----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE TOO FRAGMENTED/NOT MOUNTED AFTER INSTALLATION (Applies to Stacker version 2.x & 3.x) STAC FAX 31703 (01-24-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Stacker invokes a version of Norton's Speedisk during Setup. If Speedisk is interrupted, you may receive the error message that the Stacvol file is "too fragmented, not mounted" when you restart your computer. The same error is indicated if your computer "hangs" at the Stacker device driver upon restart. This means that the Stacvol file which contains your compressed data has too much fragmentation to be usefully mounted. This condition is usually caused by an anti-virus (or other memory-resident) program running during Setup, or by hidden files on the drive. SOLUTION - Determine and correct the error that interrupted Setup. - Restart the Setup. Determine and correct the error that interrupted Setup. Examine your drive and Boot files for conditions that may have caused the error. 1. Look at the STACKER.LOG file that is located in the root directory of the drive you were compressing. You may look at it in any text editor. If no other editor is available, you may use Stacker's ED.EXE (SEDIT.EXE in Stacker version 2.x). This file is located on disk # 2 of Stacker 3.0 and disk # 1 of Stacker 3.1 and 2.x (Disk # 2 for Stacker 2.x if you have the 360KB disks). From the place where ED.EXE is located, type: ED DRIVE:\STACKER.LOG ( or SEDIT DRIVE:\STACKER.LOG for version 2.x) where drive: is the drive letter of the drive you were compressing. Look for any file exceptions that indicate that files were not copied. These are files (probably hidden) that need to be deleted from the drive before restarting the Setup process. Copy these files off the drive and then delete them. 2. Look for hidden files on the drive. If you have DOS 5.0 or later go to the root directory of the hard drive and type: DIR /AH /S This will list all hidden files. Be alert for any hidden directories such as SENTRY or SMARTCAN. These directories contain files you previously deleted, yet were saved to a hidden directory in case you need to recover them. You must delete these files, but you must first disable the deletion- tracking program that created them. "Clean boot" the computer (clean booting is covered below). Then change to the hidden directory and delete all the files in it. 3. Examine your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files for anti- virus or other memory-resident programs such as disk caches. These programs must be disabled during the Setup process. A "clean boot" is the simplest method of disabling these programs. You may also disable them by "remarking" the lines that activate the programs from the boot file. Bring up the appropriate file in a text editor and type: REM at the beginning of the desired line. Restart the Setup process. You must restart Setup where you left off, i.e. where Speedisk was running. The best way to do this is to "clean boot" the system and then run the appropriate Stacker command. A "clean boot" is a computer restart in which no memory-resident programs are loaded. 1. Restart your computer with a DOS startable diskette that has no CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT. 2. For Stacker Version 3.x, insert Stacker disk # 2, log onto that drive, and type: CREATE DRIVE:\STACVOL.DSK /P where drive: is the letter of the drive you were compressing. For Stacker version 2.x, insert Stacker disk # 1 (disk # 2 if you have the 360KB disks) and type: SATTRIB -S -H -R DRIVE:\STACVOL.DSK Then insert Stacker disk # 1 and type: SCREATE DRIVE:\STACVOL.DSK /P where drive: is the letter of the drive you were compressing. This will re invoke Speedisk and will complete Setup for you. After it completes, restart your computer and your Stacker drive will mount normally. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics