----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE COMPRESSING A FLOPPYLESS NOTEBOOK (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4002 (02-18-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Stacker Setup will not run on a machine that doesn't have a floppy disk drive. You must have another computer with a floppy drive, and have the capability of transferring files from that computer to the notebook with a program such as Laplink.. Note It is important to remember that the Software License Agreement provides you with ONE copy of Stacker. Therefore, you can transfer Stacker to the notebook, but provisions of the agreement assume you'll delete it from any other computer. SOLUTION Use the following procedure to compress the hard disk in your notebook computer. You should have DOS on your notebook C drive. You will need about 6 MB of free space on the hard drive of the floppyless notebook. 1. On the notebook, make a directory called STEMP. 2. Use a transfer program such as Laplink to transfer the Stacker files from the Stacker disks in the floppy drive of the "host" computer to the STEMP directory of the notebook. Begin with disk #2, and make disk #1 the last disk you transfer. 3. Change to the STEMP directory on your notebook and type: ED STACKER.LBL . 4. Move your cursor to the third line that reads: "Stacker Diskette 1 of 2". Change the 2 to a 1. The line will now read: "Stacker Diskette 1 of 1". Save the file and exit the editor. 5. Type SETUP . Stacker will now compress your drive. Just follow the instructions on screen. 6. After you have finished compressing your drive, you may delete the STEMP directory and its contents. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics