_________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE RECONFIGURING STACKER 3.1 FOR HARD CARDS WITH MOUNT ID WRITE ERROR STAC FAX 31019 (10/07/93) _________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND If you implemented a work around for a Hard Card with a "Mount ID Write Error," you can install updated Stacker files and reverse the work around to fully utilize Stacker 3.1. SOLUTION The primary work around for this error consisted of mounting the Hard Card's STACVOL file in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file instead of STACKER.INI. Work around #1 mounted the Hard Card "replaced," while work around #2 mounted the Hard Card "swapped." Select the appropriate procedure to reverse your work around. REVERSING WORK AROUND #1, MOUNTING THE COMPRESSED HARD CARD REPLACED If you implemented this work around: 1. Added the line /RP=2 to STACKER.INI, 2. Deleted or commented out the Hard Card STACVOL file in STACKER.INI, 3. Added the line C:\STACKER\STACKER D: to AUTOEXEC.BAT, where D is the drive letter of your Hard Card. Do this to reverse it: 1. Run setup from disk 1 to install the updated Stacker files. Follow the Setup screens, and restart your system when prompted at the "Setup/Upgrade Complete" screen. 2. To make the proper entries in STACKER.INI, from the DOS prompt, type: C:\STACKER\CONFIG 3. At the prompt, "Change C:\STACKER.INI as indicated (y,N)?," type: Y 4. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Delete the line C:\STACKER\STACKER D: where D is the drive letter of your Hard Card. 5. Save the file and exit to DOS. 6. Restart your computer. REVERSING WORK AROUND #2, MOUNTING THE COMPRESSED HARD CARD SWAPPED If you implemented this work around: 1. Added the line /SW=DF to STACKER.INI, where D is the drive letter of your Hard Card and F is the drive with which it swaps, 2. Replaced the Hard Card STACVOL file in STACKER.INI with an asterisk (*), 3. Added the line C:\STACKER\STACKER D:=F:\STACVOL.DSK to AUTOEXEC.BAT, where D is the drive letter of your Hard Card and F is the drive with which it swaps. Do this to reverse it: 1. Run setup from disk 1 to install the updated Stacker files. Follow the Setup screens, and restart your system when prompted at the "Setup/Upgrade Complete" screen. 2. From the DOS prompt, type STACKER and press . 3. Note the drive letter of the uncompressed drive which is exchanged with C (your boot drive). The drive letter is displayed in the far right column. 4. From the DOS prompt, type: C:\STACKER\STACINI drive: where drive: is the letter of the uncompressed boot drive. 5. Erase all entries in the STACKER.INI file. Press Ctrl+K repeatedly until the file is empty. 6. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. 7. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Delete the line: C:\STACKER\STACKER D:=F:\STACVOL.DSK where D is the drive letter of your Hard Card and F is the drive with which it swaps. 8. Save the file and exit to DOS. 9. Restart your computer. The data on your compressed Hard Card will be temporarily unavailable. 10. To rebuild your STACKER.INI file, from the DOS prompt, type: C:\STACKER\CONFIG 11. At the prompt, "Change C:\STACKER.INI as indicated (y,N)?," type: Y _________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics