----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE READ FAULT ERRORS (Applies to all Stacker versions) STAC FAX 31307 (01-20-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND A Read Fault is a DOS error. It is possible for you to receive this error on a Stacker drive or on an uncompressed drive. Read Faults may affect only a few files, or the entire drive. They are caused either by physical defects on the drive, an improperly connected device, or a memory conflict. Note The best defense against a Read Fault error is a good backup BEFORE the fault occurs. SOLUTION The solutions to Read Fault Errors on a Stacker drive are the same as on an uncompressed drive. - Repair any physical defects. - Remove any memory conflicts. - Properly connect all devices. Repair any physical defects. To repair bad sectors, run a disk repair utility having a surface scan capability. See StacFax 3404 for procedures on using surface scan utilities with Stacker. Remove any memory conflicts. Memory conflicts may involve multiple programs that are accessing the same areas of Upper or Expanded memory, or may result from logical (CHKDSK) errors on the drive. Items to look for: 1. If you are using MS-DOS 6.0, ensure that you are not using a Beta version. Your DOS system files should be dated 3-10-93 or later. 2. Run a disk repair utility or CHKDSK on the drive to ensure there are no logical errors causing the Read Faults. If running the utility from the affected drive invokes a Read Fault, run the utility again from floppy diskette. See StacFax 31408 concerning running a disk repair utility on a Stacker drive. 3. If you are using the Stacker Expanded Memory option, try disabling it to see if the errors cease. Some programs that access the page frame incorrectly may be interfering with Stacker's use of EMS. For Stacker versions 3.0 or earlier Examine the Stacker device driver line in CONFIG.SYS. You should see something like this: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM /EMS C:\STACVOL.DSK Remove the /EMS statement from the line, save the file, and restart your computer. For Stacker version 3.1 From a DOS prompt, type: C:\STACKER\STACKER Note the drive letter of the uncompressed drive that is exchanged with C (your boot drive). In this example it is drive F: DRIVE C: WAS DRIVE C: AT BOOT TIME [ F:\STACVOL.DSK = 100.0MB ] Type: C:\STACKER\STACINI drive: where drive: is the uncompressed boot drive letter. The STACKER.INI file will be displayed. One line of the file will have the /EMS switch by itself. Delete that line, save the file, and restart your computer. 4. Other memory conflicts may take considerable effort and multiple reboots to pin down. You may try different settings on your memory manager, disabling your disk-caching program, disabling memory-resident programs one at a time, changing the order in which programs load in your CONFIG.SYS, or reinstalling memory-resident programs such as device drivers. Properly connect all devices. You should check all connections and switch settings for external drives first, since they are the easiest to access. You may also need to reseat internal devices, such as internal modems, and make sure that all jumpers and switches are set properly. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for details on your devices. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics