
FFOX_007.ZIP Yes 64323 02-05-94
FireFox v. 0.07-34 Fido compatible message
scanner/tosser for Spitfire 3.4
FIDOQ122.ZIP Yes 278170 08-12-94
FidoQWK 1.22: QWK Fido echomail converter
Echo messages between FidoNet and QWK
FLIT10C.ZIP Yes 33169 08-10-94
FLIT - File LIst Tool for FILES.BBS
Are you looking for a GOOD, FAST File
list utility for your BBS? Want support
for your CD-ROM or for more than 2 gigs?
Is speed important to you? Then get FLIT,
the File LIst Tool from Whirlwind Software!
Shareware $10 cheap, uncrippled!
FLREQ101.ZIP Yes 15550 09-04-94
FileReq 1.00 : ProBoard File Requester.
Let users request files.
FPBT21B2.ZIP Yes 202517 07-21-94
FPBlt v2.10 - Fido Traffic Summary Bulletin
generator for FidoPCB.
FPBT22B1.ZIP Yes 124647 09-16-94
FPBLT v2.20 - Fido Traffic Summary Bulletin
generator for FidoPCB.
FS_15.ZIP Yes 21504 02-09-94 FILESTAT v1.5 SFFILES.BBS Spitfire utility T
FWKCS124.ZIP Yes 638482 08-10-94
FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, 1.24.
1994 Aug 10. Shareware, all options enabled.
The premier system for recognizing duplicate
files and duplicate zipfiles. Preserves
zipped paths, AV stamps. Recognizes current
individual AV stamps. Direct operation, split
test, and client/host configurations.
FWKLU124.ZIP Yes 115656 08-10-94
Fwklu124.zip remote lookup kit for use with
fwkcs(tm) contents signature system ver.
1.24, 1994 aug 10. This kit helps you save
time and money: use it to get complete
zipfiles from the huge collections giant
bbs's running fwkcs(tm) have.
FXUUC04B.ZIP Yes 64343 08-14-94
FX IICICO is an enhanced replacement for
WAFFLE UUCICIO It's fully compatible with
WAFFLE. Shorter and faster, still has
exciting new features in this beta release.
F_LOCK11.ZIP Yes 2682 08-06-94
FUSION LOCK 1.1 ETA] Why Do You Need This?
ANTI-HACKER Protection to the extreme.n00ks
anyone with a sysop-level account who is not
the actual sysop.
GIGOP806.ZIP Yes 394494 08-06-94
GIGO (pre 1.00) - Fidonet - UUCP Gateway Pkg.
Features services such as ftpmail server,
mail- list- echo conversion, much more.
Windowed output. Requires 386sx or greater.
GMSG415.ZIP Yes 51913 07-30-94
GenMsgMSG - FIDO message reader/editing
tool for all systems that support the .MSG
format. Works well with PGP.
GNS_RUMR.ZIP Yes 11579 08-02-94
FLiGHT Rumors v1.5 100% configurable
ANSis/Colors New configurable word stripper!
Stores time/date/author of each rumor Allows
recording to caller log Easy to install!
GRDLNG11.ZIP Yes 6401 06-20-94 Gridirons Colorcrome Language Ver 1.1 TriBBS
GRIN12.ZIP Yes 15464 09-04-94
GRIN 1.2 The step after Smiley! For SpitFire
- Fixes SFFILES.BBS after Tick is done.
HAL9000.ZIP Yes 8560 06-04-94 HAL-9000 Language file for TRIBBS
HITCLANG.ZIP Yes 5947 03-08-94
TB: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
TriBBS 5.0 Language
HO51.ZIP Yes 959224 07-12-94
Hands On Remote Access ASP Remote Support and
access to 115200 baud. Hands On has small RAM
size, useful set of features in a toolkit.
HOSTAG10.ZIP Yes 44327 07-15-94
Hostage! V1.0 America Held Hostage! The
Deluxe Clinton Countdown Calendar For BBS's
HOURS10.ZIP Yes 21188 03-12-94
HOURS v1.0 Create avg system usage by hour,
find best call time. Sysops' utility
HVFC0994.ZIP Yes 18464 08-31-94
Hayes Sysop Program Information Kit --
Features Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC + FAX!
Now includes free upgrade to V.34 when
HVSTOP.ZIP Yes 8459 05-06-94
Major BBS utility to allow you to change the
load order of the modules of your bbs.
IDXUTIL5.ZIP Yes 113324 07-01-94
IDX-Util v5.0 (07-01-94) PCB 15.0 Utilities
List files inIDX File using wildcards.
IE100B15.ZIP Yes 199350 07-30-94
InterEcho 1.00/b15 - Echomail tosser for WC,
PCB, JAM, Hudson.
IGATE11.ZIP Yes 16879 09-18-94 Netmail/Email gating for TBBS/PIMP.
INFMJ.ZIP Yes 41137 02-22-94
Major Jail for Major BBS Shareware! Allows
you to throw user in jail. Registered
version gets full multi-room labyrinth.
JEST235.ZIP Yes 71672 08-07-94
JestBBS 2.35 - Funny BBS utility that
displays a joke at logon/logoff. OVER
ASCII, and optionally RIP files!
JTBBUL10.ZIP Yes 21479 01-08-94 JT's Birthday Bulletin Creator v1.0 Spitfire
KPOST110.ZIP Yes 52559 06-28-94
KAMPost is a textfile Posting Program for
JAM, Hudson, Ezycom, Squish, Packet, Fido
LEGAL100.ZIP Yes 70038 09-15-94
Legal Age Utility 1.0 - Logon Security
Utility for TriBBS.
LUTIL_10.ZIP Yes 17338 08-28-94
LUTIL has been designed to allow for
command-line (file-request, polling, and
file-transmissions) for LoraBBS for OS/2
MA_AM202.ZIP Yes 74025 10-05-94
Messagea Areas
(Echomail,Netmail,Local;Squish,*.MSG) And
Maximus. Converts Squish.Cfg to numerous
other formats.
MBRA104.ZIP Yes 71111 09-22-94
MailBox 1.04 Maintainence Release Still FREE!
For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only MailBox
will search HUDSON and JAM message areas !
MERGS1B2.ZIP Yes 95234 10-06-94
MERGESYS v1.00�2 - merge file lists & MORE!
Can eliminate ALL the duplicate file entries
on your 250,000 file PCBoard or other BBS in
less than 1/2 hour, even between file lists.
MANDATORY if you have multiple CD's on-line.
The Flagship of a suite of file description
management utilities designed for the sysop
with 1000's of files. Its many options work
on almost ANY type or size of sorted ASCII
text file. From HAL Software (10-06-94).
See CONTEST.DOC for the MERGESYS GiveAway!
MM100.ZIP Yes 24240 08-06-94
MailMan for TriBBS v1.00!
This is a automated message generator for
TriBBS BBS systems version 5.01 and later.
MailMan will automagically post a pre-writen
message file to a new caller after they
logoff using the TriBBS between.bat file.
It will also send you (SysOp) a small
message letting you know a new caller has
been on and the greeting was sent to them.
MailMan was writen using The TriBBS API
MMRG11.ZIP Yes 37012 09-15-94
MailManager Report Generator v1.1 It will
track the use of your bbs conferences and
generate a report that may be displayed
anywhere on your bbs.
MNET210.ZIP Yes 45513 06-29-94
MNET V2.10 QWK- REP network conversion
utility. Permits any bbs with QWK/REP
handling capability to participate in
QWK-based networking with other boards.
MOMA100.ZIP Yes 63202 07-16-94
Monitors Message Base Usage using lastread
pointer files.
MSG_SYNC.ZIP Yes 8821 07-07-94
Msg-Sync v1.00 - Overcomes the problems of
sharing a message base amongst more than
conference. Run in $LOGON.BAT to set all
shared conference Last Message Read pointers
to the highest value, leaving only single msg
MSHOP121.ZIP Yes 58230 09-18-94
Multimedia Shopping Mall v1.21 M-SHOP for
PCBoard is the best shopping mall ever!
MT333.ZIP Yes 140082 09-19-94 MsgTrack 3.33; The complete netmail manager -
NEF200.ZIP Yes 70049 08-26-94 Fido Net Mail processor for Maximus BBS/OS/2
NETPKGB1.ZIP Yes 22527 10-05-94
Netsend �eta-1 & Netutil �eta-1 (C) Copyright
A Tronix Developers production by CJ aka Char
Netsend �eta-1 is a WWIV network handler capa
messages, network E-mail, SSM's, virtually an
can send all from the command line. Have you
a network? Netsend �eta-1 gives you this capa
Netutil �eta-1 is a WWIV network packet reade
to delete single messages, extract messages,
stored in the network headers.
NEWWAVE.ZIP Yes 6292 01-26-94 TriBBS specific language file that adds ANSI
NOLOCAL.ZIP Yes 30254 06-13-94 NOLOCAL.EXE V1.0 Spitfire BBS utility
NOSN113.ZIP Yes 39720 07-30-94 Nosnail 1.13 Netmail For Rbbs-PC / FIDO dir4
OCCPS35.ZIP Yes 17788 09-24-94
for PCBoard. Writes CHARGE.LOG
file with all the information needed to
verify and process credit card transactions.
OS2BBS12.ZIP Yes 1553 06-25-94
Version 1.1 of information on running
SuperBBS in OS/2! OS_2&bbs.zip replacement.
Now includes info on running SIO!
P2I_100.ZIP Yes 9732 05-20-94
ProBoard to InterNet message handler.
Requires ProBoard v2.01.
PAGIN10.ZIP Yes 28167 07-13-94
Pagin10: a freeware item that paginates an
ASCII file into adjustable-length sections
suitable for transmitting onto BBS's as
PB126_1.ZIP Yes 162355 08-24-94
POWERBOARD BBS 1.26. Complete BBS Pkg.
Offering 6 Minute/6 Question Install for 100%
Operational System! Completely Configurable
by Scripting Language. FULL RIP Graphics
for fast and easy creation of RIP menus
WITHOUT a RIP Drawing Program!
PB126_2.ZIP Yes 356214 08-24-94
POWERBOARD BBS 1.26. Disk 2/4: Main BBS Files
and Executables.
PB126_3.ZIP Yes 271104 08-24-94
POWERBOARD BBS 1.26. Disk 3/4: Main BBS
PB126_4.ZIP Yes 98813 08-17-94
POWERBOARD BBS 1.26. Disk 4/4: System
Operations Manual.
PBBSW35A.ZIP Yes 1357739 07-24-94 PowerBBS for Windows v3.5 ASP (Disk 1/2)
PBBSW35B.ZIP Yes 1103414 07-29-94
PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5 ASP (Disk 2/2): A
powerfully flexible BBS system with GUI
Config, ANSI/ASCII/RIP support, DOS Doors,
online dBase, Internet/Usenet mail server
connection, FTPmail, QWK-mail network, MAPI
Gateway, satellite mail support; MORE!!
PBFAX100.ZIP Yes 11959 06-15-94
PEX ProBoard Fax Message Handler, allow your
users to FAX, great sysop control.
PCBCK220.ZIP Yes 110561 09-28-94 PCBCheck 2.20 upload processor for PCBoard
PCBDDINF.ZIP Yes 11433 09-16-94
BBS Dollars Direct for PCBoard v15.2!
utility that will allow your users to pay for
items online with their checking or savings
by American Banking Systems.
PCB_ATCH.ZIP Yes 28657 07-11-94
PCB-Attach v1.00 - IMPORT attached files from
QMAIL4 Door QWK packets. Runs from batch file
during message IMPORT under Cam-Mail and
maybe others. For PCBoard.
PT_COM.ZIP Yes 5634 09-09-94 Post TDBS Compiler Options Modifier.
PWRAP106.ZIP Yes 18705 08-09-94
PCBWrap v1.06, DOS utility: PCBoard filelist
offline reformatter. Freeware (c) 1994
[94/08/09] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal
source. New: faster & more powerful.
QC_200B.ZIP Yes 25906 09-03-94
QuickCall 2.00 public beta release. The
ultimate Today's Callers generator for RA,
EzyCom and ProBoard. Report all bugs to Grant
Beattie at 3: 637/106 (Fidonet).
QF_111.ZIP Yes 898650 08-14-94
Wide beta version 1.11b of QFront, a
full-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard.
Q_A4RA_8.ZIP Yes 87733 10-06-94
Q&A4RA Revision #8 Questions & Answers for
RemoteAccess 2.x How to setup FrontDoor,
FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat,
GEdit, RAInfo, Online Archive Master
RBBSFIDO.ZIP Yes 54322 03-13-94
Detailed setup info for Fidonet & RBBS-PC.
(Version 3, 3/13/94) - Just one way to do
it out of a myraid of possibilities, by
Chip Morrow. Info is specific to net 226 of
Fidonet. You will need to improvise!
RGU_1005.ZIP Yes 312916 10-19-94 Renegade BBS Software Upgrade (Oct94 Release)
RIPSK110.ZIP Yes 156641 09-07-94
RIP Sketch v1.10 - Easy to use RIPscrip
editor for creating online RIP graphics.
Reqs EGA or better & a mouse. Supports Adlib
RONDA110.ZIP Yes 26180 09-14-94
Reboot On No Disk Activity v1.10 -Wonderful
utility for BBS sysops: Reboots the computer
after a period of no disk activity. Works
with any DOS device.
RSCRN30.ZIP Yes 37005 09-25-94
RScreen screen rotator for BBSs; shows a new
opening (or goodbye) screen to each user (or
each day)
RUMOR20.ZIP Yes 13467 03-12-94
RUMOR v2.0 Allows users to add to your
quote/rumor file. BBS utility.
RZIP232.ZIP Yes 75792 08-31-94
OMEGA SOFTWARE � ReZip Version 2.32.01 �eta
The ULTIMATE Uploads Checker for BBS's
SBBS200D.ZIP Yes 827663 08-24-94
Synchronet v2.00d Multinode BBS Software
Unregistered demo limitation of 20 users.
door sections, events, and much more.
SBGRELAY.ZIP Yes 28709 07-09-94
RIME last mail transfer display generator
Generates ASCII and PCB graphic display files
showing last successful mail transers FREE
registration. By Al Segura.
SBL_132.ZIP Yes 138854 08-23-94
Synchronet BBS List (SBL) V1.32 External BBS
database program for Synchronet bbses
SCBBSLN3.ZIP Yes 119978 07-07-94
14 Hilarious Languages for TriBBS 5.1!
includes Ultimate English & NEW Jurassic Park
SET_IN15.ZIP Yes 22780 09-12-94
SETTING 1.5 - The settings for FD2.12 SW,
RBBS-PC 17.4a and BUSIMODS, 17.5, BGFAX, and
the US Robotics modems (HST-VFC). Easy to
read (Hypertext).
SF35_1.ZIP Yes 239066 07-15-94
SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ] v3.5 1/2
System Disk
SF35_2.ZIP Yes 272131 07-15-94
SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ] v3.5 2/2
Utililty/DOC Disk
SF3TB510.ZIP Yes 26414 08-19-94
Spitfire 3.x to TriBBS 5.x user file
SHOP220A.ZIP Yes 82250 09-29-94
Domain Shopper v2.20a (UNREGISTERED) An
online catalog ordering system for Synchronet
BBS systems.
SPFORMA2.ZIP Yes 17215 06-09-94
Espa�ol The most up to Date (5.1 Beta 23)
spanish language file available. For TRIBBS
SPOT12.ZIP Yes 124696 05-29-94 SpotChek v1.2 PCB v15 Upload File Processor.
SQFLTRO.ZIP Yes 61834 09-05-94
SqFilter 1.00. Sqfilter is a message base
filter, statistics generator, new files
announcer and Allfix request processor.
STG102B.ZIP Yes 84907 08-02-94
version of USRSTATS will work with ANY BBS or
COMM program! Supports FOSSIL mode, any port
and IRQ, and speeds up to 115.2K.
SUARM102.ZIP Yes 112879 09-13-94
tosser for RemoteAccess 2.01, QuickBBS,
ProBoard, and other Hudson/JAM/Squish/MSG
SVOTE410.ZIP Yes 105893 10-05-94 .Super Vote v4.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and Above.
SYS01.ZIP Yes 275289 09-19-94
Electrified Sysop Magazine Issue #1. A
magazine done as a Windows Help file. Slick!
SYSOPABS.ZIP Yes 5028 08-17-94
Sysop program for Checks Online for
subscription. Alternative to Credit Card
T2BBS501.ZIP Yes 32602 09-13-94
Interface for Max, RA & ACFiles, TICK,
AllFix, for DOS/2.
TB_GER22.ZIP Yes 11233 07-23-94
TB-GER22, the German language file for
TriBBS 5.1.
TICFN101.ZIP Yes 23752 06-02-94 TicToss for FeatherNet Pro v1.01. For FIDO
TICIT20.ZIP Yes 24117 07-28-94
MANAGER. TICIT will handle all you Planet
Connect tic file pre- processing
TICRB111.ZIP Yes 63865 10-05-94 TicToss for RBBS-PC, v1.11. For FIDO
TICSF100.ZIP Yes 24007 10-05-94 TicToss for Spitfire v1.00. For FIDO
TICTAC11.ZIP Yes 6752 08-11-94
WCX tic file processor (ideal for Planet
Connect subscribers!) for Wildcat!
TOPMSG15.ZIP Yes 12073 01-06-94 Top 15 POSTERS Version 1.5 for RENEGADE
TOSS103A.ZIP Yes 181687 08-15-94
TriToss 1.03a - A FidoNet tosser/scanner
written specifically for TriBBS.
TOSSBAG.ZIP Yes 58024 06-18-94 FREEBAG- tosser! Toss .BAG files. Fido.
TRIB_WIN.ZIP Yes 55547 09-10-94
Text files on running TriBBS 5.x with with
Windows 3.1.
TRIMS10.ZIP Yes 47106 08-06-94
TriMS V1.0 Exclusively for TriBBS
systems. Message Subject Scanner. $5 reg.
TRISTA21.ZIP Yes 54703 08-26-94
TriStat v2.1 - Use with TriBBS Bulletin
Board Systems. Creates ANSI and MONO
bulletins which contain many usage statistics
ULFIX.ZIP Yes 125270 08-24-94 Repairs severly corrupted userlogs.TBBS
ULP_109.ZIP Yes 251106 08-05-94
UpLoadProcessor 1.09 for PCBoard. Detects all
file formats by SIGNATURE. Converts archive
formats. Processes uncompressed files, nested
archives and imbedded paths. Integrated CRC
dual duplication detection system, ZDCS
supported. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ and MORE
UPCHK532.ZIP Yes 172806 07-07-94
UPCHECK 5.32 - checks uploads for viruses,
old age, duplicates. ZIP comments, compresses
to any format. Inserts File_id into files.bbs
UPMSG01.ZIP Yes 20502 06-26-94
Send users mail thanking them for uploads
USER2AS5.ZIP Yes 19177 07-09-94
User2Asc v0.94� - Creates a Comma Delimited
ASCII file from USERS & USERS.INF files.
Includes data from Alias, Address, Verify &
Password PSA's if installed. Fixed length
lines make easy sorting using QSORT program.
For PCBoard
UTCAN10A.ZIP Yes 11119 10-18-94
UTCAN10 - UUCP Trashcan ability for pcboard's
UUCP software. Also does taglines. Freeware!
U_STATS2.ZIP Yes 2206 08-22-94
User Statistics v2.0 - All new ANSI and ASCII
screens. For use with TriBBS only.
U_SYSOP.ZIP Yes 58004 08-21-94 The 1st User Created BBS Interface. TBBS
VIG_FD10.ZIP Yes 36501 10-06-94
PWA Presents: FixDiz v1.0 Ever try to import
LZH or LHA diz's and only got the first line
to show up? Then this utility is for you.
Source included.
WAFGT100.ZIP Yes 156165 09-17-94
WAFTOGT 1.00 [09-17-94]
**** INTERNET/USENET for GT Power ****
Bring e-mail and Usenet newsgroups to
your GT Power BBS! This lets you offer
a feature many users are looking for!
** SHAREWARE - Registration is $15 **
Author -- rkroll@ctsbbs.com
WCSLANG4.ZIP Yes 15160 08-11-94
WcSLANG v4.00 Automated Prompt Language
Editor Intuitive WildCat Utility
WHOCAPPS.ZIP Yes 64492 06-05-94
If You Run WhoCalled Version 7.1 -
Allows The OPTION Of Displaying The Callers
Their Billing Information Or NOT Upon Their
Login To Your System.
WIRE100B.ZIP Yes 37701 07-29-94
Falcosoft Software Development Presents
Wirenews 1.00 BBS-Newscompiler : Creates Ans
& Asc Files in Wirestyle ! Shareware.
WTHRV120.ZIP Yes 340037 07-10-94
Weather - Weather Report Generator For Your
BBS! Downloads weather via 800 number.
WWVREGB2.ZIP Yes 67350 10-01-94
The WWIV Registry - �eta-2 release (C) Copyri
A Tronix Developer's production by CJ aka Cha
The WWIV Registry is a unique database capabl
of storing information on users of your syste
It's a great way for users to get to know one
another. The WWIV Registry now supports multi
BBS types. Colorful & state of the art progra
make this registry worth your time to downloa
ZIPVW10.ZIP Yes 19407 06-23-94
ZipView V1.0 Online BBS internal archive
viewer. Allow users of your BBS to view any
file from within a ZIP while online!
ZUT231_.ZIP Yes 72791 07-03-94
v2.31) ZuTSR, voice feature add-on for most
mailer/BBS software using a Fossil driver :
Call differentiation data/fax/voice, message
replaying and recording
_MENUS_.ZIP Yes 6485 09-04-94
Here is a set of menu's that I created for my
BBS, The Old Town BBS. Nothing fancy but good
_USERS.ZIP Yes 13650 02-11-94
Users v1.0 will scan your USERS.DAT file and
create a USERS.TXT which is formatted to hold
4 users per page with a tab indention for
easy binding and the users infomation in an
easy to read format! By Gary Price. PCBoard
_WL_20.ZIP Yes 45571 05-23-94
��� Who's Last!? v2.0 ���
��� (c) BG SoftWares 1994 ���
��� FREEWARE! ���
��� The GREATEST! Last Caller ���
��� Screen Generator! ���
��� ���
��� ���
��� - MULTI-NODE Support! ���
��� - Creates Nice ANSi/ASCii ���
��� Screens. ���
��� - Works With ALL BBS Soft.! ���
��� - Quick 'n Easy To Install ���
��� - FAST! ���
��� ���
��� Requires: DOOR.SYS ���