----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE COMPRESSING A PALMTOP (Applies to Stacker 4.x) STAC FAX 4003 (03-17-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Stacker works great on DOS-based palmtop computers with hard RAM drives. However, the regular Setup will not run on a palmtop since it does not have a floppy drive. Note It is important to remember that the Software License Agreement provides you with ONE copy of Stacker. Therefore, you can transfer Stacker to the palmtop, but provisions of the agreement assume you'll delete it from any other computer. SOLUTION You will need a second "host" computer with a hard drive and file transfer capability to the palmtop. The host computer should have at least 6 MB of free space on the hard disk. Before beginning, review your palmtop's instructions concerning booting from ROM. 1. Run the Stacker Setup program on the host computer. Personalize the Stacker files when requested by entering your name and company name. When offered the option of doing an Express or Custom Setup, choose "Custom". 2. Allow Setup to copy the Stacker files to the default directory. 3. When you are presented with the screen "Entire Drive or Free Space?", choose Free Space. The next screen will ask how much free space to use. Choose a size about 200k smaller than your palmtop ram card. (Minus any "boot" files you require.) 4. Reboot the host computer so the Stacker compressed drive is mounted. Transfer all the files from the palmtop to that Stacker drive. Make sure that the files CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and COMMAND.COM are among the files transferred. 5. Delete everything but the "boot" files from your palmtop ram card. Boot files are the DOS system files and device drivers installed in the Config.sys file. 6. Create a STACKER directory on your palmtop ram card. Transfer STACKER.COM, SSWAP.COM, and CONFIG.EXE to it. 7. Unhide the STACVOL.000 file on the "host" computer. Insert your Stacker Disk # 1 into the computer, go to that drive, and type: \TOOLS\CSA drive: , where drive: is the physical drive where you installed Stacker. 8. Transfer the STACVOL.000 file you created on the host computer to the root directory of the ram card. 9. On the palmtop ram card, rename the STACVOL.000 file to STACVOL.DSK. At the root directory of the palmtop type: REN STACVOL.000 STACVOL.DSK 10. From the STACKER directory of the palmtop, type CONFIG /=P- Answer "Y" for yes when the program offers to make changes to the STACKER.INI file for you. 11. Restart the palmtop computer. The Setup is complete. 12. On the host computer, use the UNCOMP command to uncompress the Stacker drive. Delete all Stacker files from the host computer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics