--------------------------------------------------------------- Stacker Note Stacker Note Press Release StacFax 1111 --------------------------------------------------------------- The following press release was issued on February 23, 1994. Stac wins software patent infringement lawsuit against Microsoft; jury awards $120 million in damages to Stac LOS ANGELES--Feb. 23, 1994-- Stac Electronics(NASDAQ:STAC), a leading supplier of data compression products for doubling the storage capacity of personal computers, announced Wednesday that it has won its patent infringement lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. of Redmond, Wash. The jury awarded Stac $120 million in compensatory damages forMicrosoft's past infringement. The jury also found in favor of Stac on Microsoft's counterclaims of patent infringement and breach of contract. Judge Rafeedie had earlier ruled in Stac's favor on Microsoft's counterclaim of fraud. In the first patent infringement lawsuit against Microsoft to ever reach trial, the jury unanimously found that Microsoft infringed two of Stac's patents, U.S. Patent No. 5,016,009 "Data Compression Apparatus and Method," and No. 4,701,745 "Data Compression System," in the DoubleSpace disk compression utility included in its MS-DOS version 6 operating system for IBM compatible personal computers. The company intends to file a motion with the Court asking for a permanent injunction enjoining Microsoft from shipping MS-DOS 6 with DoubleSpace and from infringing upon Stac's patented data compression technology in any other manner. "This is a landmark decision with respect to software patents. We are pleased the jury has found that our patents are valid and enforceable and that Microsoft's MS-DOS 6 product infringes," said Gary Clow, chairman and chief executive officer of Stac Electronics. "However, we are concerned that the jury has found that Microsoft can protect undocumented calls as trade secrets. Both of these decisions will have a profound effect on how companies, both large and small, compete in the software industry." The jury found in Microsoft's favor on only one of Microsoft's seven counterclaims. Microsoft was awarded approximately $13.6 million in damages for misappropriation of trade secrets. The counterclaim stemmed from Stac's attempts to make Stacker 3.1 compatible with an undocumented data compression interface in MS- DOS 6. The trial, which lasted for four weeks, followed by six days of jury deliberations, was the result of a patent infringement suit brought by Stac against Microsoft on Jan. 25, 1993. Stac Electronics is a leading supplier of high-performance data compression products for personal computers. Implemented in software and silicon, Stac's products are sold direct from the company and through retail and OEM sales distribution channels worldwide. ------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright 1994 Stac Electronics