_________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKING A PALMTOP COMPUTER (Applies to Stacker for Windows & DOS 3.0) STAC FAX 3004 (08/19/93) _________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND Stacker works great on DOS-based palmtop computers with hard RAM drives. You need a special procedure to install it, however. This procedure necessitates the use of a second, larger computer with a hard disk and the ability to transfer files to the palmtop. The larger computer should have at least 2 MB of free space on the hard disk. SOLUTION You have to build an empty Stacker drive on the larger computer, then copy it to the palmtop and arrange access. 1. Run the Stacker Setup program on the host computer as described in the manual. 2. If offered a choice between "Express" and "Custom", choose Custom and select a disk with free space. 3. When offered a choice between "Entire Drive" and "Free Space", choose Free Space. 4. In the "Space to Use" field, type a value about 100 KB smaller than your palmtop RAM card (minus any "boot" files you require). Then choose Stack. 5. After Setup is finished, restart the larger computer to mount the Stacker drive. 6. Transfer all the files from the palmtop to the new Stacker drive. 7. Delete everything except the boot files from your palmtop RAM card. Boot files are the DOS system files and device drivers installed in the CONFIG.SYS file. 8. Transfer STACKER.COM from the larger computer to the root directory of the RAM card. 9. To make the Stacker drive movable, type: SATTRIB -A-H-R d:\STACVOL.000 where d is the drive where you created it. 10.Copy STACVOL.000 to the root directory of the RAM disk. 11.Use any text editor to edit the CONFIG.SYS file on the RAM card and add this line: DEVICE=C:\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.000 12.Restart the palmtop computer. You should now have a new drive containing the data previously on drive C. This new drive is assigned the next available drive letter, which in most cases, will be drive D. Some programs may have to be reconfigured due to their relocation. 13.If your wish to "Swap" drives C and D, transfer SSWAP.COM to the root directory of the RAM card and add the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\SSWAP.COM C:\STACVOL.000 /SYNC _________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics