----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE MEMORY MANAGEMENT & STACKER (Applies to All Stacker Versions) STAC FAX 2101 (05-10-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND The goal of memory management is to achieve the maximum conventional memory (the area below 640K). You may move device drivers such as Stacker to areas of memory called Upper Memory Blocks (UMB's) in order to maximize conventional memory. The manner in which you move Stacker into the UMB's will depend upon the configuration of your system. Factors include the type of CPU (ex. 80386), the version of DOS, the version of Stacker, and which memory manager you have. CPU's prior to the 80286 do not support memory management. Whatever your configuration, the Stacker line in the CONFIG.SYS file must be manipulated by a properly configured memory manager in order to load Stacker high. NOTE: IF YOU ARE USING THE STACKER XT-8 CO-PROCESSOR HARDWARE, SEE STAC FAX 2102. SOLUTIONS - Use a commercial memory manager that automates the memory management process, or - Use the memory managers incorporated into DOS to manually load Stacker high, or - Use the proper expanded memory manager software and hardware for 80286 processors. USE OF COMMERCIAL MEMORY MANAGERS 1. Commercial memory managers such as QEMM, 386MAX, Netroom, and MS-DOS 6.0/6.2's Memmaker automate the complexity of memory management. You may install these products on a Stacker drive and use them in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to load Stacker (and other) device drivers high. 2. DOS versions prior to 5.0 do not include their own memory managers, and a commercial memory manager is required to load device drivers such as Stacker high.. MANUAL USE OF DOS MEMORY MANAGERS Note: These procedures assume an 80386 or better processor. DOS versions 5.x and 6.x include memory managers called HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE that may be used to manually load Stacker high. (As noted above, MS-DOS 6.0/6.2 also includes the automated memory manager, Memmaker.) 1. The Stacker device driver may be loaded into the UMB's if the system is configured properly and if there is a UMB large enough to accommodate it. Freeing up UMB's that are large enough may require much trial and error. You may have to experiment with the order in which device drivers are loaded. If you attempt to load the Stacker driver into the UMB's and they are not large enough, the driver will simply load into the lower 640k of conventional memory. Complete details on using DOS's memory managers are included in your DOS documentation. 2. The CONFIG.SYS file must contain the following statements (in this order): DEVICE=C:\\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\\EMM386.EXE DOS=UMB where is DOS or WINDOWS and are explained later. 3. Load the Stacker device driver HIGH by changing the syntax from DEVICE= to DEVICEHIGH= in CONFIG.SYS: For Stacker versions 3.0 and earlier, or DOS version 5.x with any Stacker version: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK becomes DEVICEHIGH=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK Notes: (1) For Stacker versions prior to 3.0, you may have to copy the files HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE to the uncompressed boot drive to ensure they are available during startup. Type STACKER at the DOS prompt. The drive that swaps with drive C: is the uncompressed boot drive. (2) Stacker's SSWAP program is not memory-resident. Therefore, it is not necessary to load its device driver high. (3) The Stacvol file name will not appear on the STACKER.COM line with Stacker 4.0. For Stacker version 3.1 and later and most versions of DOS 6 or later DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACHIGH.SYS becomes DEVICEHIGH=C:\STACKER\STACHIGH.SYS Note that with Stacker 4.0, the DEVICEHIGH statement is automatically inserted. 4. EMM386.EXE switches (parameters) tell EMM386 to perform a variety of functions like opening the Upper Memory Area for device drivers and other memory-resident programs, or to create Expanded (EMS) memory for applications. The switches you choose will depend on your applications and the type of memory they require. -If no EMS memory is required, use the NOEMS parameter. This will provide access to the UMBs and create 64K more usable space than the RAM parameter. No EMS services will be provided. For example: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS -If some applications use EMS memory, use the RAM parameter. This will provide access to the UMBs and create a 64k EMS page frame. For example: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM -For further information concerning the EMM386 switches, see your DOS documentation. 5. To see if the Stacker device driver was successfully loaded into the UMB's, use the DOS MEM command. Type: MEM /C to view the memory map. USE OF EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGERS WITH 80286 PROCESSORS 1. Loading Stacker high on an 80286 computer requires the appropriate memory management software such as QRAM or MOVE'EM, and hardware support for the Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) 4.0. An expansion board usually provides hardware support . Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics