APPENDIX E COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS Vocal-Eyes offers several command line parameters. These are commands you can issue at the DOS prompt. Each of these commands will be described below. These commands will only relate to the Vocal- Eyes command line. For a description of the Speech Driver commands, refer to Appendix F. First we will describe the one time startup parameters. These are the commands that can ONLY be issued the very first time Vocal-Eyes is started up each session. If you attempt to issue them while Vocal-Eyes is already loaded, they will simply be ignored. After these commands, the commands which can be issued anytime will be listed. You can also get a complete list of command line parameters from option four located in the help submenu. You can also issue VE /? from the command line to get the exact same listing of available commands. VE.COM ONE TIME STARTUP PARAMETERS The one time startup parameters all have an ! (exclamation point) after the initial / (slash). This indicates it is a one time startup parameter and can only be invoked the first time you startup Vocal-Eyes each session. If the command does not contain the exclamation point, you can assume it is not a one time startup parameter and can therefore be invoked anytime. /!Fn n = 1-9 Allocate maximum number of RAM .SET files. Default = 1. Before you can load several .SET files in RAM, you must first allocate the maximum number of locations with this command. /!Kn n = 0-9 Key label dictionary buffer size. Default = 2. This is used to allocate the maximum size of the key label dictionary buffer. Each number is multiplied by 512 bytes. For example, a setting of 9 would actually allocate 9 * 512 or 4608 bytes of storage. A setting of 0 will not allocate any space for the key labels. You will not be able to load any key labels if this is the case. However, you will have freed up 1024 bytes of RAM space. /!Cn n = 0-9 Character dictionary buffer size. Default = 1. This is used to allocate the maximum size of the character dictionary buffer. Each number is multiplied by 256 bytes. For example, a setting of 5 would actually allocate 5 * 256 or 1280 bytes of storage. A setting of 0 will not allocate any space for the character dictionary. You will not be able to load any characters if this is the case. However, you will have freed up 256 bytes of RAM space. /!Vn n = 0-9 Video clipboard buffer size. Default = 4 (1,024 bytes). This is used to allocate the maximum size for the clipboard buffer. Each number is multiplied by 256 bytes. For example, a setting of 5 would be 5*256=1,280 bytes of storage. A setting of 0 will not allocate any space for the buffer. If you try and copy information to the clipboard and the buffer is not large enough, Vocal-Eyes will give you an error message and abort the copy. /!Lx x = 0 or 1 Auto Lightbar buffer. Default = 1 (on). Because the auto lightbar requires a relatively large amount of memory, you have the option of disabling this feature and freeing up this memory. By disabling the Auto Lightbar, you will free up about 2K of memory. Vocal-Eyes by default will enable the auto lightbar. If you disable this and set the lightbar setting to auto, Vocal-Eyes will treat it as if you had set lightbar off. Turning lightbar on however will always work correctly regardless of this setting. Only the auto setting will be effected. /!MX - This will cause Vocal-Eyes to load into Extended memory. If your machine supports Extended memory, you may wish to give this a try. If Vocal-Eyes successfully loaded into your extended memory, you will get the message "Loaded into extended memory." Before you can use your extended memory, you must load an extended memory driver in your CONFIG.SYS file such as HIMEM.SYS. Only if this device driver or an equivalent is loaded will Vocal-Eyes load into extended memory. When you load Vocal-Eyes into extended memory, it will only load in the first 64K of extended memory known as the High Memory Area (HMA). However, if you request DOS 5.0 or DOS 6.0 to load high, it also only loads in the HMA. Therefore, if you load DOS high, you will not be able to load Vocal-Eyes itself into extended memory. You will still be able to load the overlay into extended memory however. /!OX - This will cause Vocal-Eyes to load the overlay file (VE.OVL) into extended memory. If Vocal-Eyes was able to load the overlay file into extended memory, you will get a message indicating this. If it was not successful, you will get an error message describing the problem. Even if you are loading DOS 5.0 or 6.0 high, you will still be able to load the overlay file in extended memory. It is highly recommended you issue this command if you have extended memory available. Loading Vocal-Eyes into extended memory is completely independent of loading the overlays into extended memory. The advantage of loading the overlays in extended memory means they can be loaded faster and you do not have to worry about DOS being unable to always load the required information from the VE.OVL file. VE.COM ANYTIME PARAMETERS /? (help) As was mentioned earlier, this command will cause all available command line parameters to be displayed a screen at a time. Between each screen, you will be asked to press any key to continue. Simply press any key for the next screen of information to be displayed. This will display the same information which is displayed from option four from the help submenu. /Fnp n = 1-9 (RAM location), p = .SET file name. This will load the specified file (p) into the RAM location specified (n). Remember, if you wish to have more than 1 RAM location, you must issue the /!Fn parameter to allocate the desired locations. Once allocated, you can load as often as you like. For example, the command /F7C:\WP\WP would load the file WP.SET which is on the C: drive in the WP directory into RAM7. You can repeat this command on the same command line as many times as DOS will allow. If you load into RAM1, the specified information will become active. /Rn n = 1-9 (RAM location) This will make the .SET file in the RAM location n active. It would be like pressing the load RAM SET hotkey and pressing the number you specified for n. Be aware of the autoloading feature. If you load a .SET file with this command and execute a program, Vocal-Eyes will reload the new .SET file if it exists. /Cp p = Character dictionary path and name. This will load the specified character dictionary (p) into the character dictionary buffer. For example, the command /CB:\LOTUS\LOTUS would load the file LOTUS.CHR which is on the B: drive in the LOTUS directory. Remember, Vocal-Eyes will default to a 256 character buffer. If you wish more, you must use the /!Cn command. /CC - This will clear the entire Character dictionary buffer. This can be used if you don't wish to load a new character dictionary but you don't want to use the existing one either. /Kp p = Key Label dictionary path and name. This will load the specified key label dictionary (p) into the key label dictionary buffer. For example, the command /KDBXL would load the file DBXL.KEY into the key label buffer. Vocal-Eyes would first look in the default Vocal-Eyes directory. If found it would be loaded. If not, Vocal-Eyes will look in the current drive and directory. If there, it will be used. This same search is done with the /Cp command as well. /KC - This will clear the entire key label dictionary buffer. This can be used if you don't wish to load a new key label dictionary but you don't want to use the existing one either. /Ax x = 0-2. This command will either disable the autoloading feature, enable it without messages or enable it with messages. By default, Vocal-Eyes has the autoloading enabled without messages. The valid options are: /A0 - Disable the autoloading altogether /A1 - Enable autoloading without verbal message (default) /A2 - Enable autoloading with verbal message during loading and reloading Not only can you use this command line parameter to adjust autoloading, you can also use option six in the files menu. With autoloading enabled, Vocal-Eyes will automatically load a .SET, .KEY and .CHR file from the default Vocal-Eyes directory with the same name as the application program being executed. Vocal-Eyes will also automatically load DOS.SET, DOS.KEY and DOS.CHR when you shell to DOS. When you exit the shell, the original information will be reloaded. Vocal-Eyes can actually go 15 levels deep and be able to reload all 15 levels. If Vocal-Eyes tries to autoload a new .SET file which does not exist, the original .SET file remains active. If a key label or character dictionary does not exist, you have a choice of what should be done using the following command line parameters: /AKC - This tells Vocal-Eyes to 'C'lear the current key label dictionary if the requested file does not exist. /AKL - This tells Vocal-Eyes to 'L'eave the current key label dictionary if the requested file does not exist. /ACC - This tells Vocal-Eyes to 'C'lear the current character dictionary if the requested file does not exist. /ACL - This tells Vocal-Eyes to 'L'eave the current character dictionary if the requested file does not exist. /Ex - x = 0-1. This command is used to disable and enable Vocal-Eyes. Disabling Vocal-Eyes is like shutting it completely off. Once disabled it would be as if you never loaded Vocal-Eyes. The only difference is Vocal- Eyes will still be loaded into your memory. You may want to disable Vocal-Eyes if a sighted user will be using your machine. The only way to re-enable Vocal-Eyes is to use this command again. /E0 will disable Vocal-Eyes and the only way to bring it back is to issue a /E1. /U - This command will completely uninstall Vocal-Eyes. Once uninstalled, it would be as if Vocal-Eyes were never loaded. All the memory Vocal-Eyes once used would be freed up. This includes any extended memory. You can only uninstall Vocal-Eyes if you have not loaded anything after it. If you have loaded another program after Vocal- Eyes, you must first uninstall it before you attempt to uninstall Vocal- Eyes. If Vocal-Eyes determines you have a program loaded after Vocal- Eyes, you will get the message: Program loaded after Vocal-Eyes Unable to uninstall If this is the case, Vocal-Eyes will ignore the /U command. If Vocal-Eyes can remove itself, you will get the following message printed but not spoken on the screen: Vocal-Eyes has been removed from memory You can also remove the synthesizer driver using the /U command. This will be described in appendix F. /Pp p=complete path for Vocal-Eyes. When you first startup Vocal-Eyes, it remembers the current drive and directory you are logged into. It uses this location when you load/save a .SET file without specifying a path. It also uses this location to look for the files VE.OVL and VE.HLP. If for some reason you wish to switch the drive and directory Vocal-Eyes uses, you can issue the /Pp command. The path must contain the drive and an optional directory. For example: VE /PC:\VOCAL This will instruct Vocal-Eyes to use the path C:\VOCAL. You can issue this command anytime on the Vocal-Eyes command line. /Sx - x = 0-1. This command offers a solution for those machines which seem to have the shift and/or control keys stick down. Also, if you notice you are getting letters when you press the dedicated arrow keys on a 101 keyboard, you may want to try this command. Some machines are more susceptible to this problem than others. The more programs you have running in your machine like Vocal-Eyes or LPDOS, etc., the more likely this problem will occur. If you notice your SHIFT key is sticking down, you may want to issue the command /S1. This will enable the sticky key fix and hopefully resolve your problems. If the problem gets better but is still happening, you may also want to leave your NUM-LOCK key off. The reason the keys sometimes stick or you get numbers instead of arrows is beyond the scope of this manual. If you use this command, it will work better if Vocal-Eyes is the last program loaded. The farther back Vocal- Eyes is loaded, the more likely Vocal-Eyes can solve the problem. Vocal- Eyes defaults with this feature disabled (/S0). You can issue this command anytime. /Lx - x = 0-1. This command can force Vocal-Eyes to think you are using a large print program or force it to think you are not even though one may be used. When you first startup Vocal-Eyes, it tries to determine if a large print program is already loaded and adjust accordingly automatically. However, sometimes it may not believe one is loaded when in fact one actually is. Or, it may not think one is loaded when one actually is loaded. Issuing /L0 will tell Vocal-Eyes you are not using a large print program. Issuing /L1 will tell Vocal-Eyes you are using a large print program. Normally you will never have to use this command. Vocal-Eyes has been tested successfully with LPDOS, ZoomText, and MAGIC. ; - If you end the entire command line with a ; (semicolon), Vocal-Eyes will not speak its usual message. This is good for batch files where you want to keep unnecessary chatter to a minimum.