----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE INSTALLING MS-DOS 6.2 (Applies to Stacker 3.1 for Windows & DOS and MS-DOS 6.2) STAC FAX 31306 (11-15-1993) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND The MS-DOS 6.2 Setup program may not correctly detect some Stacker 3.1 drives. You may have experienced these problems while setting up DOS 6.2: DOS 6.2 reports there must be at least 4,200,000 bytes free on drive C (even if you do have the space free) DOS 6.2 reports that it cannot update certain files Hopefully, Microsoft will remedy these problems in future releases of DOS. Meanwhile, Stac provides a simple solution. You need a file called 62STAC.EXE. It is available on CompuServe, America Online, or the Stac BBS. Use this file BEFORE installing MS-DOS 6.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Important: If you've installed MS-DOS 6.2 and can no longer access your Stacker drives or receive the message BAD OR MISSING COMMAND INTERPRETER, you'll have to temporarily uninstall MS-DOS 6.2. Insert the Uninstall disk in drive A and restart your system. After DOS is successfully uninstalled, press R to restore the previous version of DOS. Then, follow the instructions below for using 62STAC.EXE and reinstalling MS-DOS 6.2. ----------------------------------------------------------------- USING 62STAC.EXE To install MS-DOS 6.2 on your Stacker drive: 1. Start you computer normally, and exit from all programs. Switch to the directory where you have copied 62STAC.EXE. 2. Type 62STAC.EXE and press . This will uncompress three files, STAC62.TXT, BEFORE62.EXE, and AFTER62.EXE. 3. Type BEFORE62.EXE and press . Note: this utility must be run just prior to the MS-DOS 6.2 Setup program. If for any reason you restart your system before proceeding to the next step, you must run BEFORE62.EXE again. 4. Run MS-DOS 6.2 Setup per its instructions. 5. When Setup is complete and the system restarts, switch to the appropriate directory and type AFTER62.EXE and press . MS-DOS 6.2 is now completely installed on your system. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 Stac Electronics