---------------------------------------- MERGEFAX 2.1 FOR WINFAX PRO THIRD PARTY DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, BBS SysOps, and other distribution agents who wish to distribute the shareware program MergeFax 2.1 for WinFax PRO. --------- CONTENTS: --------- 1. PROGRAM NAME, CATEGORY, KEYWORDS 2. PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS * SINGLE LINE DESCRIPTION * SHORT DESCRIPTION * LONGER DESCRIPTION 3. DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS 4. CONTACTING BONZI SOFTWARE --------------------------------- PROGRAM NAME, CATEGORY, KEYWORDS: --------------------------------- Name - MergeFax 2.1 for WinFax PRO Category - Fax / WinFax / Word / WinWord / Add-On / Macros / Merge Keywords - FAX;MACRO;MERGE;DDE;WINFAX;WORD;DELRINA;MERGEFAX;BONZI ------------------------ Single Line Description: ------------------------ MergeFax 2.1 for WinFax PRO & WORD 6.0 ------------------ Short Description: ------------------ MergeFax 2.1 is an add-on program that allows you to "mail-merge" group fax THOUSANDS of PERSONALIZED faxes with Word for Windows 6.0 and WinFax PRO 3.0, 4.0, and WinFax PRO for Networks. Quickly "touch" all of your customers--locally and world-wide--with the stroke of a single key. Send price lists, special offers, new product announcements, press releases, newsletters, investment updates, etc. On a 486-66 machine, MergeFax queues up WinFax PRO's Out Box with 100 faxes in 5 minutes! By BONZI Software. ------------------- Longer Description: ------------------- MergeFax 2.1 is an add-on program that allows you to "mail-merge" group fax THOUSANDS of PERSONALIZED faxes with Word for Windows 6.0 and WinFax PRO 3.0, 4.0, and WinFax PRO for Networks. Quickly "touch" all of your customers--locally and world-wide--with the stroke of a single key. On a 486-66 machine, MergeFax queues up WinFax PRO's Out Box with 100 faxes in 5 minutes! Send price lists, special offers, or new product announcements to all your customers. Send sales and marketing information to your distribution and sales staff. Send press releases, newsletters, event announcements, itineraries, investment updates, etc.--each one personally written to each individual. MergeFax is far more effective than sending "junk mail" and "broadcast faxes" because people receive PERSONALIZED messages, INDIVIDUALIZED communications--with detailed information so fine, so specific, you are only limited by your "data source" and your use of Word 6.0's powerful mail merge features. Here's how it works: 1. MergeFax automatically merges each data record, scans the document to find the recipient’s name and fax number, and then (using DDE) passes them over to WinFax PRO. 2. MergeFax queues up all the faxes in WinFax PRO's Out Box--either to be sent immediately or scheduled for a later date and time. 3. MergeFax automatically sets the fax driver and resets the printer driver for you--so you don’t have to fiddle with driver settings. You just run MergeFax, and it automatically switches to the fax driver, merges each data record, scans each merged document to find the recipient’s name and fax number, passes them over to WinFax PRO, queues up all the faxes in WinFax's Out Box with their pending date and times, and finally returns you back to Word for Windows after resetting your printer driver back to whichever default printer it was on. 4. MergeFax does all this in minutes! For example, on a 486-66 machine, MergeFax queues up WinFax PRO's "event list" with 100 faxes in 5 minutes! 5. It's as easy as these 2 steps: 1. Set up your mail-merge main document. 2. Hit Alt-M and START. -------------------------- DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS: -------------------------- MergeFax 2.1 may be distributed freely, providing two things: 1) You do not change or alter any of the following 9 files. 2) You distribute all 9 of these files together: 1. MERGEFAX.DOC MergeFax 2.1 User's Guide 2. MERGEFAX.DOT WinWord Template containing MergeFax macros 3. MERGEFAX.BMP MergeFax Bitmap Logo 4. REGISTER.DOC MergeFax 2.1 Registration Form 5. VENDOR.TXT This file 6. FILE_ID.DIZ PC-Board compat. description file. 7. README.1ST Installation Information 8. SAMPLE.DOC Sample Mail-Merge "Main" Document 9. SAMPDATA.TXT Sample Mail-Merge Data BBSs - Please name the packaged file MRGFAX.xxx Disk Vendors, Shareware Distributors, and BBS(s) may charge a nominal fee for distribution of the program. But the recipient of MergeFax must be informed in advance, that the fee paid for acquiring MergeFax, does not relieve the recipient from purchasing a License for use of MergeFax, if the recipient continues to use MergeFax after the trial period. -------------------------- CONTACTING BONZI SOFTWARE: -------------------------- If you have any questions regarding MergeFax distribution, feel free to contact us at: E-mail: BONZI Software Attn: Distribution CompuServe: 72053,2227 or Internet: 72053.2227@compuserve.com Fax: BONZI Software Attn: Distribution 396 17th Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 Fax: 805-238-5798 Mail: BONZI Software Attn: Distribution 396 17th Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 U.S.A. For quickest response, contact us electronically via E-mail. ____________________________________________________ © Copyright 1994 BONZI Software. All rights reserved.