BUILDER DATABASE FUNCTIONS The Builder Database Functions are a Flexible and Easy to Use Set of Clipper UDFs Designed to Add/Change/Delete Database Records. One of the features that make them so easy to use is the ability to Add or Change databases one record at a time. This is an advance over the normal xBase style of one FIELD at a time database I/O. The way this is achieved is to create a STATIC array of field values for every database in your application. A corresponding manifest constant entry is made in a Header (.CH) file for every database field in your application also. The manifest constant is created by prefixing it with an alphabetic character. For example, the database field CITY could become the manifest constant ACITY. This method provides both readable source code and efficient access to database data. The Builder Save_It() function requires four parameters in order to Add/Change/Delete/ or Recall a database record. When adding a record you can (optionally) use the deleted records of your database as "Add Space" when using the Save_It() function. That way recycling your deleted records instead of APPENDing BLANK to add a record. Using this feature requires that SET DELETED ON is active (Builder default) and that each database to use this feature has an open index created like: INDEX ON IF(DELE(),"*"," ") TO ... This uses one valuable file handle per database; but the ease of maintaining data integrity and NEVER-EVER having to PACK these databases makes this an excellent solution for network database systems. Other Builder database functions do your file maintenance chores for you, including maintaining related databases. Do indexed searches with ISeek(), Browse databases with Plist(). The Open_Fil() function tests for and displays open error conditions. Use Fld_Repl() instead of REPLACE when only a few fields need to be updated. Fld_Repl() locks and unlocks records when used on a network. View the samples and look at the source code, this stuff REALLY works. Also see the following functions in the Builder library documentation: DbStor() - Store database fields to memory variables. Fil_Lock() - Lock an entire database. The following functions are in the Builder library, but are used internally only and should not be required in any other way. DbRepl() - Replace a database record with memory variables. Add_Rec() - Append a Database Record, Network Aware Net_Use() - Called by Open_Fil() after error testing. Opens a database. Rec_Lock() - Lock a database record. End of File ***