25 PROVEN MARKETING METHODS TO HELP GET YOUR NEW BUSINESS OFF THE GROUND! 1) Are there mailing lists available that match whom you want to reach? Ask this question before you spend any time or money creating your flyer, letter and/or brochure. 2) Give the benefits and features of your product or service. Buyers will take action if the features are good, and they will see it as a benefit. 3) Look at your competition's mailing pieces for pricing, marketing techniques and offer. 4) Establish a budget before you create your mailing package. A budget should include the cost of creating the direct mail package, printing, lettershop costs (mailing), postage, handling and fulfillment, cost of returns, bad debts and overhead. 5) Make sure your flyer, letter or brochure asks for a reply either by mail or phone, i.e., Call Toll-Free 1-800-123-4567 and ask for your FREE copy of HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE DIRECT MAIL LETTER. 6) A FREE No-Risk trial offer can increase responses, i.e., FREE 30-day trial with no obligation. 7) Select a typeface that's easy to read. Don't use too many different type faces. 8) Emphasize what the reader will get, not what the product does or how it does it. 9) In your flyer, letter or brochure, say what you are selling right away and link it to its key benefits, i.e., introducing today's most advanced, full-featured electronic typewriter... 10) Keep paragraphs short, no more than 6 or 7 lines. 11) Make sure the reader can respond. Put in a reply card, as well as toll-free and local telephone numbers. 12) Move the reader to action, i.e., Fill out this certificate and mail the enclosed postage-paid envelope today. 13) Accept telephone orders with credit card payments. It will increase responses. 14) Use testimonials whenever possible. Include the person's name and affiliation. 15) Keep your letter personal. Write as though you were writing to one individual, not to all prospects. 16) Give a free gift. It increases responses, i.e., "You'll receive a FREE Digital Calendar Clock worth $35.00 just for trying our electronic typewriter for 30 days." It can be a very inexpensive item such as an elegant ballpoint pen. 17) Tell the benefits of your product throughout your flyer, letter or brochure, i.e., Each one of the following is a benefit: Make typing faster, and more accurate. Typing can be done in 1/5 the time. Far greater productivity. 18) Tell the reader about great features of your product (what it can do), i.e., Each one of the following is a feature: Auto Underlining, Auto Centering, Auto Carriage Return, Auto Indenting. 19) Always use a P.S. People often read the P.S. first. 20) Underline key words, phrases or sentences for emphasis. 21) Briefly state your offer with benefits on your outer envelope. It will get your prime prospects to open the envelope. 22) Make the offer limited to get a quick response. The limited time offer must be genuine. Use only if it's true. 23) Beware of cliches and newest buzz words. Say what you mean in clear, concise, every-day English. 24) Make your benefits believable. Don't promise what you can't deliver. 25) The most successful mailers pinpoint their mailing lists. They target their audiences, and they select mailing lists that match. They consider such items as size of company, city population size, geographic area, companies by industry, and people by income level. Ask your list professional for assistance if you need it. UNICOM Information Services