----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE REINSTALLING MS-DOS 6.0 AND OPTIONAL PROGRAMS (Applies to Stacker 3.1 & 4.0) STAC FAX 31305 (03-01-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND. The MS-DOS 6.0 setup program may fail if MS-DOS 6.0 is already installed and drive C is compressed with Stacker. Under this configuration, MS-DOS 6.0 setup cannot identify your hard disk's startup partition. SOLUTION Disable swapping of drive C Restart your computer and set PATH to the compressed boot drive Run MS-DOS SETUP /E or SETUP /Q Enable swapping of drive C and restart your computer Modify SYSTEM.INI and PROGMAN.INI Disable swapping of drive C (Stacker 4.0) 1. From the DOS prompt type: ED /I . 2. Change the swap parameter on the line C:\STACVOL.DSK from SW to NS. C:\STACVOL.DSK,NS 3. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. Disable swapping of drive C (Stacker 3.1) 1. Insert Stacker Disk 1 into drive A or B. 2. Change to the floppy disk drive by typing A: (or B:) and pressing . 3. From the DOS prompt, type STACKER and press . 4. Note the drive letter of the uncompressed drive which is exchanged with C (your boot drive). The drive letter is displayed in the far right column. 5. From the DOS prompt, type \TOOLS\STACINI drive: where drive: is the letter of the uncompressed drive. 6. Change the swap parameter on the line C:\STACVOL.DSK from SW to NS. C:\STACVOL.DSK,NS 7. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. Restart your computer and set PATH to the compressed boot drive 1. Restart your computer. 2. At the DOS prompt, type: PATH=drive:\DOS;drive:\;drive:\WINDOWS where drive is the letter of the drive which is exchanged with C. Run MS-DOS SETUP /E or SETUP /Q Select the appropriate installation procedure. TO REINSTALL MS-DOS 6.0 1. To reinstall all of MS-DOS 6.0, run SETUP /Q from Setup Disk 1. After the welcome message, setup displays default system settings: DOS Type: MS-DOS MS-DOS Path: C:\DOS Display Type: VGA 2. Change MS-DOS Path to the drive which is exchanged with C. For example, if C swaps with H, change the path to H:\DOS. MS-DOS Path: H:\DOS 3. Follow the instructions on your screen. TO INSTALL OR RECONFIGURE MS-DOS 6.0 OPTIONAL PROGRAMS 1. To install or reconfigure MS-DOS 6.0 optional programs Anti- Virus, Backup, or Undelete, run SETUP /E from Setup Disk 1. 2. Follow the instructions on your screen. ENABLE SWAPPING OF DRIVE C AND RESTART YOUR COMPUTER If you are using Stacker 4.0 1. From the DOS prompt type: ED /I . 2. Change the swap parameter on the line C:\STACVOL.DSK back to SW. C:\STACVOL.DSK,SW 3. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. 4. Restart your computer. If you are using Stacker 3.1 1. Insert Stacker Disk 1 into drive A or B. 2. Change to the floppy disk drive by typing A: (or B:) and pressing . 3. From the DOS prompt, type \TOOLS\STACINI C: 4. Change the swap parameter on the line C:\STACVOL.DSK back to SW. C:\STACVOL.DSK,SW 5. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. 6. Restart your computer. MODIFY SYSTEM.INI AND PROGMAN.INI MS-DOS 6.0 includes optional programs for Windows. If you installed or reconfigured these options running SETUP /E as described in this document, then you must modify your SYSTEM.INI and PROGMAN.INI files. 1. Edit the file PROGMAN.INI in your Windows directory. Find the line: Group=drive:\DOS\WNTOOLS.GRP where drive is the letter of the uncompressed drive which is exchanged with C. Change drive to C: Group=C:\DOS\WNTOOLS.GRP 2. Save the file. NOTE: If you start Windows before making this modification, you will get the error "Cannot open program group file drive:\DOS\WNTOOLS.GRP'. Load it in the future?" Click YES, then make the modification. Program Manager will correctly display the Microsoft Tools program group the next time you start Windows. 3. Edit the file SYSTEM.INI in your Windows directory. Find the VFINTD.386 line in the [386Enh] section: [386Enh] . . ;======== MS-DOS 6 Setup Modification - Begin ======== device=drive:\DOS\VFINTD.386 ;======== MS-DOS 6 Setup Modification - End ======== where drive is the letter of the uncompressed drive which is exchanged with C. Change drive to C: device=C:\DOS\VFINTD.386 4. Save the file. NOTE: If you start Windows before making this modification, you will get the error "Cannot find a device file that may be needed to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode. You need to run the Setup program again. drive:\DOS\VFINTD.386 Press a key to continue." Press any key, then change your SYSTEM.INI file. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics