----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE CREATE ERROR #66 & STACKER 4.0 (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4009 (04-08-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Create Error #66 is described as a "Directory Cluster Mismatch." The error occurs when Setup begins tagging all files on the drive being compressed. When Setup encounters a single directory of more than 2000 files, it may respond with a Create Error #66. In some few cases a Create error #66 may have other causes. These situations must be individually investigated. See your brochure "How to Reach Stac" included in your Stacker 4.0 package. SOLUTION Locate the specific directory where the error condition (2000 or more files in the directory) exists. Break up or remove the directory containing 2000 or more files. Run Stacker Setup again. Locate the directory where the error condition exists In many cases, icon directories have large numbers of files in them. Look for one of these as it may save some time in identifying the problem directory. Locate the directory where the error occurred using a file management utility such as DOSSHELL, File Manager, or Xtree Gold. If these are not available use the DOS DIR command to find the directory in question. Type: DIR x:\ /S /P where x is the drive you want to examine. As the directories scroll by one page at a time, note the number of files contained in each. Break up or remove the directory containing 2000 or more files When you find the directory containing 2000 or more files, do one of the following: 1. Make a temporary subdirectory to move files into. Move (or copy then delete) enough files from the original directory to the temporary directory to bring the number in each to well under 2000. 2. Alternatively, back up the data in the directory containing the 2000 or more files and then delete the files from the directory. Make sure you have backed up the files if you want to keep them. Make sure you are in the directory where you want to delete the files and then type: DEL *.* This will remove all the files in that directory from the drive. Run Stacker Setup again Run the Stacker Setup. After Stacker has been installed you may restore the directory structure. 1. If you used the first method above, you may move (or copy) the files from the temporary directory back to the original directory. You may then remove the temporary directory and its contents. 2. If you used the second method above, you may now restore the backed up data to the original directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics