----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER 4.0 FEATURES AND BENEFITS STAC FAX 1110 (02-15-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Why Upgrade To Stacker 4.0? Get the Most Space with Stacker 4.0. Guaranteed. - Stacker 4.0 for Windows & DOS takes real-time compression to a new level --- beyond the 2:1 barrier! - Stac's patented Stacker LZS™ technology, now in its fourth generation, uses new Stacker SmartPack™ to store your data even more efficiently, giving you the maximum disk space possible. The larger your drive, the greater the gain you'll get from Stacker 4.0 for Windows & DOS. - On a 250 megabyte hard drive that was increased to 500 megabytes with your current version of Stacker, Stacker 4.0 will give you 125 megabytes of extra space for your applications and data. - Stacker 4.0 will outperform any real-time data compression product on the market --- or your money back. Get Quick Access to All Stacker tools from Windows - The new Stacker Windows Toolbox makes managing your drives easier than ever. You never have to leave Windows to access the Stacker tools. - You can see all your drives at a glance and choose your compression controls from the handy Stacker toolbar. - Easy-to-read gauges show you how much of your disk is devoted to programs and data, how much is already compressed, and how much of your data has not yet been backed up. - New sight and sound warnings alert you to changing disk conditions, including how much disk space you have left. Lower Your DOS Memory Usage - If you use DOS 6 on a 386 or higher system with extended memory, Stacker 4.0 only requires 17 kilobytes of DOS conventional memory, memory below 1 megabyte, as compared to the 40-47 kilobytes of DOS conventional memory used by previous versions of Stacker and other compression utilities. Features And Benefits Features Of Stacker 4.0 1. The Most Space, Guaranteed. - Stacker 4.0 for Windows & DOS takes real-time compression to a new level --- beyond the 2 to 1 barrier! - Stac's patented Stacker LZS technology, now in its fourth generation, uses new Stacker SmartPack to store your data even more efficiently, giving you the maximum disk space possible. - On a 250 megabyte hard drive that was that was increased to 500 megabytes with your current version of Stacker, Stacker 4.0 will give you 125 megabytes of extra space for your applications and data. - Today's applications require more space than ever -- fifteen to twenty megabytes of space is not uncommon. With Stacker 4.0 you don't need go through the hassles of adding a new hard drive, such as, costly hardware and installation, or finicky system configuration problems. With Stacker 4.0 getting extra drive space is only minutes away. If you do outgrow your current hard drive, Stacker 4.0 will make sure that you get the very most from your hardware investment. - Stacker 4.0 will outperform any real-time data compression product on the market --- or your money back. 2. Get Quick Access to All Stacker Tools from Windows - Now, all of Stacker's tools are available from either DOS or Windows. If you spend most of your time in Windows, Stacker 4.0's new Windows Toolbox will give you control over your Stacker drives from within Windows. If you prefer to work in DOS, the familiar Stacker Toolbox is there for you. - The new Stacker Windows Toolbox makes managing your drives easier than ever. You can see all your drives at a glance and choose your compression controls from the handy Stacker toolbar. - The Stacker 4.0 Windows Toolbox has easy-to-read gauges that show you how much of your disk is devoted to programs and data, how much is already compressed, and how much of your data has not yet been backed up. - New sight and sound warnings alert you to changing disk conditions, including how much disk space you have left. 3. Lower Your DOS Memory Usage - If you use DOS 6 on a 386 or higher system with extended memory, Stacker 4.0 only requires 17 kilobytes of DOS conventional memory, memory below 1 megabyte, as compared to the 40 - 47 kilobytes of DOS conventional memory used by previous versions of Stacker and other compression utilities. - Stacker 4.0 is able to do this through the use of DOS Protected Mode Services (DPMS) technology, licensed from Novell, which moves a large portion of the Stacker driver into a protected area of extended memory where other DOS applications cannot interfere with it. - To use the DOS Protected Mode Services (DPMS) feature of Stacker 4.0, you must have a 386 or higher system with extended memory, and you must be running DOS 6.0 or higher (MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2, PC-DOS 6.1, Novell DOS 7.0). 4. New Safety Feature! Safeguard Your Data with Stacker's New Protected Mode Driver - Stacker has always been the leader in safety. For DOS 6 users, Stacker 4.0 uses DOS Protected Mode Services (DPMS) technology, licensed from Novell, to move a large portion of the Stacker driver into a protected area of extended memory. The use of DPMS ensures that other applications won't be able to interfere with the Stacker driver. - No other stand-alone data compression product offers you this added safety. - To use the DOS Protected Mode Services (DPMS) feature of Stacker 4.0, you must have a 386 or higher system with extended memory, and you must be running DOS 6.0 or higher (MS-DOS 6.0 and 6.2, PC-DOS 6.1, Novell DOS 7.0). 5. New Safety Feature! Automatically Back Up Your Important File System Information - New Stacker AutoSave maintains duplicate sets of your important file system information in a secure area outside of the compressed disk. - Stacker 4.0's AutoSave feature automatically backs-up important file system information including the boot sector, the file allocation table on the compressed and the uncompressed drive, and the root directory. - These important backups are automatically and transparently updated to ensure you're safe to the last back-up. 6. Tune Your System To Get The Maximum Space Or Speed - With Stacker 4.0, you have 10 settings to choose the best balance of space and speed for your computer. Fine-tune with Stacker MaxSpace, Stacker MaxSpeed, or anywhere in between. - You can access the Stacker Tuner from the new Stacker Windows Toolbox. 7. Store Even More Data on Floppies - Our enhanced Stacker Anywhere gives you up to 3.4 megabytes of space on floppy disks. - Like before, Stacker Anywhere lets you read and write to compressed floppies and other removables on machines that aren't running Stacker. - You can be confident your data is always accessible anywhere you need to work. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics