----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Document Catalog When ordering documents from the STAC FAX service, please enter the index numbers that you wish to receive. You can order up to three documents. Index numbers begin with the Stacker version number they support STAC FAX 1000 (03-18-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Index Number Description Pre-Sales Information 1106 Stacker API (Call for Information) 1108 Developer's Tool Kit Fact Sheet 1109 News release "Developer's Tool Kit" 1110 Stacker 4.0 Features & Benefits 1111 News release "Stac wins lawsuit" 1112 Stacker 4.0 Press Release 1114 Response to Microsoft 1115 Compaq licenses Stacker 4.0 1116 IBM Announces Stacker License 1117 Stac Announces Stacker 4.0 Universal Upgrade 1118 Stac Wins Injunction Hearing 6000 Stacker for OS/2 7000 Stacker for MAC Stacker Install Issues 2001 AT/16 Check List 2003 Recovery from a Failed PS/1 Install 2004 Stacking Floppyless Notebook, 2.0 2005 Stacking Palmtop, Stacker 2.0 2006 Stacking HP 95LX Stacker 2.0 2007 Installing Stacker on IBM PS/1 3003 Stacking Floppyless Notebook, 3.x 3004 Stacking Palmtop, Stacker 3.x 3005 Stacking HP 95LX Stacker 3.x 3001 Country Code and Stacker 3002 Upgrading from Stacker 1.x to 3.0 3006 Create Error 66, Stacker 3.x 3007 Setup Error 2002, Stacker 3.x 31016 Stacker Coprocessor Drivers, has 3.1 w/ file dates before 9-8-93 31017 Stacker Coprocessor Drivers, has 3.1 w/ file dates 9-8-93 or later 31018 ROM BIOS Support for Dblspace.bin, has 3.10 31019 Reconfiguring Stacker 3.1 for hard cards w/ mount ID write error 31020 Mount ID Write Error 31021 ROM BIOS Support for Dblspace.bin, has 3.1 w/ file dates 9-8-93 or later. 31601 Converting Removable Dblspace Drives 31602 Converting Unmounted Dblspace Drives 4001 Setup on IBM PS/1 with external Sysgen drive 4002 Compressing a Floppyless Notebook 4003 Compressing a Palmtop 4004 Stacker Configuration (the Stacker.ini file with Stacker 4.0) 4005 Upgrading from Stacker 1.X to Stacker 4.0 4006 Setup with Netroom & PCKWIK 4007 DOS Drive limits After Upgrade 4008 Too Fragmented to Convert After Upgrade 4009 Create Error 66 & Stacker 4.0 4010 No Additional Space After Upgrade 4011 Setup on Small Hard Disk 4012 Stacker Drive Does not Update or Hconvert hangs Stacker and Windows 2201 Stacker and Windows Enhanced Mode 2202 Windows 3.1 and Stacker 3201 Creating a Stacked RAM Drive for Windows Temporary Swap files 3202 Cannot find SPART.PAR Stacker 3.0 31202 Cannot find SPART.PAR Stacker 3.1 31201 No Room for Windows Swap File 31203 Formatting Floppies from Windows 31204 Windows for Workgroups 3.11 & Stacker 3.X 4201 Windows for Workgroups 3.11 & Stacker 4.0 4202 Window Permanent Swap Files & Stacker 4.0 4203 Cannot find Device to Run Windows Enhanced 4204 Windows Swap File Smaller than Configured 4205 Error accessing Windows Control Panel Memory Management 2101 Memory mangement & Stacker 2102 The Stacker XT/8 coprocessor card & EMM386 2103 QEMM386 and Stacker 1.x 2104 Installing 386MAX/BlueMax 2105 Using QEMM386 and Stacker 2106 QEMM386 Optimize Stacker 2.0 2501 Stacker 1.x and Memory requirements 2502 Performance Differences Between Software and Stacker AT/16, MC/16 2503 Stacker 2.0 Memory Requirements 3101 Stacker & Qemm 7.0, Stacker2.x & 3.0 31101 Stacker and Qemm 7.0, Stacker 3.1 4101 Password Protected Stacker Drives & QEMM 4102 Stacker 4.0 & QEMM/DOSDATA.SYS 4103 386MAX 7.0 and Stacker 4.0 4104 RAMBoost and Stacker 4.0 Stacker And DOS Issues 2301 DR DOS and Stacker 2302 Upgrading to DR DOS with Stacker Installed 2303 Installing the IBM Corrective Diskettes on a "Stacked" Hard Disk 3301 Stacker and MS-DOS 6.0 3302 Backing out of a DOS 6.0 Install 3304 Making a Non-Stacker Boot Disk 31501 Stacker aware DOS 6.0 Startup disk 31305 Reinstalling DOS 6.0 and Optional Programs 31306 Installing MS-DOS 6.2 31307 Read Fault Errors 4301 DR-DOS & Norton Disk Doctor on multiple Stacker drives 4302 Making a Stacker Startup Disk (Stacker 4.0) 4304 Making a Compressed Startup Disk 4306 Upgrading to a DOS version that supports Preloading Disk Utilities, Caches and Stacker 2401 Stacker and Disk Caching 2402 Third Party Optimization Programs and Stacker 2403 Stacker and Anti-Virus Programs 2404 Backing up Stacker Drives 3404 Using Surface Scan Utilities with Stacker 3405 Sdefrag errors 109/110, 120, 170 31406 Compressing a Ram Disk, Stacker 3.1 31407 Troubleshooting Stacker 3.1 Ram Disks 31408 Running a Disk Repair Utility on a Stacker Drive 31502 Norton Safe Format not Stacker-Aware 4401 PC-Kwik disk cache boot sector mismatch 4402 Using Disk Technician on a Stacker drive 4403 Backing up a Stacker drive 4404 File Allocation Tables not identical using Check.exe 4406 Super PC-Kwik & Stacker 4.0 4407 Optimizer Errors 109/110, 120 & 170 4408 Error Running Norton Disk Doctor 4409 Stacker 4.0 & Disk Caches Configuration Issues 2504 Bootable Stacker Recovery Disk 2505 Bootable, Self Mounting Stacker removable Disks 2506 Configuring a CD-ROM 2508 Erratic Operation of Floppy Drives 3501 "Lost Sector Groups" and Stacker 3.0 3502 Stacker 3.0 and MS-Access 3503 Stacker and Tandy Sensation 3504 Adding Hard Drives and Software to Your Stacked System 3506 Inaccessible Removable Drives 3507 Compressing Large Drives 31503 Novell Networks & Stacker 3.1 31509 Managing Your Money & Stacker 3.1 31510 Macola Accounting & Stacker 3.1 31511 Prentice Hall Financial Reporting & Stacker 3.1 31512 Invisible Net & Stacker 3.1 31513 Word 3.0 for DOS & Stacker 3.1 31514 Microsoft Works 3.0 & Stacker 3.1 4501 Adaptec SCSI disk controllers 4502 ALR VEISA computers & Stacker 4503 Plus Passport Removeable Hard Drives 4504 Loading Stacker high with WD 7000 FASST SCSI controller 4505 Compressing Large Drives with Stacker 4.0 4506 Stacker 4.0 and Stacker for OS/2 & DOS 4507 Files Required on the Uncompressed Drive 4508 Stacker Coprocessor Card & Stacker 4.0 4509 Tuning Stacker 4.0 for Maximum Speed 4510 PKZIP 2.04 & Stacker 4.0 4511 Automounting Removeable Stacker Drives 4512 The Stac Bulletin Board (BBS) 4513 Setup on an IBM PS/1 (Stacker 4.0) 4514 Configuring a CD-ROM with Stacker 4.0 4515 Stacker 4.0 & the Tandy Sensation! 4516 What is Preloading Stacker? Using the Stacker Utilities 2601 Using SREMOVE 2602 Stacker Drive Space Reporting 2603 Stacker And Slack Space 3405 Sdefrag Errors 109/110, 120, and 170 31014 The STACKER.INI file, Stacker 3.1 31603 Stacker Drive Space Reporting 31604 DCONVERT Error #23 31605 DCONVERT Safety Check Errors 31701 Replacing Bad or Missing System Files 4407 Optimizer Errors 109/110, 120 & 170 4601 Converting Removable Dblspace Disks 4602 Updating Removable Stacker Disks 4604 Sdefrag/Optimizer error 101 4603 Stacker 4.0 Space Reporting 4605 Uncompress fails with Optimizer error 101 4606 Removing Stacker From Your System 4607 Stacker Utilities & Lantastic Networks Write Protected Stacker Drives and Other Boot Errors 2701 Write Protected Stacker Drives 2702 Bad or Missing Command Interpreter 3701 SDEFRAG Error #04 3702 Check Error 27, Stacker 2.x & 3.x 3703 Mount ID Write Error, Stacker 2.x & 3.x 31703 Too Fragmented Not Mounted 31704 Size Mismatch, Existing Installation 31705 Size Mismatch, New Installation 31706 Reboot During Sdefrag, Not Mounted 31707 Reboot During Sdefrag, Write Protected 4701 Restoring damaged Stacvol file headers 4702 Repairing damaged Stacvol files (Size Mismatch) 4703 Too Fragmented Not Mounted after Upgrade 4704 Restart during Optimize, Write Protected 4705 Restart during Optimize, Not Mounted 4706 Check I/O Access Denied error 27 4707 Size Mismatch (NEW Installation) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics