----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE THE STACKER XT/8 COPROCESSOR CARD & EMM386 (Applies to All versions of Stacker ) STAC FAX 2102 (01-03-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Many people use DOS's EMM386 as their memory manger. If you have the XT/8 coprocessor card you must exclude its 16K upper memory address range from use by EMM386. EXCLUSION OF MEMORY ADDRESS For Stacker versions 3.0 or prior, you can determine the coprocessor address by examining the /B= parameter on the Stacker device line in CONFIG.SYS. For Stacker 3.1 the /B= parameter will be found in the STACKER.INI file. Refer to your Stacker User's Guide for information on examining the STACKER.INI file. For example, if /B=CC00, the EMM386 line would read: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS x=cc00-cfff Failure to exclude the address will result in the message "Coprocessor not functioning, invoking software driver." The following table lists the seven possible memory ranges, based on the base address of the XT/8 co-processor card. Base Address to Exclude c400 c400-c7ff c800 c800-cbff cc00 cc00-cfff d000 d000-d3ff d400 d400-d7ff d800 d800-dbff dc00 dc00-dfff NOTE: The Stacker AT/16 card uses an exclusive I/O address so it requires no special treatment. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics