----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE MAKING A NON-STACKER BOOT FLOPPY DISK (Applies to all versions of Stacker) STAC FAX 3304 (2/94) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If you wish to start your computer without mounting your Stacker drives, you may do this from a boot (startable) floppy disk that does not invoke the Stacker device driver. This will give you access to your uncompressed drives only. SOLUTION - Making a boot disk with MS-DOS 6 or greater. - Making a boot disk with PC-DOS 6.1. - Making a boot disk with other DOS versions. Making a boot disk with MS-DOS 6 or greater. 1. Place your MS-DOS Setup disk in drive A or B. 2. From the DOS prompt type the following: A:SETUP /F or B:SETUP /F 3. Follow the instructions on the screen. Remember that MS-DOS allows you to make a boot disk in drive B, but you can still only boot from drive A. Making a boot disk with PC-DOS 6.1. PC-DOS 6.1 presently supports pre-loading compression drivers such as Stacker. The earliest releases of this operating systems did not. You may avoid this issue when making your boot disk by simply making a DISKCOPY of PC-DOS disk 1. This disk is startable and has basic DOS commands on it Making a boot disk with all other versions of DOS. Place a blank formatted disk in the A drive and type the following from the DOS prompt: SYS A: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics