----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE REBOOT DURING SDEFRAG, NOT MOUNTED (Applies to all versions of Stacker) STAC FAX 31706 (12-07-1993) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND When Stacker mounts a Stacker drive it verifies the STACVOL file containing the compressed data. If the Stacker Optimizer (SDEFRAG) was interrupted during the "Writing New directories..." stage of optimization, Stacker pauses the normal startup of your computer with this message until the problem is corrected: E: = C:STACVOL.DSK Reboot during SDEFRAG detected - NOT MOUNTED Press any key to continue... SOLUTION Determine the name of the STACVOL file Run SDEFRAG to repair the drive Determine the name of the STACVOL file From a DOS prompt, type STACKER and press . Take note of the unmounted STACVOL file (E:\STACVOL.DSK in this example): Drive C: was drive E: at boot time [E:\STACVOL.DSK - Not mounted] Run SDEFRAG to repair the drive 1. Insert Stacker disk 2, change to that drive, and type one of the following: (For Stacker 2.0 and 3.0) SDEFRAG /Fdrive:\STACVOL.XXX (For Stacker 3.1) SDEFRAG /RESTORE=drive:\STACVOL.XXX where drive:\STACVOL.XXX is the name of the STACVOL file you determined in the previous step. There is no space between /F and the drive letter. 2. Let SDEFRAG repair the Stacker drive and restart your computer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 Stac Electronics