----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER COPROCESSOR DRIVERS (Applies to Stacker 3.1 for Windows and DOS) STAC FAX 31017 (11-23-1993) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If your Stacker coprocessor was installed and working at the time you installed Stacker 3.1, you can configure Stacker 3.1 to resume using it by following these instructions. NOTE: These instructions only apply if you are running Stacker 3.1 for MS-DOS 6. SOLUTION Determine the base address for your AT/16 or XT/8 coprocessor Add the coprocessor driver to your CONFIG.SYS file Restart your computer Determine the base address for your AT/16 or XT/8 coprocessor Skip to the last section, "Add the coprocessor driver to your CONFIG.SYS file," if you have the MC/16 coprocessor. 1. From the DOS prompt, type STACKER and press . 2. Note the drive letter of the uncompressed drive which is exchanged with C (your boot drive). The drive letter is displayed in the far right column. 3. From the DOS prompt, type STACINI drive: where drive: is the letter of the uncompressed boot drive. 4. Locate the /B= switch. If it's missing then skip to the next section, "Determine the base address using SDIAG." Otherwise, write down the number after the /B=. This is the base address for your coprocessor. The possible base addresses are: AT/16 XT/8 ----- ---- 200 C400 220 C800 240 CC00 260 D000 280 D400 2A0 D800 2E0 DC00 5. The /B= switch has no effect in the STACKER.INI file. Move the cursor to this line and press DEL repeatedly to remove it. 6. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. Skip to the last section, "Add the coprocessor driver to your CONFIG.SYS file." Determine the base address using SDIAG 1. If the /B= switch is missing, press ESC to return to the DOS prompt. You will need to run the program SDIAG_AT or SDIAG_XT to find the valid address for your coprocessor card. 2. If you have the XT/8 card, disable your memory manager before testing for an address. 3. To run SDIAG_AT or SDIAG_XT, type the following: SDIAG_AT (or SDIAG_XT) address where address is a value from the above table. Through trial and error, you will test each of the seven possible addresses until SDIAG verifies the correct one. The default address for the AT/16 card is 280 and C800 for the XT/8 card, so try these first. If the address is valid you will see the following message: Address
Passed. Write down the address and skip to the section, "Add the coprocessor driver to your CONFIG.SYS file." 4. If the address is not valid you will see the following message: Error: Data miscompare Address
Failed Before testing the next address, you must restart your system by either pressing the reset button or turning your computer off and on again. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you determine the correct address. Add the coprocessor driver to your CONFIG.SYS file 1. To edit your CONFIG.SYS file, change to the root directory of drive C and type ED CONFIG.SYS and press . 2. Type one of these lines immediately before the line that begins with "DEVICE. . ." and ends with "...STACHIGH.SYS": DEVICE = C:\STACKER\LZS_XT8.SYS /B=base address or DEVICE = C:\STACKER\LZS_AT16.SYS /B=base address or DEVICE = C:\STACKER\LZS_MC16.SYS where base address is the address you determined in a previous step. 3. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. 4. Restart your computer to put the change into effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 Stac Electronics