----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER DEVELOPER'S TOOL KIT STAC FAX 1108 (3/16/94) ----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER DEVELOPER'S TOOL KIT Your software's access to the most advanced data compression available Features: --------- High Performance Stacker LZSTM Lossless Compression Engines ----------------------------------------------------------- 50% faster (0.5 MB/sec) than Stac's previous software compression engines (the LZS221 compression libraries). LZS Server aware providing transparent access to Stacker's compression engine (1 MB/sec) and Stacker LZS coprocessors (up to 12 MB/sec) supplying the fastest lossless compression available. 2 to 1 average compression ratio. 9 levels of compression vs. speed performance tuning. QIC-122 compatible. Supports the QIC-40, QIC-80, QIC-3010, and QIC-3020 tape formats. Registered with IETF, and ANSI. Compressed data format fully compatible with Stac's LZS221 compression libraries (available for 80x86, 68000, i960, 386 flat protected mode, and C) and Stac's high speed compression chips for full cross platform data portability. Direct Transfer of Compressed Data ---------------------------------- Allows transfer of compressed data from Stacker drives directly to tape, across networks, over modems, or to other media without decompress and recompress. Stacker Compatibility Functions ------------------------------- 7 Informational functions supplying over 60 items of information about Stacker and Stacker drives, including individual file compression ratios 6 Functions for manipulating Stacker drives Includes tools for writing Stacker aware installation programs Discussion of testing considerations for Stacker aware software Documentation: -------------- 108 page manual The entire manual is also supplied as a Windows help file General: -------- A total of 19 Windows functions and 18 DOS functions Example programs for every function (22 total) .LIB file partitioned into 25 object modules for minimal overhead Development Tool Support: Borland C/C++ version 2.0 thru 3.1 ------------------------- Microsoft C/C++ version 6.0 and 7.0 MASM 6.0 TASM 3.1 Turbo Pascal 6.0 and 7.0 Memory Model Support: Tiny thru huge --------------------- Price: Call Stac OEM licensing Department ------ at (619) 431-7474 Stacker and Stacker LZS are trademarks of Stac Electronics. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 Stac Electronics