----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE COMPRESSING LARGE DRIVES WITH STACKER (Applies to Stacker 3.x for Windows & Dos) STAC FAX 3507 (01-11-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Stacker uses cluster size to determine the largest compressed partition that it can make. This is important if you plan to compress a physical partition larger than 256 MB. During Setup Stacker will default to an 8 KB cluster size. This means that a default installation on a partition larger than 256 MB may result in multiple compressed drives. If you desire a single compressed partition instead of the default configuration, you may need to choose a larger cluster size. Because cluster size is determined during Setup it cannot be changed after the Stacker partition has been created. SOLUTION Determine the expected size of the compressed partition. Choose the correct cluster size for the compressed partition. Be aware of issues concerning large partitions. DETERMINE THE SIZE OF THE COMPRESSED PARTITION The size of the compressed partition will be determined by the physical size of the partition and the compression ratio. The default compression ratio is 2 to 1. Unless you are an experienced Stacker user, accept the default compression ratio. Multiply the physical size of the partition by the expected compression ratio. For example, a 240 MB partition at the default 2 to 1 compression ratio results in a 480 MB compressed partiton. The same physical partition at a 3 to 1 compression ratio results in a 720 MB compressed partition. The result of the calculation is the expected compressed partition. CHOOSE THE CORRECT CLUSTER SIZE Note: If you find the default configuration satisfactory, Stacker Setup will choose the best cluster size for you. 1. If your drive is already compressed, uncompress all the partitions. See your Stacker User's Guide for details on how to run the UNSTACK command. 2. Run the Stacker Setup. Choose Custom Setup, Advanced Options. 3. At the Advanced Options screen, tab to the Cluster Size selections. Choose the correct cluster size for the expected compressed partition that you calculated. If the expected compressed partition is less than 512 MB, choose "auto". If the expected compressed partition is 512 MB to 1 GB, choose 16K clusters. If the expected compressed partition is 1 GB to 2 GB, choose 32K clusters. 4.Continue compressing the drive in accordance with the instructions on your screen. ISSUES CONCERNING LARGE PARTITIONS 1. When using clusters that are larger then 8 KB, the memory- resident portion of the Stacker device driver will increase significantly. To offset this increase, you may load the cache portion of the driver into the upper memory blocks or expanded memory (if available). You may use the /EMS switch if you have expanded memory available. And if you have sufficient upper memory blocks you may use the /UM switch. For Stacker version 3.0, refer to pages 218-221 of your Stacker User's Guide. For Stacker 3.1, refer to Stacfax 31014. 2. Another result of using large partitions is that drive access may be slower due to the increased size of the directory and file structures. Your system may not have enough memory to allow your disk repair utility to process the directory structure of your large drive. Also, some disk repair utilities may not be compatible with 32 KB clusters (check with the manufacturer of your utilities). 3. Stacker Coprocessor cards do not support the use of clusters larger than 8 KB. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics