----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER AND THE TANDY SENSATION! (Applies to Stacker version 3.0) STAC FAX 3503 (01-18-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Tandy's Sensation Computer is a Multimedia compatible 486SX with a built in CD-ROM drive. The compatibility issue with Tandy's Sensation Computer revolves around the fact that some of the software which comes with this system makes direct hardware calls to the CD-ROM drive. The actual CD-ROM is capable of being setup as any drive letter. However, the software included with this system requires the CD-ROM drive to be accessed as drive D: Tandy National Technical Support is suggesting to their Sensation customers who are using Stacker, to utilize the ASSIGN command from DOS to reassign letters so that the CD-ROM drive appears as drive D:. This approach has worked in many instances. SOLUTION The first thing that Stacker users will need to do is properly configure the CD-ROM drive on their Tandy Sensation to work with Stacker. Use following procedure to accomplish this task. 1. CONFIG.SYS - Here is a sample Config.sys. It is recommended that the CD-ROM Device Driver be loaded after SSWAP.COM as shown. DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE (this is required if running under DOS 5.0) DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK .....etc. DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK /SYNC DEVICE=SONYCDU.SYS or DEVICE=PCD650S.SYS [/D:name /B:xxx /M:mode] 2. AUTOEXEC.BAT - The CD-ROM drive letter is assigned here withthe /L: parameter on the MSCDEX command line. Take note of the Stacker drive letter assignments at boot time. For example, to determine which drive letters Stacker has been given, type: C:\STACKER\STACKER The output will look similar to: STACKER - Stac Electronics, Carlsbad, CA Drive C: was drive D: at boot time [ D:\STACVOL.DSK ] Drive D: was drive C: at boot time 3. Place an asterisk on the STACKER.COM device line in CONFIG.SYS. The Asterisk should be placed in front of the reference to the Stacvol.dsk file as in the following example. DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM * C:\STACVOL.DSK 4. Set the CD-ROM to the next available drive letter. In this example, the addition of the asterisk above has caused the D: drive to be reserved. The next available drive letter for the CD-ROM is F: In AUTOEXEC.BAT you would assign drive F: on the MSCDEX command line, MSCDEX /D:name /M:x /V /L:letter /E Change /L:Letter to /L:F MSCDEX /D:name /M:x /V /L:F /E 5. Now that the CD-ROM drive has been configured to function with Stacker installed, it is necessary to reassign the CD- ROM back to drive D: so that the Tandy software will recognize it. 6. Add the ASSIGN command to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file below below the MSCDEX command line as follows: ASSIGN D: F: Restart your computer. The result of this procedure is that the Tandy CD-ROM software will now recognize the CD- ROM drive as D:. Drive F: and Drive D: will appear as having the same data on them because they are actually the same drive. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 Stac Electronics