55 files found in Library "Demo Programs"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
75DEMO_1.ZIP No 1210157 09-22-94
The Legend of Seven Paladins 3D Game DEMO 1/3
Eight channel sound effects and
music support for: GUS, PAS 16, SB, AdLib,
Roland, and most other cards. Requires a
386+. Supports: Mouse/Joystick/GamePad.
75DEMO_2.ZIP Yes 1214375 09-22-94 The Legend of Seven Paladins DEMO 2/3
75DEMO_3.ZIP Yes 1115519 09-22-94 The Legend of Seven Paladins DEMO 3/3
ASG_IN.ZIP Yes 47145 05-27-94
Asgard Interface - is a working demo of a VB
library which gives you access to a Toolbox,
Tabbed dlg box, Balloon help, Zooming forms,
3D effects for forms, Status bar, and more.
BA2PRO20.ZIP Yes 653696 09-18-94
Back Again Pro backup utility demo v2.0 for
BDEM20.ZIP Yes 382211 04-15-94 Builder v2.0 Demo Program v2.00
CASINO_1.ZIP Yes 1039179 10-13-94
CASINO Tournament Of Champions By Capstone
Software. For Windows 3.1
CASINO_2.ZIP Yes 1071463 10-13-94
CASINO Tournament Of Champions By Capstone
Software. For Windows 3.1
CBWVIE.ZIP Yes 52695 09-09-94 Clarion 3.0 demo utilities from Cyberware.
CHRDMO.ZIP Yes 301039 07-23-94 CHRON v4.0 OS/2 Scheduling Product DEMO vers.
DFSLIDE2.ZIP Yes 944709 09-29-94
Slide show from Lucas Arts for an upcomming
program called Dark Forces - A Doom like game
based on Star Wars.
DTMF_D.ZIP Yes 38244 09-19-94 DTMF decoder demo for Soundblaster card.
EACTION.ZIP Yes 781653 08-31-94
Alright all you fighter jocks out there! Try
this playable demo of EVASIVE ACTION flight
FABR301.ZIP Yes 68500 09-24-94
Fabric v3.01 eliminates do by hand, draw
downs. Creates Fabric Patterns. DEMO.
FDDEMO.ZIP Yes 1399657 04-20-94
Self-running demo of Fractal Design's Painter
for Windows.
FMDEMO.ZIP Yes 961996 05-13-94
FolderManager - is a multilingual Windows
program for hierarchical file management
using descriptive file names and the familiar
Cabinet, Drawer, Folder, Document interface
FP_DEMO.ZIP Yes 58017 07-24-94 Font Pak Pro demo for programmers
GPDEMO.ZIP Yes 592611 04-26-94 Garden Planner for Windows Demo from Parsons.
HB4DEMO.ZIP Yes 1423999 09-29-94
Demo of upcoming Accolade game: Hardball 4
Demo is playable and features 256 color SVGA
graphics /w video capture technology.
HEARTQ.ZIP Yes 1835546 08-25-94 Intro multimedia demo - 3rd place assembly 94
ID_KIT.ZIP Yes 634049 09-28-94
SMITH & WESSON's IDENT-KIT on Disk, Demo of
the Police Dept's IDENTKIT now on disk.
INFCMSAM.ZIP Yes 118070 10-13-94
Infocom Sampler Program. Contains demo
versions of four classic text adventures:
Zork 1, Infidel, Witness and Planetfall.
KRYPTEGG.ZIP Yes 936916 08-01-94
Krypton Egg PC - The Ultimate Break-Out
This LIMITED & DEMO version can be distribute
A breathtaking Break Out action game with
many new effects.
LAPWIN.ZIP Yes 1199142 08-30-94
Demo of Travelling Software's new version of
Laplink, Laplink for Windows. Xfer files from
PC to PC using laplink cables, or over a LAN
LD_WARP.ZIP Yes 2248891 09-11-94 WFirp 4th place Intro Demo ASM '94
MARSDEMO.ZIP Yes 9528 07-26-94
MARS DEMO - this is the ULTIMATE height-field
demo! SMOOTH terrain of mars, or change the
palette for Earth, or a barren wasteland!
MCEM102.ZIP Yes 229389 09-20-94
Cemetery Caretaker v1.02 Demonstration
database of cemetery and gravesite. Well done
MINIZORK.ZIP Yes 64196 10-13-94
Demo version of Infocom's classic text
adventure, Zork 1. Fully playable, but
contains only part of the game.
ODP_DEMO.ZIP Yes 850053 10-07-94 OverDrive Processor Demo direct from Intel
ONSPEC32.ZIP Yes 386670 08-22-94 Demo of OnSpec Easy for OS/2
PTM_TFO.ZIP Yes 2044585 08-28-94 The Final Option Intro demo? Iffy....
QDEMO.ZIP Yes 1349496 08-15-94
QUARRANTINE Playable Demo. 3D driving game by
Gametek/Imagexcel. 386/33 & 4 Meg Ram req'd.
RWKNIGHT.ZIP Yes 456003 08-31-94
RenderWare(TM) demo of two battling knights.
Requires Windows 3.1 or higher. Supports
Microsoft's WinG library.
RWMAZE.ZIP Yes 676167 08-31-94
RenderWare(TM) demo of a 3D maze. Apparently
a better engine than Doom's. Requires
Windows 3.1 or higher. Supports Microsoft's
WinG library.
RWROLL.ZIP Yes 486269 08-31-94
RenderWare(TM) demo of a 3D rollercoaster.
View the four samples or create your own.
Requires Windows 3.1 or higher. Supports
Microsoft's WinG library.
SB3006.ZIP Yes 780289 08-14-94
Starbase 3 is a standalone program that
contains a database of ALL Trek episodes ever
codes, airdates, etc. This is a demo version.
SCHDES10.ZIP Yes 804635 08-27-94
Schedule-Ease DEMO - Great new *Automatic*
Employee Scheduler. Enter company departments
shift requirements, employee availability,
and have an accurate, working schedule in
seconds.Allows for overtime, vacations,shifts
statistics, graphs, etc. Req. Windows 3.1,
mouse, 2 meg ram/hd. From Epsilon Computing.
SCROLL1.ZIP Yes 10727 06-06-94
Scroll1 - is a demo program that will display
the color spectrum available to you on your
computer using the RGB FUNCTION.
SCVS40.ZIP Yes 15319 06-01-94
Super Conversions - is a limited demo of a
Windows utility that provides conversions for
distance. Requires VBRUN300.
SHADOW_1.ZIP Yes 367959 06-30-94
SHADOW - DEMO VERSION Combines photo &
information (of your child or loved one) on
one floppy! Prints a mini poster. Take
preventative measures, get SHADOW. Should
your child be abducted - don't waste time!
SIMC2.ZIP Yes 970925 10-21-94 SimCity/2 - SimCity for OS/2 Demo
STONED.ZIP Yes 21950 08-09-94 Stoned: ASM demo from Europe
TAPELIB3.ZIP Yes 216948 08-24-94
Tape Librarian v3.0 for Colorado Memory
Systems Tape Drives [1/1] Eval Demo Copy.
TEMPESTA.ZIP Yes 1946066 10-26-94 Finalist at Assembly 94 INTRO DEMO
THE_APEX.ZIP Yes 178976 05-15-94 Belgiums most ravin mulimedia DEMO Crew!
TOTAL.ZIP Yes 20891 08-09-94 Total: ASM demo from Europe
TRANSITS.ZIP Yes 160719 09-10-94
See what the planets have in store for you
today. Do natal charts, transit charts & get
your daily planetary interpretations. DEMO.
TRAUMARU.ZIP Yes 370951 03-27-94
Trauma Run! Interactive EMS Training, Demo
Version [1994]. Developed by Dr. Jim (Mo)
Moshinskie. Nice Graphics Multiple Choice
Scenerios Assist With The Education of New
EMS Providers.
UNEATBL_.ZIP Yes 2243685 08-29-94 Uneatable INTRO DEMO - multimedia...
VE.ZIP Yes 700389 09-23-94
This is the demo of the GW Micro
screen-reader Vocal-Eyes requires voice
synthesizer and is not sound blaster
VPE45.ZIP Yes 133490 08-16-94
Virtual Presence Engine DEMO v0.45
Alexey Goloshubin (C) 1994
WPX_DEMO.ZIP Yes 13403 10-04-94
WPX provides slight magnification of 80 by 25
text screens for WordPerfect, DOS, and other
text oriented programs. For tired eyes!
XSHOW.ZIP Yes 63489 06-23-94
XSHOW is a VGA graphics screen demo that will
scroll your custom text message across the
bottom of the screen. Computer shows, etc.